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茅苍术来源于菊科植物茅苍术Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC.的根茎。《中国药典》将本种与北苍术Atractylodes chinensis (DC.)Koidz.的根茎同作中药苍术的基源。苍术为常用中药,具有燥湿健脾,祛风散寒,明目,解郁,辟秽的功效,用于治疗脘腹胀满,泄泻,水肿,脚气痿蹙,风湿痹痛等。通常认为茅苍术质量优于北苍术。茅苍术因产于江苏茅山而得名,故以江苏茅山一带所产茅苍术为地道。近年来由于人与环境和资源的矛盾,使得江苏茅苍术赖以生存的环境几乎不复存在,茅山苍术已不具备商业采集价值。湖北省茅苍术资源丰富,产量居全国之冠,品质亦优,销邻省,并出口。为开发这一优质药材,满足市场的需要和保护野生药材资源及生态环境,我们在英山县陶河乡、罗田县薄刀峰林场建立茅苍术规范化种植示范基地,开展茅苍术规范化种植和质量标准研究,通过研究制订出茅苍术标准操作规程(SOP)和质量标准。本文仅就茅苍术种子(瘦果)和药材质量标准进行论述。研究的主要内容有:
Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae is a commonly used traditional Chinese herbal medicine. As a regular medicine, it is the dried root of Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC. recorded in various editions of Pharmacopeias in China and also called " maocangzhu " or "nancangzhu" . It's widely used to cure much disease in clinic. Modern pharmacology tests have proved that maocangzhu has effects on abdominal distention, diarrhea, watery distention, rheumatism etc. Chinese doctors in successive dynasties have a high regard for Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae in the maoshan mountain. They think it is the genuine medicinal herbs. But the contradiction between human , environment and resources made the subsistent conditions of "maocangzhu" not exist. Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae in the maoshan mountain can't be carried out commercial collection. While the resources are abundant in hubei province and the quality is high. In order to supply the demand of market and protect the wide resources and the ecological environment, we built
     exemplary bases in yingshan city and luotian city, and carried out standard planting. We worked out research on Standard Operation Procedure ( SOP ) and quality standard. In this paper we only expound the sections of seed quality standard research and quality standard research, the contents read as follows:
    1.Introduction. Textual research on the Chinese medicinal herbs, Biological characters and growing habits, Germplasm resources, Chemical components, Pharmacological action, Clinic use, research on comprehensive utilization of Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae are summarized in this paper.
    2. The section of investigation of the plant resources and the environmental investigation in the exemplary bases. We investigated Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae in the main producing area and found the "maocangzhu" in hubei province is the same as genuine medicinal herbs in maoshan mountain of jiangsu province. Both are Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC.. So we chose the bases in yingshan city and luotian city. The results of environmental investigation in the exemplary bases show that the bases are suited to the green standard and may establish the bases according to the requirement of GAP.
    3. The section of seed quality standard research of Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae. The quality of seed and seedling embodies the scientific and technological level of agriculture. It is the key factor to
    impair quality and quantity. So we have worked out the seed quality standard of Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae in order to guarantee its fine and improved quality.
    4. The section of quality standard research of Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae.A systematical research about Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae was carried out, such as identification of characters, location, collection, preparing method, storage, identification of quality ( including morphology, physical-chemical character ), content assays etc. Basing on the green imports and exports trade standard, we have determined the rudimental content of heavy metal and the organ chlorine pesticides residual in the medicinal material in order to guarantee its quality to accord with the green standard of medical plant.
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