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Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Tang,which is under the guidance of Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Method,in treating Xuexu tumor anemia patients with advanced-stage NSCLC.
     Methods:Divided the Xuexu tumor anemia patients with advanced-stage NSCLC which met the demand.30 cases of test group and 30 cases of control group were collected.Both groups were treated with adjuvant therapy by the same standard.the control group used Iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 to improve anemia;the test group added Jian Pi Yi Shen Sheng Xue Tang.The time of treatment was 2 months.We observed the change situation of anemia indicator Hb and Chinese medicine symptoms of Xuexu,and the change of the body function KPS.
     Results: In the change of Hb values, the test group had 56.67% improvement and the control group had 23.33% improvement There was a significant on Ridit Analysis (p<0.05),It is said that the test group is better than the control group by improving the Hb value; In the change of the scores of Xuexu symptoms,the test group had 63.33% improvement and the control group had 20% improvement. There was a significant on Ridit Analysis (p<0.05),It is said that the test group is better than the control group by improving the Xuexu symptoms;To observe the change situation of KPS,the test group was 56.67% improvement,and the control group was 26.67% improvement,There was a significant on Ridit Analysis (p<0.05),It was said that the test group's human functional state is better than the control group's after treatment.
     Conclusion: The application of Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Method (Jianpi Yishen Shengxue tang) to tumor Xuexu anemia in patients with advanced NSCLC was effective.It can increase the Hb level and improve the symptoms of Xuexu .It also can improve the functional status of the human body.Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Method have good effect in treating Xuexu tumor anemia .
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