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This article starts with deep research of marine fishery transition and China’s marine fishery transition background and current situation. By establishing the marine fishery transition system target, the Chinese marine fishery transition system dynamic (SD) model is constituted. After research on the internal and external executive regulations and clearly stating the barriers that it is facing to finalize the target on marine fishery transition, it conclude the marine fishery transition in Shandong Province by evaluation standards as empirical study.
     Section one: make statement of the concept and content about fishery industry and marine fishery, concept of marine fishery transition and its characteristics.Introduce system dynamic (SD) and evaluation standards for the next research.
     Section two: state current situation related to Chinese marine fishery. Propose the necessity of marine fishery transition. State the ovearseas advanced expertise.
     Section three: establish the layout of Chinese marine fishery transition, define the overall objective and sub targets, design the objective system of China’s marine fishery transition. Section four: based on objective system of China’s marine fishery transition and system science thought, the SD model is established. By analyzing the mains facts which influence the marine fishery transition, it designs the system blueprint and causal feedback map, system flowchart and formulas.
     Section five: listed the obstructions of marine fishery transition by investigating internal and external objects. by studying the internal execution system of marine fishery transition, find the future plan on the traditional industries like ocean fishing industry、aquatic farming、the aquatic processing . And put forward the suggestion of developing on pelagic fishery.
     Treat the problem of reshuffle of the fishery enterprises and the transfer of surplus studying the external execution system of marine fishery transition, treat the problem of fishery intermediary organizations、oceanographic technology development、industrial policies、protection of fishery environment.
     Sections six: based on the system blueprint from the previous section, it setup the Chinese marine fishery system evaluation standards. Based on the polestar and principle of establishing system of evaluate indices, the appraisal index system is established and the correlative evaluating method is designed.
     Sections seven: based on objective system of China’s marine fishery transition and appraisal index system, make the empirical study of Shandong’s marine fishery transition. Then further improve the system of appraisal index system and transition model.
     Last sections: The last chapter is the part of summary and prospect. This article carries on the limitation and review to the whole text and points out further studied direction. The creational works of this article focus on:
     First, study the China’s marine fishery transition in detail. To adjust the industrial structure as the core rather than the transfer of surplus fishery labor, considered the transfer of surplus fishery labor as outcome of industrial restructuring to study the transition of marine fishery, the establishment of dynamic simulation model, created a new perspective.
     Second, based on marine fishery development of our country make a set of detailed objective system in transition, as analyzed in depth, set up the basis of quantitative models. Study the internal and external execution system of marine fishery transition.
     Third, through analyzing the restriction factor, this article discusses the system structure and characteristic and designs the SD model by the software of Vensim-PLE in the foundation of analyzing the relation of system dynamics and marine fisheries transition. Then, this article discusses the quantification method of marine fisheries transition system. Create a new system using simulation software tools to study a new situation of marine fishery transition.
     Forth, under the foundation of analyzing the index system’s function and connotation, this article study appraisal index system and divide into four levels according to marine fishery transition system of the complexity. Then design the appraisal index system, and discusses the method of selecting index and giving weigh.
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