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Range is a vast and well-equipped place that is specially built for testing anddetecting the performance of new weapons. What is more, range is also used to testand identify the technical indicators. In the range, we reveal the intrinsic andinherent performance characteristics of tested weaponry by measuring the flighttrajectory parameters of target missile, which is the most direct and effective means.Infrared multi-target tracking technology is that based on the difference betweendifferent frames of the infrared image, we analyze the data of each target to gaindifferent observation set or track, then through the analysis of the target position,velocity, acceleration, grayscale characteristics and other information, we accuratelypredict and capture the movement location and motion status of the next frame,finally we succeed in testing the experiments process of target projectile or weapon.However, multi-target tracking technology of measuring range meets the followingchallenges: on one hand, infrared multi-target tracking becomes very difficultbecause of low SNR, poor contrast ratio, small size of target, lack of informationabout shape and texture, complex image background and the mixture of objectivesand background that make identification very difficult. On the other hand, dataassociation problem coming from target consolidation and cross-motion process andthe phenomenon of target lose and reappearance make multi-target trackingtechnology get into trouble. Recently, scholars who come from home or abroad do not pay more attention to multi-target tracking research instead of being concentratedon single-target tracking.So infrared multi-target tracking study plays an importantrole in academic region and has practical value.
     Combined with the actual needs of the current project, major research workincludes the following points:1, having a discussion on the image pre-processingand multi-target tracking algorithm based on digital image processing technology inorder to provide theoretical basis for whole system function;2, working out newtracking strategy using several Theodolites,for the large number of multiple andcontinuous targets, great randomness of characteristics of target motion;3, designingand studying the hardware platform of digital image processing so as to address themulti-target tracking problem in measurement of the range.
     The paper analyzes the imaging characteristics of array infrared detector thenstudy and discuss the characteristic of each structure of infrared images. Accordingto the characteristic difference, we establish ultra-complete dictionary that help tocome up with corresponding pre-processing algorithm being aimed at different levelof structure to make the effect of image process more sparse and simple by adoptingimage preprocessing algorithm on the basis of sparse coding theory. At the sametime, the article proposes infrared multi-target tracking algorithm that is thecombination of MJNSs and kernel clustering. The algorithm can solve themulti-target tracking problems such as: target intersection, obstructions and so onthrough building the MJNSs model and ARMA model to analyze the related datagenerating from multi-target tracking process. In addition, by using kernel clusteringalgorithm, we optimize the sampling to improve the high contribution rate of theparticles. And we also propose a several Theodolites tracking program in accordancewith the great number of continuous shoot and high randomness of target motion. Byanalyzing the motion characteristics of the target group, we give different conceptionfor three various target groups and figure out classification and decision-makingstrategy of target group based on Intelligent Decision Control and multi-scale andmulti-level FCM. The strategy classifies automatically target group into different class target groups. We use Image Fusion Decider to control severaltheodolites,which is to track different target groups. We build Image Fusion Deciderplatform that consists of FPGA processor and dual multi-core DSP processorsaccording to the function of Image Fusion Decider and the requirement ofmulti-target tracking technology then raise the data processing speed of infraredimage with parallel data processing, task allocation and information exchange ofmulti-core processors.
     Finally, we make hardware transplant based on the proposed pre-processingalgorithm, multi-target tracking algorithm and classification and decision-makingstrategies of target group. At the same time we verify the correctness and feasibilityof the algorithm and system solutions of hardware platform by testing a great deal ofactual range.
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