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Tourism products are of great significance, because they are the reflection of a peaceful and harmonious society, and also the embodiment of tourists'wealth and health. The sustainable development of tourism is closely related to the involvement of all the people of a country. In China, when the national economy has developed to a certain degree, tourism should meet the needs of most people and secure their consumption rights. So, a balanced and reasonable tourism market should involve people who are with medium income or low income, especially peasants who account for more than half of China's population. Without the involvement of peasants in tourism, China's tourist industry is incomplete, and it is also unfair for Chinese peasants. Therefore, the development of peasant tourism market is very important, since it helps to raise peasants'culture qualities, to enlarge the scale of tourist industry, and to quicken the step of China's new rural reconstruction. Under the present circumstances of global financial crisis, it is of greater significance to develop peasant tourism in order to stimulate domestic demand. However, from a wide view of literature on tourism flow, studies on peasant tourism market are few, and academic circles pay little attention to this field. Due to the long ignorance of developing peasant tourism market, it's quite natural that many of the present tourism products do not meet the needs of peasants, which results in the fact that tourist industry is not developed fully.
     Under the perspective of expanding the path of peasant tourism flow, the author makes a study on the characteristics of China's peasant tourism market. Hence, a new perspective of studying the tourism market is formed.
     In order to set up peasant tourism and expand the present tourism flow, this thesis begins by making analysis on the current situation of peasant tourism. Three kinds of areas are taken as subjects in the thesis:developed areas, moderately developed areas and less developed areas. By making field investigations and depth interviews, combined with relevant statistics and relevant information, the author demonstrates the differences among the three areas, including peasants'attitudes towards tourism, purposes and motivations of traveling, as well as their consumption ways. In this way, the author tries to find out peasants'demand for traveling under the following circumstances:at leisure time, at different financial state, state policy, information, transportation conditions, security, psychological statuses and so on.
     Basing on the previous micro-analysis, the thesis constructs a peasant tourism system, which covers tourists flow, transportation flow, finance flow, information flow, policy flow, technology flow and commodity flow, namely the "Seven Flows". And then, the thesis makes analysis on peasant tourism phenomena from the perspective of system theory, and explores the track, the characteristics and the regular patterns of peasant tourism. Finally, the thesis creates a pull-push model for peasant tourism flow (PPPF), and puts forwards the quantitative index and the acceptability condition of the "Seven Flows", concerning the flow sequence, the flow direction, the flow quantity, and the flow intensity.
     Meanwhile, to test the effectiveness and applicability of the PPPF, the thesis takes Zhejiang province, a province taking lead in peasant tourism in China, as a case study to support its empirical research. Finally, by combining micro-analysis and macro-analysis, the thesis puts forward optimization measures to solve the present problems from the perspective of tourism flow system of the "Seven Flows", hoping to promote peasant tourism, to expand and improve the peasant tourism flow.
     The research is unique in that it has a deep exploration into peasant tourism, which hasn't been paid enough attention to by scholars and people working in this field. The author tries to make contributions to the society by putting forward suggestions to develop various tourism products to meet peasants'needs, to attract peasants to experience tourism, to set up a big, unified tourism market, to raise peasants'living standard, to quicken the step of agriculture modernization, and to narrow the gap of dual economic structure between urban and rural areas.
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