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稠油在集输过程中,要求输送温度较高,同时管网阻力损失较大,导致其集输过程的热力消耗及动力消耗远高于稀油集输过程。因此,对稠油集输系统进行用能分析及评价,对于有效降低系统能耗有重要的现实意义。本文首先阐述了稠油的性质、主要开采技术及稠油集输系统的井口集油、计量站、接转站及集中处理站等组成部分的工艺流程。接着介绍了能量系统的基本概念与热力学分析方法,焓分析、熵分析、 分析三者之中, 分析最具科学性与实用性。 分析准则包括评价准则和分析准则两类。由基本 方程和通用 方程可以直接得到两个 分析的评价准则:热力学完善度和 效率,可对用能设备或系统的整体耗能状况作出宏观评价; 损系数和 损率两种分析准则可辨识能量转换、传递和使用过程的合理性。“两箱”工程 分析法,是指设备的“黑箱—白箱”分析法和系统的“黑箱—灰箱”分析法,已成功地应用于油田生产系统,具有简易而又实用的特点。基于以上,本文最后分别建立稠油集输系统联合站子系统灰箱模型、小站子系统灰箱模型、管网子系统能损模型及集输总系统灰箱模型,并对辽河油田某稠油集输系统进行了应用实例分析,结果表明该系统能量利用率为30.40%,在各油田中属中等水平,其三个子系统也都有一定的节能潜力,根据分析结果可提出一些降低系统能耗的技术措施和建议。
In the process of heavy crude gathering and transferring, the heating and driving consumptions are far higher than that of thin oil, because the upper transport temperature is demanded and the resistance loss of gridiron in the process is so large simultaneously. Thus the energy consumption analysis and appraisal of heavy crude gathering and transferring system is very important to reduce the system energy consumption effectively. Firstly the property of heavy crude, the main technique of exploitation and the technological process of the component parts of the heavy crude gathering and transferring system such as the wellhead manifold, the metering station, the transfer station and the central treating station are introduced. Then the fundamental conception of energy system and the thermodynamics analysis method are explained.Contrasted with enthalpy analysis and entropy analysis, exergy analysis is scientific and practical. Exergy analysis criterion includes appraisal criterion and analysis criterion. Thermodynamics perfection degree and exergy efficiency, which belong to the appraisal criterion, can be directly obtained from the fundamental exergy equation and the universal exergy equation. They can make macroanalysis for the whole energy consumption condition of the equipment or the system. Otherwise, two kinds of analysis criterion, exergy loss coefficient and exergy loss rate, can distinguish the rationality from the process of energy transformation, transmission and service.“Two Box”engineering exergy analysis method includes“black box—white box”exergy analysis method of equipment and“black box—gray box”exergy analysis method of system. They have already been used successfully in the oil field production system and are simply and practical. Based on above, the gray box model of the combined station subsystem, the gray box model of the transfer station subsystem, the energy loss model of the pipe network subsystem and the gray box model of the whole gathering and transferring system are set up. Then some heavy crude gathering and transferring system in Liaohe Oil Field is analyzed for an example. The result indicates that energy efficiency of the system is 30.40%, which belongs to moderate level among the oil fields. Three subsystems all have a certain potential of energy conservation and some relevant suggestions are proposed.
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