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New Regionalism is a positive response to the acceleration of the post-Cold war. Regional economic and security within the framework of the deepening interdependence promote its ongoing development. It is a form of multi-level integration, Including the political, social and cultural levels,And it’s far-reaching goal is to nurture and build cohesion in the region on the basis of identity, and establish a regional free trade zone based on cooperation and cultural and political, security alliance.
     With the East Asian countries and the rapid development of economic interdependence gradually increase, New Regionalism of booming development in the East Asia region after the Cold War. As the East Asian countries of the characteristics of the East Asian region has made the essential characteristics of diversity. It is also characteristic of the East Asian countries such cooperation in a variety of models. Among ASEAN and China, Japan and Korea (10 +3), a series of cooperation as the core mechanism for the development and improvement of the new regionalism in East Asia makes demonstrated strong vitality.
     China-ASEAN relations to improve and develop New Regionalism of East Asia is in the process of the development of one of the bright spots. Especially financial crisis, after which the two sides in the political and security, economic, trade, social and cultural fields, extensive and in-depth cooperation.
     This paper is divided into four parts: The first part is on theory. Main quoted, regional, and new concepts such as regionalism. On the basis of this new regionalism described in detail the characteristics and the essential characteristics of diversity. And to analyze this diversity in the performance of East Asia. After the East Asian region and the new features of the development and review and exposition, Purpose is to discuss the relations between China and ASEAN theoretical background for the development.
     The second part is an important focus of this paper. This section discusses in detail the Cold War, China and ASEAN in the new relations in the context of the new development.In the political relations between the two sides are comprehensive improvement,And constantly strengthen security cooperation. The enhancement of mutual political trust between China and ASEAN made the regional economic cooperation continue to expand and deepen. In addition the two sides of cultural cooperation prospects are even brighter.
     The third part is the relationship between China and ASEAN Features. Mainly from the field of comprehensive cooperation, improve the mechanisms of cooperation and the process of cooperation on stage three areas.
     Part IV introduces in the new century, the development of China-ASEAN relations to China, ASEAN and the impact of the East Asian region. This article holds that the China-ASEAN relationship to the healthy development of China's regional diplomacy to improve the environment, and promote domestic economic construction and building a stable surrounding environment is of great significance. At the same time with ASEAN, it can catch a hitch-hiker, China's economic development, and promote the economic recovery of ASEAN countries to increase ASEAN in regional affairs and the influence of the international influence of great significance
     In addition, the China-ASEAN relations to the normal development of the East Asian region and the development of new regionlism and is of great role in the promotent.
     New regionalism of research in China is not a long time, And more research is regional cooperation and European integration, involving the East Asia region is still limited.How to treat and explain the new post-Cold War East Asia region and the nature and characteristics,Especially between the countries of East Asia regional cooperation and new regionalism of the link, New regionalism of East Asia can continue to make progress, East Asia has become China's foreign scholars and concerns important issues of common interest. It is in this paper with the practical needs of the academic background to carry out research, its purpose and significance of the new regionalism lies in its ability to observe the perspective of two important role in East Asia - China and the development of relations between ASEAN situation, as well as its East Asian region and the role of the new regionalism. Wrong with the Department, also criticized look a lot academic peer correction.
     From the research methods, just a political or economic perspective has not explain relations between China and ASEAN in the new areas under the influence of the new development, it was necessary to study with other disciplines and methods together. This paper will strive to political science, economics, geography, sociology, cultural studies, etc. and has been applied to the use of comparative analysis, integrated analysis, and other methods, the new regionalism and China - the relationship between the ASEAN to be clarified.
     The innovation lies in this new area, the general theory and China - the relationship between the ASEAN integration, in East Asia after the Cold War through the analysis of the emergence of new areas discussed in the context of relations between China and ASEAN as a new development At the same time through the analysis of new areas of China and the ASEAN countries of the many benefits, we should come to common ground while reserving differences, and strive to push forward the process of regional integration in East Asia Conclusion.
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