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Based on the data of seism, geological logging, well logging, well testing, and reservoir properties, etc., applying sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary microfacies theories, this paper comprehensively studied the geological background conditions of the forming of the ES3 reservoir in Wangzhuang Oilfield, the essential correlation between the oil source generating and migating and reserving of this Es3 reservoir, and its sedimentary law. Discovered the controlling effect of the unconformity surface between Es1 and Es3 in Wangzhuang Oilfield on the oil and gas gathering. By means of physical simulation, studied the effect of temperature on the flow behavior of reservoir fluids, and researched for the reservoir sensitivity characteristics. Established the heavy oil steam injection thermal recovery numerical models with featuring the reservoir sensitivity. Applying finite difference method, established numerical models, and developed the software. Applying the software to the specification calculations and predictions of the steam injection production for Zheng 411 Block in Wangzhuang Oilfield, provided a theoretical and practicable method to the same types of reservoir developments.
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