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Since the industrial revolution, economic growth was regarded as the great attention issues of nation and region. The emergence of New Growth Theory made people profoundly aware of the role and special status of the technical (innovation) in economic growth. However, innovative ability is unevenly distributed in the world, even within the same country, also show the characteristics of gradient distribution. The basic national situation is significantly difference of regional conditions and development in China. Regional coordinated development has become an important strategic move, from the view of the Scientific Outlook on Development and the building of a harmonious society.
     This article studies the issue of China's regional economic disparities from the perspective of knowledge
     Chapter II represented the theory of regional economic differences from the three aspects: geographical division of labor theory, regional growth theory and non-equilibrium theory of economic growth. It elaborated and explained the objectivity and long-term of regional economic differences from different sides. Economic growth theory not only is the theoretical foundation of the study on regional economic differences, but also the source of the geographical division of labor theory and regional non-equilibrium growth theory. Geographical division of labor theory explained the source of regional competitiveness or economic growth, regional economic non-equilibrium growth theory analyzed the structure changes of economic space.
     Based on the nature of regional coordinated development to achieve "public services and people's living standards tend to narrow the gap" in the "Eleventh Five-Year Planning", Chapter III put forward the index system indicated regional economic differences from the height of a well-off society. The system included income, housing, medical care, education, which related the fundamental aspects of people's lives. The article introduced the analytical framework of the four sections from the report entitled "the strategies and policies on regional coordinated development" of the State Council Development Research Center, which jumping out of the traditional zoning approach .Then it measured and decomposed the China's regional economic differences.
     Chapter IV leads to analytical framework knowledge ability-regional economic disparities - economic growth, based on the the mechanism analysis of Knowledge ability to the differences of the regional economic. It decomposed the details of running process in regional knowledge system, and built the regional knowledge decomposition model, based on the analysis of Griliches and Jaffe-Anselin knowledge production function model. The article put forward the measurement indicators of the regional knowledge system based on the decomposition model, which including human capital, knowledge encoding, materialized knowledge. Then it measured and decomposed China's regional differences in the knowledge ability.
     Chapter V, based on the review on the interpretation of China's regional economic disparities, according to measured results on the differences of regional economic and knowledge capacity, analyze the impact of knowledge capability to regional economic development in national and major regional level by using the panel data, in the provinces level by using the correlation analysis and regression analysis, in different level by using Cointegration Analysis and modeling. The results show that the knowledge capacity difference is an important factor in economic disparities in region, but there is not long-term relationship.
     Finally, the paper bring forward China's regional economic coordinated development policy and recommendations, such as building the strategies on regional coordinated development, narrowing regional differences in human capital accumulation, building a regional alliance to integrate the development of intellectual property rights, the central and western regions should speed up high-tech industry cluster development, speed up to technology digestion, absorption and reinnovaiton.
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