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As an effective carrier of human material and culture, landscape and environment in bearing people's real needs at the same time, also in silently to the people passing a historical and cultural information. The landscape is just as a story, with their own unique way of discourse, to the people in the story and the past. In twentieth Century60to70years, accompanied by the linguistic study of contemporary western philosophy, known as a "post classical narratology" theory gradually into the contemporary field of literary studies, and landscape subject at the moment is also experiencing a change in trend has idea, repeatedly called post modern period. Can say, in the contemporary western landscape creation practice, for the story of speech features of the landscape is the landscape narrative expression, has become the conscious action more and more designers. For the contemporary landscape creation, narrative theory makes the landscape designers can not only use various forms of language to create more has the characteristics of the times and the cultural connotation of landscape works, but also the people on the landscape works of concern from the previous "picturesque"-like scenes show to the more cultural connotation and cultural value of the "words such as" place construction. At the same time, the related research on the theory and method of narrative theory also provides a perspective and method of new in order to expand research vision of contemporary landscape subject. As to the contemporary landscape of this important shift in the real response to the theory, based on the narrative study of contemporary western landscape theory as the breakthrough point, related theories and methods by means of post classical narratology, through the western landscape design development characteristic of the nineteen seventies since the historical analysis, unique discourse features and essence of contemporary western narrative inquiry landscape show. The ultimate goal is to combine a thorough thinking and theory of contemporary western landscape narrative description, to provide theoretical methods and practical principles which can be used as reference for landscape construction and culture under the background of modern Chinese fast city construction. The full text is divided into six chapters, the main contents of each chapter are as follows:
     The first chapter and the second chapter as the foundation and logical start point, the contemporary landscape architecture discipline described as the premise, combined with the historical narrative and the narrative theory analysis, define the scope of the study and the technical route of the thesis, the landscape as a unique discourse system bearing the human social and cultural life and spiritual ideal, then the landscape creation and aesthetic process as for a particular plot experience and perception process. In this process, the emphasis is on the60of the last century to70years, very different landscape concept and aesthetic field of landscape design of the period and Western modernism.
     The third chapter to the fifth chapter is the main part of the paper, three aspects from the discourse representation, presents the structure, the time processes described in the external features and internal spirit of the contemporary western landscape narrative for. Among them, discourse representation is displayed language features its own landscape through the landscape elements, and revealed in the landscape narrative process of specific connotation, the basic elements of discourse system architecture with landscape narrative is an important basis for the inner meaning expression. Presents the structure of the discourse system of explicit integration with organic order organized for landscape style complete, and indirectly present landscape narrative to express deep meaning. If the above two reflects the landscape has characteristics of space time process, so this chapter is in time for the media landscape and narrative really together, at the same time, space-time composite on the landscape and the external material form perception into the deep spirit connotation recourse. Discourse representation structure, presentation and time flow three chapters construct the modern western landscape narrative theory main research contents.
     The sixth chapter is based on the analysis and discussion of the preceding chapters, apart from the contemporary western landscape narrative research subject, discusses the implications of the study for the concern is not only the works themselves, but extended to work outside of the content, namely who tells the story and what the story have told you. The contemporary western landscape narrative is different from the traditional classical gardens in informing and interpretation process, but a break the previous passive reading behavior, the process leading to enlighten the public into self narrative. At the same time, the contemporary western landscape narrative also unconscious narrative from the traditional gardens in walked out, into the conscious action of the designer, and then become an important means of expression of design thinking. The landscape like language, narrative text as an integral part of people's daily life.
     Through the study, the contemporary western landscape narrative theory according to this paper, multivariate the aesthetic experience and aesthetic perception with landscape narrative subject presentation for Contemporary Western landscape, not only realize the deduction from the "grand narrative" to "the folk narrative" of the times, but also constructs its unique discourse connotation. In the expression of the contemporary western landscape narrative time in the process, the expression of life and times on the landscape of the humanities connotation, has become the core of modern western landscape narrative. Can say, in the era of speech landscape narration in Contemporary Western landscape, not only produces a plot features "words such as" place image, but also with its specific discourse features of the contemporary construction of landscape architecture discipline.
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