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With the emergence and development of the Internet, the boundaries of virtual and reality, digital and material, are increasingly melting. The regulation of the Internet has become more apparent and rise to great concern by regulatory agencies and academic circles, especially those security issues related to Internet regulation.
     The birth of the Internet is the first to benefit from computer hardware and software technology and communication technology development and integration. But its subsequent developments are far beyond these technologies, even the scope of traditional industries. Given the far-reaching impact it brought to the whole world, numerous researchers and scholars proceed from the different research perspectives, have tried to analysis the Internet by all kinds of methods and tools in an attempt to find its nature and to impose appropriate regulation.
     However, as discussed in this paper: the Internet is so huge a new industry as well as a virtual community, and its technical and economic characteristics is completely different from that of any previous industry, and it is so all-encompassing, complicated virtual society. Current knowledge and research on the Internet are somewhat superficial. Therefore, in this context, the research on Internet regulation theoretical academia or government regulation will be a lasting challenge. For example, the academic circles still lack an overall understanding of Internet regulation, not even having formed a unified definition or classification, and still more to research and discuss Internet security issues from the technical level. As another example, on the economic regulation of the Internet, most governments still follow the old regulatory policies and methods which just for traditional telecommunications networks and industries. And on the social regulation of the Internet, the situation is even worse:vague regulation goals, unclear responsibilities and improper methods are widespread.
     In summary, we can conclude that for the Internet itself, its security issues and its regulation, there should have more comprehensive and thorough study. The author has been committed to the reseach on Internet security and regulation for over ten years. Through a large number of data analysis and practical experiences, the author gradually comes to realize that the security issue is the key factor of Internet development and gegulation. As time goes on, this view has become the general consensus of the industry. Accordingly, in this paper we will attempt to study the Internet regulation based on national strategy of cyberspace security. With the lauching of the study, it will be shown clearly that as seamless docking and fusion of the virtual digital world and the real material world has becoming an irresistible trend, cyberspace security is not just a technical problem as well as not confined to the Internet, it has become the most part of the national security strategy.
     As to the research on the Internet security issues and their regulation, its logical starting point lies in the analysis of the Internet itself and related issues. At deeper level, the Internet can be seen as some form of real-world images and it's not simply generally so-called "virtual world". Based on this view, the author expects to explore the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet from multiple perspectives, and he also wants to find out the intrinsic link between the real world and cyberspace (the above so-called "image"). According to the result, we can understand and solve the regulation issues of Internet security based on national strategy of cyberspace security. It would be a broader perspective and clearer way.
     Therefore, this paper spent two whole chapters (Chapter Ⅱ and Ⅲ) devoted to in-depth, detailed analysis on the Internet. The analysis will be carried out from the two aspects:"the overall characteristics and regulatory issues" and "national security and international political perspective". Accordingly, the paper will discuss the regulatory of Internet security in two different contexts those are "global governance"(Chapter Ⅳ) and "within a country"(Chapter Ⅴ).
     Whether it is from the technical view or from a business perspective, innovation is the most significant feature of the Internet. Facing the rapid technological change and business innovation, government regulators should pay more attention to the technical implementation of regulation of Internet security. Therefore, in Chapter Ⅵ, the paper focuses on the technical implementation of regulation of Internet security, which includes the following three aspects:Risk assessment based on graded protection, Safety monitoring of critical infrastructure, and traceback of the specific network behavior. In addition, taking into account the upcoming global Mobile Internet era, the paper discuss the security issues of the Mobile Internet as well as its regulation in Chapter Ⅵ.
     In the paper, all the research is based on the existing results of network economics and economics of regulation. The author's innovative exploration and research mainly reflected in the following three aspects.
     First, this paper analyzes the Internet from the technical, economic, social and political aspects, and reveals the inherent nature of the Internet. It gives a systematic analysis of the social characteristics of the Internet, which based on two factors:"Information" and "Platform". And then it puts forword the principle method of the social regulation of the Internet.
     Second, the paper proposes a dynamic evolutionary game model which based on Network Effects economic theory and Game theory. According to the Game Model, it conducts in-depth study of the formation and evolution of the international Internet Governance System. And the model also demonstrated theoretically the mode of Internet Governance which is called "Cooperation and Competition, Global Governance"
     Thirdly, through the analysis of the network effects of the mobile terminals, the paper gives a specific study case on the security issues of Mobile Internet and related regulation policies. The paper first proposed the concept of "enhanced network effects", and associated the application security of Mobile Internet with the utilities of the mobile terminal. The author draw the conclusion accordingly that:the key factors of Mobile Internet lies in the mobile terminal platform based on web and application store for mobile terminal terminals.
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