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Objective: According to the TCM theory and the turtor's clinical experiences, a viewpoint was put forward that deficiency of kidney and stagnation of blood is the essential pathogenesis in senile hypertension. So strengthening kidney and promoting blood circulation are regarded as the therapeutic rules. The prescription of SangXian granule (SX) was developed in treating senile hypertension. This research try to evaluate SX's influence to the quality of life (QoL) of patients with senile hypertension and it's protective effect on kidney through clinical and experiental study, so as to make a beneficial attempt in this field in traditional Chinese medicine.
    Methods: 80 cases of senile hypertension belong to the sydrome of deficiency of kidney and stagnation of blood were observed in clinical trial. 40 cases were treated by SX and 40 cases by captopril. All cases have been maken systemic observations and assessments of QoL. Simultaneously, SX's protective effect on kidney was observed through SHR models in experimental study.
    Results: The clinical research showed that SX can evidently control blood-pressure and improve clinical symptoms. It's total rate of antihypertensive effect is 90.0%. It can also reduce ALB and P2-MG in urine and improve blood dynamics parameters, so as to protect kidney. In the assessments of QoL, SX can improve physical symptoms, body symptoms, sexual dysfunction, sleep dysfunction, energy, psycological state, work state and congnitive function in senile patients with hypertension. It's effect on QoL is better than control group. Experimental study showed that SX can control blood-pressure of SHR
    models, increase the quantum of urine and improve quantum of blood in kidney of normal rats, decrease the level of Ang II in kidney of SHR and inhibit the expression of AT1 and TGF-β1 mRNA in kidney. Pathological research showed that SX can reduce the damage and postpone sclerosis in kidney of SHR.
    Conclusion: Strengthening kidney and promoting blood circulation is a important therapeutic rule in treating senile hypertension. SX has good antihypertensive effect and protective effect on kidney, and can improve QoL as well. This research give a new idea and method in treating senile hypertension and evaluating the curative effect of antihypertensive medication in traditional Chinese medicine.
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