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Abstract:Survey shows that the amount of Chinese netizen has reached538million by the end of June in2012. And among all netizens, there are about28.6%of them are student users. Internet consumption has play an important role in people's daily life.
     College students are important Internet consumer groups, whose Internet consumer habits and attitudes plays an important role in the whole society and the development of the whole network industry. College student's way of Internet consumption, Internet consumption structure and consumption concepts are now exert far-reaching influences. Although college students Internet consumption are personal things, it is always being affected by social value, culture development, political and economical things and universities and families. To study Internet comsumption of college students, is an foundamental work.
     This essay adopts a questionnaire which invent by this essay to a formal survey in710students. The essay treat the data by project analysis and factor analysis, and finally find that the college students Internet consumer preference includes four dimension which are preference of information access, preference of communication, preference of leisure and preference of network shopping. The internal consistency validity of the four dimensions are0.79、0.78、0.74和0.69. These dimensions has a good structure validity and empirical validity which verificate the four main preferences.
     The essay proposed four main influencing factors hypothesis based on the network flow theory and existing papaers. The four main influencing factors are:risk, turst, condition and characteristics of students. The essay invent a standard questionnaire and proposed a survey in students. The survey data verfified the four hypothesis, and the essay built the model of influencing factors of college students network consumer preference by the structural equation modeling.
     As for preference of network shopping, the factors of risk and trust are more important. In factors of risk, economic risk and effects risk are more important; In factors of trust, popularity of the website and the security degree of website are more important.
     As for preference of leirure, the factors of condition and characteristics of students are more important. In factors of condition, interaction and entertainment are more important. In factors of trust, popularity of the website and evaluation of website are more important.
     As for preference of information access, the factors of trust and condition are more important. In factors of trust, popularity of the website and evaluation of website are more important. In factors of condition, interaction and autority are more important.
     As for preference of conmmunication, condition and characteristics of students are more important. In factors of condition, interaction and techniques are more important. In factors of characteristics, experiences and curiosity are more important.
     This essay give some advices on how to induce the college students' network behavior and how to strengthern the competition of website as an operator.
     On inducing the college students'network behavior, the essay insist that:firstly, the government and the university should understand the network consumption of college studengt correctly and openly. Second, the government should strengthern the management of the network market, build a sound system of laws and regulations of the network market, build up credit system of virtual community, build up the leadership and organizations of virtual community, training the network society intermediary organization.
     On strengtherning the competion of website, the essay insist that: firstly, website should implement the differentiated marketing on base of scientific analysis of the network consumer preferences. Secondly, website should pay more attention to the core competition, and this essay gives a good solution of what is more important for a demand analysis of consumers.
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