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     (1)符合西医特应性皮炎(Atopic Dermatitis, AD)诊断标准;(2)符合中医血虚风燥证的诊断;(3)年龄2-40岁的患者;(4)签署知情同意书、依从性好的患者;(5)治疗前血常规、尿常规,肝功能(谷丙转氨酶)、肾功能(肌酐、尿素氮)检查均在正常范围。
     2.4.1主要疗效评价指标——SCORAD (scoring atopic dermatitis, SCORAD)评分
     采用欧洲特应性皮炎研究组(European Task Force on Atopic Dennatitis, ETFAD)提出的评分标准(SCORAD评分),包括客观体征皮肽病变范围(A)、皮损严重程度(B)和主观症状瘙痒和影响睡眠程度(C)评分进行疗效判定。
     采用目前最常用的皮肤病学生活质量指数量表,分DLQI (dermatology life quality index, DLQI)量表(成人及12岁以上儿童填写)、CDLQI(the Children's dermatology life quality index, CDLQI)量表(7岁<儿童≤12岁的家长填写)、IDLQI (the infants' dermatology life quality index, IDLQI)量表(2岁<儿章≤7岁的家长填写)。试验组和对照组在治疗前、第2周、第4周、第8周各访视点记录生活质量评分。
     全部病例来自2008年11月至2010年10月中国中医科学院西苑医院皮肤科门诊。共纳入符合条件的AD患者64例,试验组32例,对照组32例。对照组2例病例入组后即失访,此2例剔除。试验组和对照组各1例,于治疗2周复诊后无法复诊,对此2例数据做末次访视数据结转(Last Observation Carried Forward, LOCF),试验结束后对该62例患者按意向性分析(intention to treat, ITT)
l.Objective:To observe the efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and recurrence of Longmu decoction in the treatment of Atopic dermatitis(AD).
     2.1The method of random parallel control was used in this clinical trial.
     2.2Patients selection:
     2.2.1Diagnostic Criteria
     Western Medicine Diagnostic Criteria:Hanifin and Rajka AD Diagnostic Criteria.
     Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostic Criteria:Syndrome of blood deficiency and wind-dryness in Si Wan Feng according to Guiding Principles of Cinical Researches on New Drugs of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
     2.2.2Inclusion Criteria
     (1)In accordence with Western Medicine Diagnostic Criteria (2) In accordence with Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostic Criteria (3)age from2to40.(4)The patients who were informed and signed consent to participate.(5) The patients whose routine blood examination, routine urine examination, ALT, Cr and BUN were nomal. Exclusion Criterion:
     (1)The patients who are allergic to the medicine.(2)Pregnancy or breast-feeding women.(3)The patients who used steroids and anti-allergy in the past2weeks.(4)Immunosuppressed patients (such as lymphoma) or in patients with a history of malignant disease.(5)The patients whose occupations are dangeroussuch as pilot and so on.
     2.3Treatment Methods
     2.3.1Treatment group
     The patients of treatment group take Longmu decoction orally twice a day for2months. At the same time, the affected area applied with Longmu decoction externally. Component of Longmu decoction:Os Draconis(Longgu)30g, Concha Ostreae(Muli)30g, Rhizoma Drynariae (Gusuibu)10g, Radix Rehmanniae Recens(Shengdihuang)10g, Fructus Koch/ae(Difuzi)10g.
     2.3.2Contol group
     The patients of control group take Loratadine tablets orally once at night and Hydrocortisone Butyrate cream twice a day for external use for2months.
     Visits are scheduled on preliminary diagnosis (before treatment),2,4,8,12,24weeks after treatment.
     2.4Observation items
     2.4.1evaluation index
     The severity of skin was evaluated by the index of scoring atopic dermatitis (SCORAD) which was proposed by European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis (ETFAD). The SCORAD index includes the change of symptoms and the physical signs, lesion area of skin, disease severity, pruritus degree,etc.
     2.4.2Measurement formula
     The treatment rate=(pre-treatment SCORAD score—post-treatment SCORAD score)/pre-treatment SCORAD score×100%
     2.4.3Evaluation of quality of life
     The effects of atopic dermatitis on the quality of life of patients was evaluated by dermatology life quality index (DLQI)(age over12), the Children's dermatology life quality index (CDLQI)(age from7to12), the infants'dermatology life quality index (IDLQI)(age from2to7)
     2.4.4. Cost-effectiveness analysis
     The Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of the experimental group and the control group was evaluated after2months treatment.
     2.4.5Analysis of recurrence
     After3,6months follow-up, the recurrence were recorded by using the SCORAD index.
     2.4.6. Safety evaluation
     The patients'routine blood examination, routine urine examination, ALT, Cr and BUN were measured before and after treatment. The adverse events during the treatment were recorded.
     2.5Statistical Analysis
     Statistical analyses were performed by SAS9.2. Test oft andX2statistical methods were used to evaluate the difference between the two groups. COX regression and Wald test were used to evaluate the recurrence.The signicicance was determined as P<0.05.
     There were64cases included in this trial. All the cases came from the dermatologists of Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. The number of patients of treatment group and control group was both32, but2cases of control group were lost after the first treatment. There was separately1case lost in both group after the2weeks of treatment and we used LOCF(Last Observation Carried Forward, LOCF)to evaluate the date. We made the ITT (intention to treat, ITT) Analysis after the experiment.
     There were13men and19women in the treatment group and16men and14women in the control group. There is no significant difference of sex between experimental group and control group.
     The treatment group aged2to33years old, average age10.50±5.97. The control group aged2to36years old, average age10.52±5.76. There is no significant difference of age between the two groups.
     There is no significant difference between treatment group and control group of the total scores of symptoms and signs before the test (P>0.05).
     There is no significant difference between two groups of DLQI/CDLQI/IDLQI scores (P>0.05).
     Both treatment group and control group experience significant improvement respectively in the total scores of symptoms and signs including scores of lesion area of skin, scores of disease severity, scores of pruritus degree and SCORAD score (P<0.05).There is no significant difference between treatment group and control group of the total scores of symptoms and signs(P>0.05).
     Both treatment group and control group experience significant improvement respectively in symptoms and feelings, daily activities, leisure and total DLQI scores, but there is no significant difference between two groups (P>0.05).
     The efficacy rates are81.25%and83.33%for treatment group and control group respectively,with non-significance difference between them (P>0.05).
     Among patients of treatment group there are1cases and7cases of recurrence at the third and sixth months follow-up respectively. Among patients of control group there are11cases and7cases of recurrence after3,6months follow-up respectively. The recurrence risk of control group is3.14times to the treatment group.
     There is no significant difference of safty between the two groups, and Longmu decoction cost lower.
     Conclusion:Longmu decoction in the treatment of Atopic dermatitis is effective and safe. At the same time, Longmu decoction can significantly lower relapse rate, prolonge time to relapse and cost lower.
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