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Industrial agglomeration and regional competitiveness study are hot spots and cutting-edge researches in the regional economics, industry economics and development economics. Nowadays, the key focus in the study of forestry Industrial agglomeration and regional competitiveness is about the origin and formation of the Industrial agglomeration and its effect on the regional forestry competitiveness. But the research on the changes of the forestry industry agglomeration, the evaluation of regional forestry competitiveness and the relationship between the two studies is still relatively weak.
     Based on the regional economics and industry economics, development economics, firstly, the Paper analyzed the factors that bring about the forestry agglomeration. Secondly, based on the statistic data of forestry in Guangxi province, the paper analyzed the Regional concentration and dynamic changes of Industry Concentration Index about forestry industry. Thirdly, the paper designed five System Layers such as forestry production competitiveness, selects 20 Variable indicators, and Conducts an empirical study on the forestry production competitiveness, market competitiveness, technology competitiveness, Capital Competitiveness, ecological contribution and integrated regional Forestry Industry competitiveness level in Guangxi. Lastly, the paper also analyses the relationship between the Industrial agglomeration and regional competitiveness of forestry industry in Guangxi using the Elastic model. The main conclusions of the paper are illustrated below.
     1. Many factors will affect the regional forestry industry competitiveness in Guangxi, which include: level Government policy support and institutional development, natural resource endowment advantage, improvement of the quality of forestry professionals, forest science and technology, forestry industrial restructure and upgrades and opportunities for development of forestry industry. The scale Economies effect、market expansion effect and Competitiveness enhancement effect have became the inducing factors of Industrial agglomeration. The process of industrial agglomeration is heavily influenced by the natural resource endowment, the government's macroeconomic policy guidance, transportation costs, technological development and technological progress, and knowledge spillover.
     2. It is indicated that the Regional industry concentration is stilly low in the Gross output value of forestry, forestry primary industry, tertiary industry, timber production, forestry professionals and forest afforestation area in Guangxi, but high in the forestry secondary industry, forestry investment in fixed assets, investment in forestry bonds, and forestry professional and technical personnel. The paper also comes to the conclusion that the first industry does not exist the phenomenon of industrial agglomeration, the first industry has taken on industrial agglomeration slowly and the tertiary industry has high levels of industrial agglomeration.
     3. Through analysis of the regional forestry industry competitiveness level in 2007, the paper showed that: while talking about the forestry industry manufacturing competitiveness, market competitiveness, technological competitiveness, capital competitiveness, and ecological contributions, Guangxi province ranks 3, 1,6,6,7 among the 31 provinces in China The paper also calculate the integrated competitiveness level of regional forestry industry in Guangxi, which indicate that it ranks 6,6,9,6,3 in the nationwide of the forestry industry comprehensive level from 2003 to 2007.
     4. The elasticity analysis showed that there is consistency between the regional forestry industry competitiveness and the regional concentration of investment in fixed assets, investment in bonds, professional and technical personnel, timber production and the secondary industry output value, but inconsistency between the regional forestry industry competitiveness and the regional concentration of forestry output value, output value of tertiary industry, forestry professionals and forest area.
     5. In order to improve the regional forestry industry competitiveness level, the paper suggests that it is necessary to improve the Government's support for the development of forestry policy system, expand the financing channels, speed up industrial restructuring of forestry, attract domestic and foreign advanced forestry professional and technical personnel, speed up the building of forestry industry marketing system and speed up the pace of international cooperation in the forestry industry.
     The conclusion may have some Originality, which stated as follows:
     1 .Based on the statistic data in guangxi yearbook, the paper calculated the forest industry cluster level of Guangxi province, using regional Industrial concentration, the Gini coefficient, HHI coefficient and E (G) Industrial clustering coefficient.
     2. In this paper, the regional competitiveness of forestry industry is subdivided into the competitiveness of forestry production, forestry capital competitiveness, and technological competitiveness of forestry, forestry market competitiveness as well as the contribution of forestry eco-system. In order to evaluate the regional forestry competitiveness level of Guangxi province, the paper selects 20 indicators: Gross output value of forestry, industrial sales output value of forest products, forestry labor productivity, average annual income of employees in forestry, market share of forest industry, sales rate of forest products, the proportion of gross output value between forestry and the local GDP, forestry professionals, forestry technician, forestry technician intensity of investment, technology exchange and extension agents, forestry, forestry investment in fixed assets, per capita investment in fixed assets, investment in equipment, forestry Self-financing, investment in forestry enterprises, forestry land area, forest area and forest stock volume. Based on the 20 indicators, the paper evaluated the regional forestry industry competitiveness level in Guangxi province during 2003 and 2007.
     3. The paper analyzed the relationship between Industrial Clustering and regional forestry competitiveness in Guangxi.
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