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As the developing of the market economic and the maturity of the enterprise management, more and more enterprises have been recognizing that human resource is the most important resource of an enterprise . The shortcut of an enterprise's winning out of the competitors is to develop and manage the enterprise's human resource thoroughly and scientifically. As the important component of an enterprise's human resource developing, staff training plays important role in enhancing employees' quality, accelerating knowledge's and technology's accumulation and enhancing enterprise's cohesions. But how to establish a training system that can accord with the characteristics of an enterprise's developing has been a problem that many domestic enterprisers are concerning and thinking of. Guiding with the theories of modern management, human resource management and staff training, the paper tries to explore how to design a scientific staff training scheme that can make training play sufficient role in enterprise's developi
    ng. And this research can give great contributions on how Chinese enterprises train their staff correctly and how to enhance domestic enterprise's competitive abilities to receive the WTO's challenges.
    The paper introduces the domestic and abroad enterprises' staff training status quo exampled by the enterprises of US's, German, France's and Japanese, and Chinese (say Haier, Yongyou, TCL etc) . And then the paper introduces 9 kinds of training models, namely, systemic training model, transition training model, "national training prize" model, constant developing model, consultant training model, Solomon training model, ST training model, learning organization training model and 3 stages training model. On the basis of analyzing status quos of CQPTAC's developing and its staff training, the paper discusses the problems existing in the company's staff training and illustrates the source of the company's staff training problems lies in the wrong concepts of both managers and employees. Thus only when managers realize that staff training is an investment action and employees realize that they can benefit from the training, will they both pay enough attention to it, and then can staff training go smoothly. Acco
    rding to the results of analysis, the paper designs newcomers' training plan and on-duty-employee training plan respectively. As the end, the paper concludes the results of the company's staff training, and gives some operational suggestions to the domestic enterprises' staff training.
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