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大叶黄杨(Euonymus japonicus)是卫矛科卫矛属常绿阔叶灌木,多用于带状绿篱、列植球株等景观用材,具有较强耐寒、抗旱性,是中国北方城市道路景观绿化和园林绿化广泛使用的重要园艺材料。酸雨已成为一个国际性的环境污染问题,酸雨胁迫对对植物的生长发育产生严重的不良影响。园林绿化植物是改善城市环境、维护生态平衡的重要物质基础,大叶黄杨在园林绿化中应用极为广泛。因此研究模拟酸雨对其生理特性的影响,深入探讨其逆境下生理生态特性,为该类树种在城市绿化中的推广应用提供一些科学参考依据。研究目的验证酸雨胁迫下电阻抗图谱(EIS)参数与及生理指标的相关性,分析酸雨胁迫下对大叶黄杨叶片的叶绿素荧光特性的参数变化。研究了在不同酸雨浓度(pH为1.0、2.0、3.0、4.0、5.0)梯度胁迫下大叶黄杨茎和叶片的电阻抗图谱参数以及净光合速率、胞间二氧化碳浓度、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、叶绿素荧光、叶绿素相对含量等生理指标的变化。
     2. pH为1.0酸雨胁迫下大叶黄杨叶片的的叶绿素相对含量、叶片净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和Fv/Fm的变化与胞外电阻之间呈显著的正相关(R2=0.91、0.98、0.97、0.91)。
     4. pH为1.0酸雨胁迫下胞间二氧化碳浓度与叶片胞内电阻呈极显著(P<0.01)的负相关(R2=0.99)
Euonymus japonicus, belonging to the family of Celastraceae and the genus of Euonymus, is an evergreen broadleaf shrub used as strip hedge and column ball plant. It is the famous plant landscape materials with strong cold and drought resistance in northern China applied in urban road landscaping and used as important gardening materials. Acid rain has become an international environmental pollution, and acid rain stress on plant growth has serious adverse effects. Landscape plants improve the urban environment, and maintain ecological balance. Thus, the researches of simulated acid rain on the influence of physiological characteristic in Euonymus japonicus are important in application of urban greening. The objective of this study is to test the relationship between the electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) parameters and the physiological indexes, and to analyze the changes of chlorophyll fluorescence characteristic parameters under acid rain stress. The changes of EIS parameters, and the net photosynthetic rate, the intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, stomata conductance, chlorophyll fluorescence, and chlorophyll content were studied under simulated acid rain stress (pH 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0).
     The main results are as follows:
     1. With increase of simulated acid rain concentration and long time stress, the changes of electrical impedance spectra and EIS parameters of Euonymus japonicus shoots and leaves occurred.
     2. There were significant positive correlations between extracellular resistance and chlorophyll contents, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, as well as Fv/Fm of Euonymus japonicus leaves under pH1.0 of simulated acid rain stress (The coefficient of determination R2 was 0.91, 0.98, 0.97 and 0.91, respectively).
     3. There were significant positive correlations between extracellular resistance and chlorophyll contents, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, apricot varieties as well as Fv/Fm of Euonymus japonicus leaves under simulated acid rain stresses (R2 was 0.95, 0.92, 0.98, 0.97 and 0.97, respectively).
     4. There were significant positive correlations bwteen intracellular resistance and Ci of Euonymus japonicus leaves under pH1.0 of simulated acid rain stress (R2 was 0.99).
     5. With increase of simulated acid rain concentration and long time stress, the chlorophyll fluorescence parameterΦPSⅡand Fv/Fm decreased.
     6. Effects of concentration of acid rain on stems showed promoting performance under the low concentration, and depressing performance under the high concentrations. When the acid rain was pH 1.0, the chlorophyll content was 76% lower than that of control, and for the concentration of pH 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0, the chlorophyll content was 84.2%, 88.5% and 92.6 % higher than that of control. Under pH value of 2.0 no significant difference was found.
     7. The results showed that the EIS parameters closely related to the physiological indexes, and they could indicate the degree of acid rain stress.
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