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High hospitalization costs and drug prices, quality and safety of drugs, and the lowefficiency of medicine distributions have been hot spot issues since the reform of theMedicare system at the end of1990s’. The main problems include the expensivemedical treatment and speedy increasing of drug prices. Current researches show thatbesides institutional factors, high distribution costs resulted from poor operationefficiencies of medicine distribution channels play an important role in high drug prices.The improvement of cooperation relationship of firms in medicine business supplychain can decrease operational costs and deduce rises in drug prices, and enhance civilmedical benefits. Therefore, this research is meaningful theoretically and practically.
     Compared with ordinary consumer goods, Chinese medicine business supply chainis featured as being controlled by the government continually and strictly. Therefore,considering the firm cooperation in Chinese medicine supply chain, the governmentalregulations and its institutional changes ought to be brought in as an important externalinfluential factor. With Institutional Change Theory, Government Regulation Theoryand Supply Chain Cooperation Theory, this research theoretically and empiricallystudied the medicine regulation policies in different periods; the historical changes ofthe cooperation in Chinese medicine business supply chain; the influence of policychanges on the cooperation relationship; and the benefit sharing models in variousmodels of cooperation in Chinese medicine business supply chain. The main work andinnovations of this paper are as the following.
     The distribution cooperation relationship in medicine business supply chain and itschanges resulted from government regulations and market development. Andgovernment regulations heavily guide and restrict the formation and development ofdistribution cooperation. From the aspect of Institutional Change Theory andGovernment Regulation Theory, this research analyzed the institutional changes andthe development of cooperation models of distribution cooperation relationship inChinese medicine supply chain; and the influence of government regulation policies onthe cooperation models. Then with the analysis of medicine regulation policies indifferent periods, this study summarized that the corporation relationship in Chinesemedicine business supply chain changed with the changes of policies. And thisconclusion was examined by an empirical study.
     This study proved that in the model of share cooperation of medicine businesssupply chain, two parties of cooperation tend to be price conspirators and jointly make ahigh medicine price, but the government regulation policies can significantly curtail theprice conspiracy. With a two-side supply chain consisting of1manufacture firm and1sales firm as the example, a three-stage bargaining model was constructed to discuss theprofit allocation and various influences. The influence of government regulationpolicies of cooperation costs, medicine exchange prices and the final sale prices wereanalyzed. And the model proved that, aimed at the medicine with small elasticity ofdemand, it is reasonable and effective for the government to have price control atdifferent stages such as retail prices, the factory prices and wholesale prices.
     It is proved that the government regulation policies can change the cooperationmodels in Chinese medicine supply chain, can limit the extraordinary profits inmedicine distributions, and can urge firms to improve their distribution and logisticsmanagement. A two-stage supply chain consisting of1manufacture firm and2salesfirms was exampled to analyze the influence of government regulations on thecooperation models and their profit allocations. With the constraints of medicinecirculation policies, medicine sales changed from the wholesales/distributors to logisticcooperators of medicine manufactures; and the cooperation models, profit allocationschanged as well. With given fixed prices, logistic costs and sales volumes, the profits ofmanufactures and logistic suppliers significantly decreased. Therefore, in order toimprove profits for manufactures and logistic suppliers, they need to decrease the costsin manufacturing and distributions, adjust logistic charge ratio and enhance salesvolumes. In such a way, the objective of macroscopic readjustment and control ofmedicine policies can be realized to a certain extent.
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