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Based on the analysis of the research status of some important problems in purchase management and the characteristics of tobacco enterprises, the solution to the implementation of purchase management system in tobacco enterprises is proposed. Combined with the HCF ERP project sponsored by the national 863 programs, some problems of purchase management in tobacco enterprises such as purchase process, the function framework and realization of software system, purchasing strategy, suppliers selection and evaluation, etc. are studied in this dissertation.
    In chapter 1, the importance and the general situation of purchase management are reviewed. After that, the research status of some key problems in purchase management and the research necessity about these problems are analyzed. Then the research aims of this thesis are pointed out. Finally, the main contents and the architecture of this paper are presented.
    Based on the introduction of information management status in HCF, chapter 2 mainly analyzes HCF's purchase process and further summarizes and puts forward the purchase process model for tobacco enterprises.
    The general function framework of purchase management system for tobacco enterprises is the main topic of chapter 3. Firstly, the requirements of purchase management system are analyzed. Secondly, the function framework and the functions of some main modules are designed. Thirdly, this thesis mainly analyzes the data requirements of purchase business and the design of database is given. Finally, the architecture of the whole software system is presented.
    In chapter 4, a classification method for various purchased materials is proposed which classifies the materials according to the importance of materials and complication of the materials supply market. Then a management strategy portfolio for the different materials is introduced. After that, the models of purchasing management strategy for two important kinds of materials in tobacco enterprises that include tobacco leaves; auxiliary materials and wrapper are discussed.
    In chapter 5, the three-stage model for suppliers selection and evaluation is first proposed, based on the analysis of the necessity of establishing the cooperation relationship with suppliers. Then the evaluation index system for supplier selection and evaluation in tobacco enterprises is set up. After that, the comparison between several common methods for suppliers selection and evaluation is analyzed. At last, this chapter researches the practice of those methods in tobacco enterprises.
    In chapter 6, several key techniques of the software system are introduced by providing some applications examples. Then the operation instances of some main modules in purchase management system of HCF are described.
    In chapter 7, the whole research work of this dissertation is summarized and future research directions are concluded.
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