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Since the21st century, China Higher Education entered the popularization stage, whichexperienced from the stage of Mere pursuit of large-scale to multidimensional explorationeffective to enhance the quality of higher education and raise the benefit from RunningSchools stage, which marks the Chinese universities began to enter the era of performancemanagement. As the part of education, School physical education combining with moral,intellectual education and its task is to train comprehensive physical and moral developmenttalent for society. In the theory and practice of process to improve the quality and effect oftalent cultivation of higher education, school physical education undertakes the importantresponsibility and obligation. However, the State Department of education administration onSchool physical education has been in a variety of supervision, examination and evaluation toachieve macroeconomic management and sports teaching demonstration class, PE teachers'basic teaching skills competition and other special assessment to realize micro management,focusing on assessment of the Colleges and Universities School physical educationorganizations and individual stage results, which lack of a long-term reasonable, scientific, theColleges and Universities School physical education performance evaluation managementsystem.
     This paper mainly for the the Colleges and Universities School physical educationperformance management has not yet fully adapt to the outstanding problems in China'seconomic and social development needs of higher education, trying to consummate Collegesand Universities School physical education Performance evaluation through theoretical studyand build School physical education performance management system, through practiceresearch to verify Universities feasible and scientific, School physical education performancemanagement system to better meet the needs of economic and social development of theuniversity personnel training, aimed at related interests of the Colleges and UniversitiesSchool physical education organizations to develop more scientific and rational organizationof strategic performance objectives and individual development goals provide relevantreference configuration School physical education internal School physical education organization reasonable resources management way and operating paradigm promoted in ourcolleges and universities, and more scientific validity for the Colleges and Universities Schoolphysical education management development, rationalization, and get better efficiency andservice.
     This article was consist of introduction, literature review, research object and method, theColleges and Universities School physical education performance management system tobuild, practice research, conclusions and Prospects. The research status of performancemanagement, and School physical education and college performance management andUniversity School Sports performance management research and practice of the currentsituation analysis, literature review for the study of the basis and foundation of the SchoolPhysical Education, performance management, human resource management theory, usingsoft Systems Methodology, stakeholders theory,3Es, Mintzberg theory of organizationalstructure and system analysis method of the university school sports development strategyoriented performance management system to build theoretical studies, especially to buildColleges and Universities School physical education organizational structure characteristics,performance management system, and the test of practice research was given either.
     The theory of the integrated use of balance the interests of stakeholders, SSM,3EMethodology, select KPI, theoretical method, to draw strategy chart, management methodsand tools, design based on the overall strategy Colleges and Universities School physicaleducation performance management system and performance evaluation index system,Systematically the comprehensive application of various management methods into themanagement of school physical education in Colleges and universities in the process ofperformance. The main research work and conclusions are summarized as follows:
     SSM was used in the construction of the Colleges and Universities School physicaleducation performance management system, the School physical education performancemanagement system constructed an organizational strategy oriented framework. Constructedbased on the strategic decomposition process optimization School physical educationperformance evaluation system, the development of simple and easy to operate SSM analysismethod to establish School physical education concept of performance management model,using the3E theory form a logical coherence School physical education performance evaluation index system. Try to solve ordinary Colleges and Universities School physicaleducation performance management evaluation system to establish the lack of scientific,operability and logical.
     After determining the School physical education organization strategy, using SSManalysis method to establish performance concept model,step by step detailed decompositionuniversity School physical education organizations strategic objectives into practicalinitiatives and concrete actions. Performance communication and feedback, the faculty's workgoals are always consistent with the overall plans and objectives of the School physicaleducation, collecting feedback information extraction performance evaluation, establish theSchool Sports performance management index system, which include targeting-performanceinterviews and counseling-performance plan-performance evaluation-feedback-performance result of the use of incentives and other aspects of performance reached Collegesand Universities School physical education performance management of the whole process.
     During the construction of the whole Colleges and Universities School physicaleducation performance management framework, through the balance of the interests ofstakeholders, to explore how to based on the key interests of stakeholder theory in themanagement of School physical education performance evaluation of key stakeholders andbalance the interests of stakeholders.To a certain extent in the management of School physicaleducation performance and the problem of insufficient power in Colleges anduniversities.Construction of the complete Colleges and Universities School physical educationperformance management system for the implementation of performance evaluation indomestic universities to comprehensive performance management has certain practicalsignificance, at the same time, also to some extent in the the existing Colleges andUniversities School physical education performance management results than processproblems.
     On the university personnel training, scientific research and social service functions ofthe three wires, using Mintzberg's theory of organization structure, we analyze the tasks andfunctions of school physical education, based on the characteristics of the school physicaleducation organizational structure of University and the internal management system, initiallyestablished a college sports performance management framework. By using the Application of SSM method we can analyze the strategic decomposition of the school physical educationorganizations in universities, and on the basis of3E theory we extract the evaluation index forordinary school physical education performance, combined with the balance of schoolphysical education interests of stakeholders, the initial, reasonable, scientific, effective schoolphysical education performance evaluation index system was established, trying to solve thecurrent management of school physical education performance colleges and universitiesevaluation index of scientific norms of the state, through the test of practice research, as theinternal school sports in Colleges and universities school physical education departments(operation core) provides a reference to the implementation of school physical educationperformance management system.
     Research through practice, focus on the implementation of the performance managementsystem operate YS University school physical education Organization. YS University theinternal school physical education organization and management to build school physicaleducation performance management system used in practice. The study from the YSUniversity improve the original intention of the management effectiveness of school physicaleducation, the "12th Five-Year" Development Plan in conjunction with the university, a clearschool physical education development strategy and objectives, and the basis for schoolphysical education organizations and functions, in accordance with the Soft SystemsMethodology Analysis the performance conceptual model, based on the stakeholder theory, bybalancing the interests of stakeholders interests and needs, respect for the value orientation ofthe stakeholders to build school physical education organizations at all levels of performance,measurable indicators of the formation of the Colleges and universities school physicaleducation performance management system embodiment of the, post school physicaleducation in the performance management system, setting, allocation of functions,institutional adjustment, performance evaluation, and institution building to provide atheoretical reference. Formed with measurable, coherent logic school physical educationperformance evaluation by examining, build a strong operability school physical educationperformance management implementation measures for Colleges and universities schoolphysical education construction and implementation of the performance management systemto provide some reference and help.
     In this paper, the theoretical framework of the Colleges and universities school physicaleducation performance management system needs to further refine and improve to thefunctional modules and the sports department of the school physical education organizationsinternal for Optimization University school physical education performance managementsystem; Although in this paper, we are trying to integrated school physical educationperformance management system into the Office of Academic Affairs, student AffairsDepartment, the Communist Youth League and technology at the administrative field, whichis only in the theoretical study and attempt, and needed to further exploration, improvementand practice. The prospect of the study on the school physical education performancemanagement and college internal administrative management, monitoring the quality ofteaching, scientific research evaluation, human resources management work organically.
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    ①Mingers,J.,W.B.Liu and W.Meng,Using SSM to Structure the Identification of Inputs and Out Puts in DEA.,Journal of theOperational Research Society,2009,60(2):167-179.
    ②Casu,B.,Shaw,D.,&Thanassoulis,E.,Using a group support system to aid in Put-out Put identification in DEA,J.Operational Research Society,2005(56):1363-1372.
    ③孟微,John Mingers,刘文斌.关于构建科技评价系统的探讨,科研管理,2007.(2):l-8.
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    ②Behn,R.,Why measure Performance? Different Purposes require different measures,Public Administration Review,2003,63(5):586-606.
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