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As Old customer is an asset, service organization in every exchange should supply customer the additional value and enhance his repetronage intent, which seem to be impossible. All-mighty service suppler cann't avoid the subtle service failure because of the in inmmaterialitveness, heterogeneitiveness and unreservativeness of service.
    Customer ofen complains after encountering the service. How to transform the passive postcomplaint attitude has already become one of hot topic in the marketing research, but to the service business, the principle of the evaluation of customer to service recovery is still unkown. Fortuanately the theory of perveived justice give us a push to understand the evaluation of customer to recovery.
    In term of perceived justice theory, this paper explores the effect of relationship quality on perveived justice and postcomplaint intent in the process of service recovery. This paper has five parts.
    Chapter 1 introduces the research motivation, intent, object, and range as well as design process.
    Chapter 2 retrospectus the theory of relationship quality, perveived justice and service recovery.
    Chapter 3 devises the research proceed; brings forward the research frame, research hypothesises; explains the related variables; designs the scale.
    Chapter 4 In this research we verify the hypotheses byanalysis of correlation variance, factor analysis and correlation analysis.
    Chapter 5 brings forward the conclusions of the paper; discuss the revelation of the research; at last and give some advice on service marketing, point out the deficiency and the future research orientation.
    This research testifies that relationship quality has the significant effect on perveived justice and postcomplaint intent in the process of service recovery. But the vital statistic variables don't have too much effect.
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