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Objective: To investigate the distribution of the common symptoms among
     postmenopausal (PMOP) women, to certificate the validity and rationality of
     the treatment of Hormone Replacement Treatment (l-IRT) to PMOP, to study
     the expression of MMP-2 and TIMP- I protein in osteoblast of SD rats and to
     assess the change of MMP-2 and TIMP-1 induced by 17-bata extradio (E2),
     progesterone (P), and to understand the mechanism of MMP-2 and TIMP-l in
     bone resorption.
     1. A cross-sectional epidemiological study by questionnaire and a double-
     blind randomized placebo-controlled trial were adopted.
     2. The expression and localization of the MMP-2 in cultured osteoblasts were
     demonstrated immunohistochemically.
     3. The expression of MMP-2 and TI1MP-ImRNA in cultured osteoblast were
     assayed by RT-PCR after E and P were administered respectively.
     1. The prevalent clinical symptom in 1616 cases of both premenopause and
     postmenopause women investigated, aged 40-60 years (mean 46.2), was
     back pains (49.2%) last year.
     2. 19 patients were treated with placebo as control, Fufuchun was
     administered as HRT to 16 patients for 30 days. 16 of 19 observed
     symptoms and their Kuppennan’s values were significantly improved in
     HRT group than control. The Octeocalcin (OCN) and ALP in serum of
     HRT group increase significantly (p    
     3. The expression of MMP-2 proteins was found in cultured osteoblats. Its
     expression could be inhibited by E2.
     4. The expression of MMP-2 mRNA in cultured osteoblasts decreased with
     the dose- increase of and P. MMP-2 mRNA levels were decreased
     significantly when E2 and P was at lO4mol/L , but TIMP-l had no change.
     1. The symptoms of osteoporosis is most common among preimenopausal
     women were confirmed by our epidemiological findings and treatment
     with HRT is effective.
     2. ? and P might decrease the expression of MMP-2 in osteoblast, which
     could lead to increased degradation of bone matrix and bone resorption
     followed acceleration of bone loss, P has same important effect as E2 in the
     treatment of PMOP.
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