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Returned from dark forest, the writing of modern females viewed the females' individual vital essence through the particular angle and words .It was not only rising the youth , ardor , love and laugh, but also lowly appealing to pain, gloom, regret and tear. Modern female texts penetrated into the first daughters' images that had been ignored or stabled by male writing history, and showed the subversion characters which different from the traditional male texts. This thesis is written from the angle of culturology and psychology, unfold modern female writing visual threshold, exhibit the firstborn daughters' potential anxiety, the huge swallow force of the patriarchy's dark unconscious and modern firstborn daughters' bewilderment and struggle, from conscious to subconscious, and firstborn daughter writers' autobiography's confide.
    The thesis consists of three sections.
    The first section: To exhibit three exist types of the transform era: Anxiety type, Frightfulness type, Rescue type, restore the genuine history visage and manifest their original life's rash during the special era in which new and old alternated.
    The second section: with the core of the type of BIG Goddess , focusing on its positive and negative characters, "fine Big Goddess" and "terror Big Goddess", revealing collective subconscious gravitational force.
    The third part: unearth the accuse and the subversion exist father in the firstborn daughter writers' texts which hiding the narcissism and anxious. In the same time, these texts also
    displayed their huge pains because of falling in the patriarchy trap.
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