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  • 英文题名:Some Analytical Approximate Methods for Large Amplitude Nonlinear Oscillations
  • 作者:李鹏松
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:计算数学
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:吴柏生
  • 学科代码:070102
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2004-04-01
    主要包括:L-P 法、KBM 法和多尺度法。但是,这些方法只能用于求解弱非
    该方法用截断的 Fourier 级数逼近非线性微分方程的解。它的突出特点是不
    平衡法一般要求非线性恢复力? f (x)为 x 的奇函数( x 代表任意瞬时运动质
    点到稳定平衡点的距离), 否则该方法在求非线性振动方程的低阶解析逼近
    摘 要
    1. 求解大振幅非线性振动问题的修正谐波平衡法
     d2x + f (x)= 0, (1a)
     x(0) = β , dx (0)= 0. (1b)
     引入新变量τ = ωt ,方程(1a,b)可以写为
     ω2x′′+ f (x)= 0, (2a)
     x(0) = β , x′(0) = 0 (2b)
    式中()表示对τ 求导。 新变量τ 的选取使得方程(2a,b)的解是关于τ 的以2π
    为周期的周期函数,相应的原非线性振动的周期为T = 2π ω ,周期解 x(τ)及
    频率ω 都与振幅β 有关。
     令 x(τ)= x0(τ)+ ?x0(τ), 其中 x0(τ)是满足初始条件的周期解 x(τ)的初始
    逼近,?x0(τ)是待求的周期解的校正部分,它们都是关于τ 的以2π 为周期的
    周期函数。将非线性方程(2a,b)在 x(τ)= x0(τ)关于增量?x0(τ)线性化得
    摘 要
     ω2x0′′ + f (x0)+ω2?x0′′ + fx(x0)?x0 = 0, (3a)
     ?x0(0)= 0, ?x0′(0)= 0. (3b)
     当非线性恢复力? f (x)为 x的奇函数 [ f (? x)= ? f (x)]时,令
     x0(τ ) = β cosτ , (4a)
     ?x0(τ)= ci{cos[(2i ?1)τ]? cos[(2i +1)τ]}.
     当非线性恢复力? f (x)为 x的一般函数 [ f (? x)≠ ? f (x)]时,令
     x0(τ ) =β +α β ?α
     + cosτ , (5a)
     2 2
     ?x0(τ)= ci{cos(iτ)?cos[(i + 2)τ]}.
     此外,我们还将修正谐波平衡法用于 Duffing-harmonic 振子以及非自然
    2. 求解大振幅非线性振动问题的迭代法
     引入新变量τ = ωt,将方程(1a,b)写为
     x′′ + x = x ?1
     ω2 f (x):= g(x). (6a)
     x(0) = β , x′(0) = 0 (6b)
    式中()表示对τ 求导。新变量τ 的选取使得方程(6a,b)的解是关于τ 的以2π
    摘 要
    为周期的周期函数。相应的原非线性振动的周期为T = 2π ω ,周期解 x(τ)及
    频率ω 都与振幅β 有关。
     xk′′+1 + xk = g(xk )+ gx(xk )(xk ? xk ),
     +1 ?1 ?1 ?1 (7a)
     xk (0) = β, xk′+1(0) = 0 ,
     +1 k = 0,1,2,L. (7b)
     当非线性恢复力? f (x)为 x的奇函数时,初始输入函数为
Physical and mechanical oscillatory systems are often governed by nonlinear
    differential equations. In many cases, it is possible to replace a nonlinear
    differential equation by a corresponding linear differential equation that
    approximates the original nonlinear equation closely enough to give useful results.
    Often such linearization is not feasible and for this situation the original nonlinear
    differential equation itself must be dealt with. The general theory and method of
    dealing with linear differential equations are highly developed branches of
    mathematics, whereas very little of a general nature is known about arbitrary
    nonlinear differential equations. In general, the study of nonlinear differential
    equations is restricted to a variety of special classes of the equations and the
    method of solution usually involves one or more of a limited number of
    techniques to achieve analytical approximations to the solutions.
     The most common and most widely studied methods of all analytical
    approximation methods for nonlinear differential equations are the perturbation
    methods. These methods involve the expansion of a solution to a differential
    equation in a series in a small parameter. They include the L-P method, the KBM
    method and the Multi-time expansion. However, these methods apply to weakly
    nonlinear oscillations only. The method of harmonic balance is another procedure
    for determining analytical approximations to the solutions of differential
    equations by using a truncated Fourier series representation. An important
    advantage of the method is its applicability to nonlinear oscillatory problems for
    which the nonlinear terms are not “small”, i.e., no perturbation parameter needs
    to exist. In general, the success of harmonic balance method requires that the
    nonlinear restoring force ? f (x) is an odd function of x , where x represents the
    displacement measured from the stable equilibrium position. If this condition is
    not satisfied, the method of harmonic balance, when used in lowest order, leads to
    inconsistencies. In addition, applying the method of harmonic balance or its
    various generalization to construct higher-order approximate analytical solutions
    is also very difficult, since they require analytical solution of sets of algebraic
    equation with very complex nonlinearity.
     In this dissertation, some analytical approximate methods are presented to
    solve large amplitude nonlinear oscillations of single-degree-of-freedom
    conservative systems. The most interesting features of these new methods are its
    simplicity and its excellent accuracy in a wide range of values of oscillations
    amplitudes. These analytical approximate periods and corresponding periodic
    solutions are valid for small as well as large amplitudes of oscillation, including
    the case of amplitude of oscillation tending to infinity.
    1. A modified method of harmonic balance for large amplitude nonlinear
     Consider a single-degree-of-freedom conservative system governed by
     d2x + f (x)= 0, (1a)
     x(0) = β , dx (0)= 0. (1b)
     By introducing an independent variableτ = ωt , and equation (1a,b) can be
    rewritten as
     ω2x′′+ f (x)= 0, (2a)
     x(0) = β , x′(0) = 0 (2b)
    where a prime represents derivative with respect toτ . The new independent
    variable is chosen in such a way that the solution to Eq.(2a,b), is a periodic
    function ofτ of period 2π . The corresponding period of the nonlinear oscillation
    is given byT = 2π ω . Here, both the periodic solution x(τ ) and frequencyω
    depend on β .
     Let x(τ ) = x0(τ )+ ?x0(τ ), where x0(τ ) is an initial approx
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