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     5.在作物产量分析“三合结构”模式二级结构层各因素的关系基础上,建立了大豆抗旱品种和不同高产栽培模式产量性能定量方程各参数之间的具体函数关系式及各参数之间的具体函数关系式。本研究中,抗旱品种光合参数和产量构成因素之间存在相关性,且有些指标间达显著或极显著相关。产量与MCGR极显著正相关,产量与TGN、和GN呈显著正相关,进一步表明产量主要决定于MCGR,其次为TGN和GN。即大豆抗旱高产品种主要通过提高MCGR促使单位面积TGN和GN增加的结果,以达到高产目标。不同栽培模式各光合参数与产量构成参数相关分析表明,Y与MLAI、MCGR、 EN、TGN、GW呈极显著正相关,Y与GN呈显著正相关表明,根据“三合结构”理论,在进行大豆高产品种栽培技术选择时,首先选择可提高MLAI、MCGR、EN、TGN、GW的栽培措施,然后在考虑提高GN的栽培措施。
Proposed by this study of Heilongjiang province78portion soybean materials for bud and seedling drought resistance identification and selection. Based on the theory of "three and structure", one focus of Heilongjiang province soybean drought types and high-yield cultivation mode of yield and photosynthetic performance indicators quantitative analysis. Research the characteristic of change of main parameter of production performance quantitative equation, interactions and its contribution to the yield formation. And discusse the effects of photosynthesis, soil index and yield components in chemical regulation and soil deep loosening of soybean. In order to clear the north cold and drought resistance and high yield soybean group performance optimization approaches. Further excavate the spring soybean yield potential. The results are as follows:
     1.20%respectively using PEG-6000solution and method of repeated drought of78portion soybean materials in Heilongjiang province for bud and seedling drought resistance identification and selection. The result showed that bud drought (the drought-tolerant) is mainly concentrated in the heinong, suinong, ken fung, hefeng and longxiaolidou varieties types. Seedling drought resistance varieties are mainly concentrated in heihe, kangxian, hefeng, suinong, heinong varieties types. Bud and seedling drought resistance varieties are suinong30and hefeng48. The drought-tolerant cultivars are tokangxian7, heinong62, heinong65, longxiaolil, suinongl51and Kenfeng11.
     2. Use seven soybean drought resistance varieties filtered in heilongjiang province as test materials, studied different kinds of plant leaf area. Dry matter accumulated and net assimilation rate and yield components. The results showed that the leaf area per plant were increased from seedling stage to drum grains gradually, drum period of peak, then a downward trend, the significant difference between varieties, hefeng48maxim leaf area of3264.1cm2, longxiaolil is1426.3cm2. Seven varieties are developing the net assimilation rate change rule is "high level" type. heinong65with black farmers in podding stage to drum grain stage period up to16.8g/(m2·d). Dry matter accumulation of varieties tested were gradually increased from seedling stage to filling stage, and dry matter accumulation amount to a significant difference between different varieties. Different growth period varieties has no regularity of dry matter. Drought-resistant varieties grain number per plant and hundred grain weight, weight per plant and yield were extremely significant difference of level. Heinong65yield was highest in2011, up to162.7kg/亩.followed by suinong30, Kenfeng11, kangxian7, suinong15. The lowest yield is longxiaolil (70.2kg/亩). Yield and drought resistance as the measure, the result shows heinong65, suinong30and Ken feng11for drought resistance and high yield varieties.kangxian7, hefeng48and suinongl5for drought-resistant varieties of middle region agriculture.longxiaolil for drought-resistant varieties of low yield.
     3. The study of six kinds of cultivation mode (ORP, TPCR, ORCP, BRHD, SRHD, FPHD)peace of soybean canopy structure characteristics. The results show that the small ridge planting density and big ridge performance in different growth period population leaf area distributed evenly in all directions, high leaf area index (6.43-6.82), mean leaf Angle is appropriate (49.59°), the penetration coefficient (0.2) and the direct of scattering radiation penetration coefficient is lower (0.2), the extinction coefficient is larger. Yields were3834.8kg/hm2, and3451.2kg/hm2, than controls (normal)) increased by1.36times and1.12times. The big ridge planting density, small ridge can be applied for high yielding cultivation patterns in heilongjiang province.
     4. Combined with field experiment and the "three combination structure" theory, through the data normalization process, the establishment of suitable soy leaf area dynamic simulation of relative leaf area index (LAI) dynamic model. Through the days of LAI and emergence to maturity normalized processing, respectively namely the biggest LAI (LAImax) and the whole growth period (emergence to mature) days as1.Reproductive period with soybean LAI value of each period and the period the number of days from the seedling stage respectively divided by LAImax and the number of days in the whole stages, for each period corresponding relative LAI (range of [0,1]) and relative time (the range [0,1]). With relatively LAI (y) and relative time (x) as a parameter simulation, get relatively LAI dynamic model y=(a+bx)/(1+cx+dx2). This model since seedling stage can be according to the determination of leaf area data throughout the reproductive period of soybean LAI dynamic change are accurately simulated. Using this model can estimate the soybean childbearing period the average gross LAI and photosynthetic potential. At each time point and LAI and photosynthetic potential at any period of time; Combined with field investigation data, also available during soybean growth of average net assimilation rate and the average production of soybean growth rate and other important physiological parameters related. This is the first study to validate the soybean leaf area dynamic simulation of relative leaf area index (LAI) dynamic model in line with the "three combination structure" theory. The establishment of the model for soybean production "three combination structure" the determination of quantitative equations of parameters laid a foundation. At the same time, the soybean population childbearing period LAI analog data can be used as judgment soybean group development is reasonable or not and the theory basis of group performance.
     5." Three combination structure " mode in crop yield analysis secondary structure based on the relation of the factors, established the drought-resistant varieties and different cultivation mode of high yield soybean quantitative equation " three combination structure ", a specific function relation between the parameters and the specific function of relation between each parameter. In this study, drought-resistant varieties photosynthetic parameters and the correlation between yield components, and some indicators of significant or extremely significant correlation. Production apart from EN was not significant and negative correlation with MLAI correlation is not big. The production and MCGR, HI, MNAR was a positive correlation. The TGN and designed. The GN and GW, and yield mainly depends on the MCGR, HI, followed by MNAR, TGN and GW. The drought resistance and high yield soybean varieties mainly by improving the MCGR prompted the TGN per unit area increased as a result, a higher harvest index, in order to achieve high goals. The cultivation mode of different photosynthetic parameters related to the parameters of yield components analysis show that Y and MLAI, MCGR, EN were very significant positive correlation, the TGN, GW, but no significant designed. The GN and positive correlation; MCGR with EN, TGN and GW reached extremely significant positive correlation, and designed. The GN show no significant positive correlation; HI and MNAR, EN, the TGN show no significant negative correlation. EN were very significant positive correlation with the TGN and GW. Designed the GN were very significant positive correlation with GW. Show that according to the three combination structure theory, the soybean high yield breeding and cultivation technology choice, can choose high MLAI, MCGR, EN, TGN, GW and lower HI index. MLAI soybean production performance quantitative equation MLAIxD xMNARxHI=ENxGN×GW is designed. The GN group parameters and yield formation of the quantitative relationship, clear key restrictive factors of increase production and crop production technical guidance control of provides the certain theory basis and data support.
     6. Study six kinds of cultivation mode (ORP, TPCR, ORCP, BRHD, SRHD, FPHD) peace, soil deep loosening and control techniques of soil water content, soil bulk density and yield influence. Results show that the TPCR, ORCP and BRHD deep loosening treatment than in control (ORP) high soil moisture content of0.76%to1.46%in the whole stages; Keep the soil bulk density in0.90to1.33g/cm3, compared with0.10.2g/cm3, and reduce Soil water use efficiency high and low respectively the SRHD> BRHD> ORCP. FPHD, TPCR> ORP), were1.3‰,1.2‰,1.1‰and1.0‰; Production/m2level for SRHD> BRHD> ORCP> FPHD> TPCR> ORP, the increase in production, respectively1.36times,1.12times and79.4%,50.1%and14.7%;Compared with ORP, Deep loosening and chemical treatment the yield increased by25.5%and15.2%(control) respectively.
     7. On the basis of BRHD and TPCR in heilongjiang province soybean cultivation mode of high yield and planting area, comprehensive analysis of two kinds of early maturity and mid-maturity yield components and cold northern soybean high yield of problems existing in the practicein soybean high yield area. Probes into the soybean yield change of variable factors and the possible direction of a breakthrough in production. Proposed the northern cold spring soybean high yield is the key to further:varieties have adversity resistance, densely short rod and lodging resistance art, give priority to with the cultivation mode of planting narrow line, increase the group number. Agronomic measures, soil deep loosening and chemical regulation focus on reduce the fallen petal fall soybean pod number. Guarantee the effective grain number per plant, grain number per plant and number of the synchronous improve is an important way of promoting the further high yield.
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