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     1.全新世临汾盆地成壤环境和土壤发育具有显著的阶段性。早全新世(11500~8500 a B.P.),降尘速率大,气候干旱,植被稀少,成壤极弱。在全新世大暖期来临前,曾有较大的季节性降水,在塔儿山山麓古洪积扇和阶地面形成雨水面流,在洪积扇前沿和阶地面发生沉积作用。
     全新世大暖期(8500~3100a B.P.)是本区土壤发育期,但不同地点成壤过程和强度有显著差别。陶寺文化晚期之前(4050 a B.P.以前),气候温暖,降水丰富,植被发育,生物成壤作用强烈,阶地面的两个剖面出现残积粘化层。洪积扇前沿由于地形对降水的再分配,土壤水分较少,淋溶作用强度小于阶地面。从陶寺文化晚期到大暖期结束(4050~3100a B.P.),气候依然温暖湿润,洪积扇前沿发生面状水流沉积过程,改变了地形条件,改善了土壤水分,促进了成壤过程;但在陶寺遗址聚落区,受人类活动影响,成壤过程中断;LGK剖面在陶寺文化晚期(4050~3850a B.P.)快速堆积的面状水流沉积物构成了一
    段弱成壤层,陶寺文化结束后(3850一:3]()0:1 13,l).)成壤过程增强。
     晚全新肚(:3 IOOa日.1,.以来),冬季风环流加强,粉尘堆积加速,气候干旱,
    早期(1 1500一8500 a 3.p.),为自然侵蚀一沉积过程,侵蚀区在古洪积扇,沉
     (4050一3850 a B.P.),仍然是一占洪积扇为侵蚀区,古洪积扇前沿和T4阶地为
     3.4000 aB,P.前后陶寺地区降水丰富,人类活动强烈。在古洪积扇和阶
    和IO6cm的而流沉积层。从陶寺晚期到人暖期结束(4050一3lO0a B.P.),在
    剖面,面流沉积物的快速堆积,使成壤强度和土壤质量降低。3100a B.P以来,
The Holocene loess-soil sequence on the Chinese Loess Plateau constitutes an excellent record of evolution of soil formation, monsoonal climate, eolian dust accumulation and influence of arable farming of over 10000 years. The Linfen Basin, one of the prehistoric culture centers in China, lies in the southeastern Loess Plateau. Three high-resolution soil profiles were selected in the Taosi area, middle of the Lifen Basin. DPG profile lies in the front of the palaeo-alluvial-pluvial fans of Ta'ershan hill, and TSC and LGK profiles on the 4th terrace of Fenhe River.
    Stratigraphic subdivisions were made by examining their color, texture and structure in the field. Samples were taken every 2 cm continuously down the profiles. A Munsell color chart was used to describe the color of sediment for air-dried samples. The profiles were studied using grain-size analysis, measurement of magnetic susceptibility, Fe, Al, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cu, Ni, CaCO3 and TOC (total organic carbon). The Stratigraphic boundaries were then checked with a variety of physical-chemical analytical results. The results provide new insights into the pedogenic environmental evolution and impact of human activities on soil development in this environmental sensitive zone.
    The main conclusions are following:
    (1) Influenced by climate, topography, human activities, and other factors, the pedogenic environment and pedogenic process were changeful in Taosi area in the Holocene.
    In the early Holocene (11500-8500 a B.P.), the sediment is much similar to the Malan Loess indicating that the climate was dominated by the northwest monsoon and dust accumulation was intensive. Pedogenic process was very weak.
    Before Late Taosi Culture(8500~4050 a B.P.), the sediment are characterized by their high percentage of clay, Fe2O3, Al2O3 , Cu, Ni, TOC and low percentage of CaCO3 , Sr and high magnetic susceptibility indicating climate was dominated by the southeast monsoon and dust accumulation was slow. Bio-pedogenic process was intensive and palaeosol developed. The soil in the front of the palaeo-alluvial-pluvial fans was short of moisture owing to different topographic condition, and thus,
    pedogenic intensity was lower compared with the profiles on the terrace.
    During Late Taosi Culture(4050~3850 a B.P.), rainfall was very abundant. Surface erosion took place on the palaeo-alluvial-pluvial fans , and deposition in the front of the fans and above the terrace. A rainwash bed was identified in DPG and LGK profile respectively, in which the sediment consists mainly of re-deposited loess mixed with a small quantity of sand-size grains. But no record of rainwash was in TSC profile which was inside the habitation region of Taosi site.
    From the end of Late Taosi Culture to the finish of the Holocene Megathermal (3850-3100 a B.P.), the bio-pedogenic process was increased in DPG and LGK sites, and pedogenic process ceased in TSC due to building.
    Over the last 3100years, as climate has become dry and dust-fall was intensive in Linfen Basin, the recent loess(Lo) has been deposited and covered the mid-Holocene soil(So). The pedogenic process was reduced in all of the three profiles.
    (2) Arable farming has been traced back to 8000 a B.P at latest in Linfen Basin, but cultivation had not affected the natural soil development until Late Taosi Culture. During Late Taosi Culture, cultivation changed the landform to some extent and promoted rainwash deposition in the front of the fans, and the soil moisture were increased, and thus, bio-pedogenic process increased till 3100 a B.P. In the habitation region, building terminated the soil formation, therefore human impact on the pedogenesis environment has masked the climatic fact in such spot. More and more potter shards, charcoal and sand were found in the recent loess (L0) and the present topsoil(TS) indicating that human impact on pedogenic process was intensive. Modern entironment deterioration and soil erosion have been caused by climate aridity and over cultivation by population pressure.
    (3) There are two important surface erosi
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