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During the period from the end of1840s down to the end of1970s, the Church of JesusChrist of Latter-day Saints abandoned the-130-year priesthood ban which denied worthyblack males offices within the priesthood at the end of the Civil Rights Movement. Thisdissertation sets forth the background, content and influence of black priesthood denialsystematically and comprehensively with time as the horizontal line and historical events asthe vertical line. Through different effects on black believers at the different historical period,this article expounds the conversion, discrimination and integration policy of LDS Church.Furthermore, this article also helps us to explore how black believers adapt their black cultureto Mormon culture. Besides introduction and conclusion, there are four chapters in this article.
     Chapter one gives a minute description of Joseph Smith’s, the founder of LDS Church,views on Slavery, black believers and black priests on the basis of Mormon scriptures’prejudices against blacks. This chapter uses statistical diagram as a method ofmicro-understanding Mormon slave owners, black believers and black priests and analyzingthe reasons and effects.
     Chapter two elaborates the origins and consequences of Black priesthood denial are theconsequence of internal and external factors of Mormon Church. The LDS Church leaders’discrimination against black people, the peculiar doctrines, the humble origins of blackbelieves, together with Slavery and social reality of racial discrimination against blacks worktogether to form the ban.
     Chapter three reviews the social status and church status of blacks in the early1950slong before the black priesthood denial was repealed and discusses the viability and urgencyof abolishment of black priesthood prohibition. Moreover, in this chapter the author make fulluse of empirical analysis to illustrate great changes have taken place in Mormon Church andits overseas missionary after the church lifted the ban.
     Chapter four sums up the above, Combines the black priesthood ban with Mormon blackpriests and Mormon black believers to probe the relationship between black social status andblack religious status, and the unification of racial rights with religious rights. Based onempirical analysis, this chapter imagines the development of Mormon Church and theproblems the black priests may be faced.
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    ②Malise Ruthven and Peggy Fletcher Stack,“The Mormon’s Progress”, The Wilson Quarterly, Vol.15, No.2(Spring1991), p.22.
    ①Jan Shipps, Mormonism: the story of a New Religious Tradition, Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press,1987,p.5.
    ②Philip Barlow,“Jan Shipps and the Main Stream of Mormon Studies”, The American Society of Church History ChurchHistory73:2, June2004, p.423
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    ①Leonard J. Arrington and David Bitton, The Mormon Experience-A History of the Latter-day Saints, Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1992
    ②Richard Bushman, From Puritan to Yankee: Character and Social Order in Connecticut,1690-1765, The President andFellows of Harvard College,1967
    ③Richard Bushman, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, New York:Vintage Books, a division of Random House, Inc.,2007,pp.xx-xxiii
    ④Richard Bushman and Claudia L. Bushman, Building the Kingdom: A History of Mormon in America, Oxford UniversityPress, Inc.,2001, pp.ix-xi
    ⑤Claudis L. Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism: Latter-day Saints in Modern America, Praeger Publishers, Westport,Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.2006
    ①Edward H. Anderson, The Life of Brigham Young, Salt Lake City, Utah: GEO, Q. Cannon&Sons Co.Publishers,1893
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    ④Jan Shipps, Mormonism: the story of a New Religious Tradition, Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press,1987.
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    ①Rardall Balmer,“Review of Sojourner in the Promised Land”, BYU Studies40:3, pp.248-250
    ②Philip Barlow,“Jan Shipps and the Main Stream of Mormon Studies” The American Society of Church History ChurchHistory73:2, June2004, p.423
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    ⑤1993年9月,摩门教会学者公开发表学术著作,反对并批判摩门教教义及教会领导人,后来被开除出教籍。有学者称这是摩门教会反对知识分子的表现。被开除出教籍的6位学者包括:林恩·K·怀特赛兹(Lynne·K·Whitesides)、阿拉汉姆·吉列(Avraham Gileadi)、保罗·托斯卡诺(Paul Toscano)、列文·菲尔丁·安德森(Lavvin FieldingAnderson)、玛克辛·汉克斯(Maxine Hanks)以及D.迈克尔·奎恩.
    ⑥D. Michael. Quinn, Early Mormonism and the Magic View, Salt Lake City: Signature books,1998.
    ①D. Michael Quinn, Same-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth Century Americans: A Mormon Example, Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,2001.
    ②Newell G. Bringhurst, Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People Within Mormonism, Westport Conn.:Greenwood Press,1981.
    ③Jessie L. Embry, Black Saints in a White Church: Contemporary African American Mormons, Salt Lake City: SignatureBooks,1994.
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    ④Nathaniel R. Ricks, Peculiar Place for the Peculiar Institution: Slavery and Sovereignty in Early Territorial Utah, Masterof Arts, Brigham Young University,2007.
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    ④Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp,“The LDS Difference: A Mormon President?”The Christian Century Aug.21,2007, pp.20-25.
    ⑤Dennis L. Lythgoe,“The Changing Image of Mormonism”, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought (Winter1968), Vol.3,No.4, pp.45-58.
    ⑥Damon M. Cann,“Religious Identification and Legislative Voting: The Mormon Case”, Political Research Quarterly,Vol.62, No.1(March2009), pp.110-119.
    ⑦Noah Feldman,“What Is It About Mormonism”, New York Time Magazine, Jan.6,2008, pp.34-39
    ①Armand Mauss,“The Fading of Pharaohs’ Curse: The Decline and Fall of the Priesthood Ban Against Blacks in theMormon Church”, Dialogue14(autumn1981), pp.10-45.
    ②Armand Mauss,“Mormonism and the Negro: Faith, Folklore and Civil Rights”, Dialogue4(Winter1969), PP.19-39.
    ③Brian Walton,“A University’s Dilemma: B. Y. U. and Blacks”, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought (Spring1971),Vol.6, No.1, pp.31-36.
    ④Mark L. Grover,“Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy: Mormon Priesthood and Black Brazilians”,Dialogue17(Autumn1984), pp.23-34.
    ⑤Jessie L. Embry,“Separate but Equal? Black Branches, Genesis Group, or Integrated Wards?”, Dialogue23(Spring1990),pp.11-37.
    ①Newell G. Bringhurt,“Elijah Abel and the Changing Status of Blacks Within Mormonism”, Dialogue12(Summer1979),pp.22-36.
    ②Douglas M. Trank,“The Negro and the Mormons: A church in Conflict”, Western Speech35(Fall1971) pp.220-230.
    ③O. Kendall White Jr.,“Boundary Maintenance.Blacks, and the Mormon Priesthood”, Journal of Religious Thought37(Fall/Winter1980-81) pp.30-44.
    ④O. Kendall White Jr. and Daryl White,“Integrating Religious and Racial Identities, An Analysis of LDS African AmericanExplanations of the Priesthood Ban”, Review of Religious Research, Vol.36, No.3,(March1995), pp.295-311
    ⑤O. Kendall White Jr. and Daryl White,“Abandoning an Unpopular Policy: An Analysis of the Decision Grantingthe Mormon Priesthood to Blacks”, Sociological Analysis41(Fall1980), pp.231-245
    ①“LDS Church Growth, Member Activity, and Covert Retention: Review and Analysis”, fromhttp://www.cumorah.com/index.php?target=church_growth_articles&story_id=102013-2-17
    ①Pierre Bourdieu,“Genesis and Structure of the Religious Field”, Comparative Social Research, Volume13, pp.1-44.
    ②Michel Foucault,“The Discourse of Language”,“Truth and Power”, from The Archaeology of Knowledge, translated by A.M. Sheridan Smith, Tavistoch Publications,1972, pp.341-345.
    ①The Books of The Bible, International Bible Society,2007.
    ②The Book of Mormon Tr. Joseph Smith Jr. Rev. ed., Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,1981.
    ③The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Rev. ed., Salt Lake City: Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,1981.
    ④Joseph Smith, Pearl of Great Price, Heber J. Grant Trustee-In-Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints, Salt Lake City, Utah, U. S. A.,1921.
    ⑤Hosea Stout Collection,1847-1937Church Archives, L. Tom Perry Special Collection, Harold B. Lee Library BrighamYoung University and Diary of Orson Hyde,16September1832, Church Archives.
    ⑥Journal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church Archives,1830-present (JH).
    ⑦Journal of Discourses,26volumes, Liverpool, Eng.,1854-1886.
    ①Leonard J. Arrington&Davis Bitton, The Mormon Experience---A History of the Latter-day Saints, Urbana andChicago: University of the Illinois Press,1992, p.8.
    ②Maxine Hanks with Jean Kinney,Williams J. Gordon Melton edited, Mormon Faith in America, Fact on File, Inc.2003p.51.
    ①Rodney Stark, The Rise of Mormonism edited by Reid L. Neilson, New York: Columbia University Press,2005,pp.140-142.
    ②Ibid pp.144-145.
    ③Ibid pp.5-6.
    ①Book of Abraham,3:22.
    ②Orson Hyde, Speech of Orson Hyde, Delivered Before the High Priests’ Quorum, in Nauvoo, April27th,1845, fromRichard Abanes, One Nation Under God, New York: Thunder Mouth Press, p.597
    ③Mark E. Peterson,“Race Problems As They Affect the Church”, Address at the Convention of Teachers of Religion On theCollege Level, delivered at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, August27,1954, on file at BYU Library, SpecialCollections. From www.mormonism.net/mep1954/00.html2013-1-27
    ①Dale Morgan, The Western Humanities, U.S.A.: University of Utah, Vol.IVNo.1,(winter1949-1950), p.4
    ②The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, Approaching Mormon Doctrine (May4,2007) fromhttp://en.fairmormon.org/Fallibility_of_prophets2013-2-20.
    ③Armand Mauss,“Mormonism and the Negro: Faith, Folklore, and the Civil Rights”, Dialogue: A Journal of MormonThought Vol.2No.4,(winter1969), pp.20-30.
    ④Armand Mauss,“Casting off the Curse of Cain” from Black and Mormon edited by Newell G. Bringhurst and Darron T.Smith, Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press,2004, pp.83-100.
    ⑤Richard Ostling and Joan Ostling, Mormon America, Harper Collins,1999, pp.103-104
    ②Oaks H. Dallin, Interview with Associated Press, in Daily Herald, Provo, Utah,5June1988:21(Associated Press:reproduced with commentary in Dallin H. Oaks, Life Lessons Learned: Personal Reflections, Salt Lake City, Utah: DeseretBook, Co.,2011, pp.68-69)
    ③Armand Mauss,“Mormonism and the Negro: Faith, Folklore, and the Civil Rights”, Dialogue: A Journal of MormonThought Vol.2No.4,(winter1969), pp.20-30
    ①Newell G. Bringhurst and Darron T. Smith, Black and Mormon ed. by Urban and Chicago: University of Illinois Press,2004, pp.148-163.
    ②Pierre Bourdieu,“Genesis and Structure of the Religious Field”, Comparative Social Research, Volume13, pp.10-15。
    ①此处制表参考以下文献:Jack Beller,“Negro Slaves in Utah”, Utah Historical Quarterly2October1929; Kate B. Carter,The Story of the Negro Pioneer (Salt Lake City1965); Ronald G. Coleman,“A History of Blacks in Utah,1825-1910”(Ph.D.Diss., University of Utah,1980), from Newell G. Bringhurst, Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People,Greenwood Press, Westport,1981, p.220.
    ①Newell G. Bringhurst, Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People, Greenwood Press, Westport,1981,pp.40-228.
    ①Fawn M. Brodie, No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, New York: Knof,1994, pp.129-140.
    ①Ibid, PP.129-394.
    ③Mormon Heretic,“The First Black Mormon Leader Pete”from http://www.wheatandtares.org/2012/01/16/the-first-black-mormon-leader-pete/2012-4-6
    ④Stephen G. Taggart, Mormonism’s Negro Policy: Social and Historical Origins, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press,1970, pp.13-26.
    ①Doctrine and Covenants1835edition section102it was originally published in the Latter-day Saints Messengerand Advocate, Aug.1835from Newell Bringhurst “The Mormons and Slavery-A Closer Look” Pacific Historical Review,Vol.50. No.3(Aug.1981), pp.330-331.
    ②Lester E. Bush Jr. and Armand L. Mauss Neither White Nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in aUniversal Church, Signature Books: Midvale Utah,1984, p.74.
    ③Doctrine and Covenants104:16-18;98:5.
    ④Joseph Smith,“Gen. Smith’s Views on the Government and Policy of the U.S.”,from Times and Seasons,5:528-533.
    ①Newell G. Bringhurst, Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People Greenwood Press, Westport1981,pp.222-223.
    ②Lester E. Bush Jr. and Armand L. Mauss, Neither White Nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in aUniversal Church, Signature Books: Midvale Utah,1984, p.55;Newell G. Bringhurst “Elijah Abel And The Changing Status of Blacks Within Mormonism” fromwww.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/.../05/Dialogue_V12N02-24.pdf P30-31;Lester E. Bush,“Mormonism’s Negro Doctrine: A Historical Overview”, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought,(Spring1973), Vol.8No.1, pp.11-68.
    ①Lester E. Bush Jr. and Armand L. Mauss, Neither White Nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in aUniversal Church, Signature Books: Midvale Utah,1984, p.80.
    ②Mormon Heretic,“The First Black Mormon Leader Pete”From http://www.wheatandtares.org/2012/01/16/the-first-black-mormon-leader-pete/2012-4-6.
    ③Mormon Heretic,“The First Black Mormon Leader Pete”
    ④George A. Smith “Revelations carried by a black angel” Journal of Discourse, Liverpool, England, November15,1865from jod.mrm.org/11/1,2013-1-27
    ⑤Doctrine and Covenants,43:3-6from Newell G. Bringhurst “Elijah Abel and The Changing Status of Blacks WithinMormonism” from www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/.../05/Dialogue_V12N02-24.pdf pp.24-25.
    ①Newell G. Bringhurst “Elijah Abel And The Changing Status of Blacks Within Mormonism” fromwww.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/.../05/Dialogue_V12N02-24.pdf PP.22-36.
    ②Council Meeting Minutes,4June1879Bennion Papers由于原始材料在国内难以找到所以只好转引自Excerpts From Minutes of the Council of the Twelve and of the First Presidency June8,1978fromhttp://user.xmission.com/~research/central/chorg2.htm2013-1-27
    ③Newell G. Bringhurst “Elijah Abel And The Changing Status of Blacks Within Mormonism” fromwww.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/.../05/Dialogue_V12N02-24.pdf pp.30-36.
    ②Eunice Kenney,“My Testimony of the Latter Day Work” LDS Church Archives from Newell G. Bringhurst “Elijah AbelAnd The Changing Status of Blacks Within Mormonism”, p.24
    ③Ibid, pp.22-25.
    ④“Minutes of a special Conference of the Cicinnati branch of the Church held at Elder Pugh’s on the1stday of June,1845”as noted by Times and Seasons, June1,1845, LDS Church Archives,from Newell G. Bringhurst “Elijah Abel And TheChanging Status of Blacks Within Mormonism”, pp.26-28
    ⑥Council Meeting Minutes,4June1879, Bennion papers.
    ①Minutes of a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held in Cincinnati, June25,1843in LDSChurch Archives from Newell G. Bringhurst “Elijah Abel And The Changing Status of Blacks Within Mormonism”,pp.26-28
    ①Connell O’ Donovan,“The Mormon Priesthood Ban and Elder Q. Walker Lewis: An Example for His More WhiterBrethren to Follow”, John Whitmer Historical Association Journal,2006, pp..47-99.
    ②Journal of Discourses, Vol.10, p.110.
    ①Connell O’ Donovan,“The Mormon Priesthood Ban and Elder Q. Walker Lewis: An Example for His More WhiterBrethren to Follow”, John Whitmer Historical Association Journal,2006, pp.47-99.
    ①Originally published as “Okonomisches Kapital, Kulturelles Kapital, Soziales Kapital” in Soziale Ungleichheiten (SozialeWelt, Sonderheft2), edited by Reinhard Krechel Goettingen Otto Schartz&Co.1983, translated by Richard Nice pp.183-198
    ①Leonard J. Arrington and Davis Bitton, The Mormon Experience: The History of the Latter-day Saints, Urbanaand Chicago: University of Illinois Press,,1992, pp.82-104.
    ②History of BYU from http://yfacts.byu.edu/article?id=1372013-1-27.
    ③Leonard J. Arrington, Brigham Young: American Moses, Alfred A. Knopf. Inc.,1985, pp.1-5.
    ④Martin Ridge “Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and A Religious Tradition” Reviews in American History, Vol.14, No.1(Mar.,1986), pp.25-33
    ①Journal of Discourses,7:290,7October1859.
    ②Journal of Discourses,11:27219August1866.
    ③Fred C. Collier, The Teachings of President Brigham Young, Vol.31852-1854,Salt Lake City, UT: Collier’s Publishing Co.,1987, p.43.
    ④Doctrine and Covenant98:45-47;124:50-52.
    ①Journal of Discourses,2:142-143,3December1854.
    ②T.B.H. Stenhouse,“Modern Prophet” from Rocky Mountain Saints, New York: D. Appleton&Co.,1873, pp.491-492.
    ③Journal History,25Dec.1869, citing Wilford Woodruff’s journal from www.blacklds.org/history2013-3-28.
    ④Lester E. Bush Jr. and Armand L. Mauss Neither White Nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue ina Universal Church, Midvale Utah: Signature Books,1984, PP.91-92.
    ①Patrick E. Horn “Summary of A Sketch of the Life of Okah Tubbee, called William Chubbee, Son of the Head Chief,Mosholeh Tubbee, Of the Choctaw Nation of Indians” Documenting the American South: North American Slave Narrative
    (University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) from http://docsouth.unc.edu/neh/tubbee/summary.html2013-3-11.
    ②Larry G. Murph, Gordon J. Melton, Gary L. Ward, Encyclopedia of African American Religions, New York: GarlandPublishing, pp..471-472.
    ①Matthias Cowley, Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City: The Deseret News Press,1909, p.351.
    ②Fred C. Collier, ed., The Teachings of President Brigham Young Vol.31852-1854, Salt Lake City, UT: Collier’s PublishingCo.,1987, p43.
    ③Bruce McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft,1958, pp.118-132
    ④Journal of Discourses,7:290-291,9Dec.1859from http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/utils/qetfile/collection/journal10fDiscourseses3/id/4487/filename/100504171849ep272UaM230J82V11.pdf2013-3-25
    ①Lester E. Bush Jr. and Armand L. Mauss Neither White Nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in aUniversal Church Signature Books: Midvale Utah,1984, P97
    ②Newell G. Bringhurst,“The Mormons and Slavery---A Closer Look”, Pacific Historical Review, Vol.50, No.3August,1981, pp.329-338
    ③“Act in Relation to Service”, Territorial Legislature Records, Series3150, Box1, Folder55, Utah State Archives, SaltLake City from http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/11302013-3-25
    ①Nathaniel R. Ricks A peculiar place for the peculiar institution: slavery and sovereignty in early territorialUtah, a thesis submitted to Brigham Young University, August2007pp.100-110fromhttp://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/11302013-3-25.
    ②David M. Goldenberg, The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and IslamPrinceton, NJ: Princeton University Press,2003, P51.
    ③David B. Davis, The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press,1966, P99.
    ②犹他历史学家汤姆斯·亚历山大(Thomas Alexander)认为,摩门教徒将多妻制看成是一种理想的婚姻形式。通过多妻制,持有圣职的忠诚信徒与他的妻子、儿女共同营建上帝之国。由于多妻制与上帝之国(锡安之国)的联系,教会领导人普遍认为,如果持有圣职的男性教徒不实行多妻制,他就不应该在犹他领地的政府机构中任职。多妻制被看成是教徒对教会、教会领导人忠信度检验的一种形式。所以,摩门教会以教主为首的大部分教徒都实行多妻制.From Thomas G. Alexander Utah, the Right Place: The Official Centennial History, Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith,Publishier,1996, pp.188-189.
    ③Frederic A. Culmer,“General John Wilson, Signer of the Deseret Petition”, California Historical Society Quarterly, ⅩⅩⅥ(1947), p.330.
    ④Nathaniel R. Ricks A peculiar place for the peculiar institution: slavery and sovereignty in early territorial Utahmaster thesis submitted to Brigham Young University August2007pp.90-108
    ①Martin Ridge “Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and A Religious Tradition” Reviews in American History, Vol.14, No.1(Mar.,1986), p.26
    ②Newell G.Bringhurst,Saints,Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People Within Mormonism,GreenwoodPress, Westport,1981, pp.90-93.
    ①Newell G. Bringhurst,“The Mormons and Slavery-A Closer Look”, Pacific Historical Review, Vol.50, No.3(August1981),p.336.
    ①D. Michael Quinn,“LDS Headquarters Culture and the Rest of Mormonism: Past and Present”, fromwww.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue-V34No304_161〔1〕.pdf, pp.136-1642013-1-29
    ②Minutes of the Council of Twelve,4June1879, Bennion Papers from user.xmission.com/~research/central/chorg2.htm2013-1-27
    ③Wilford Woodruff Journal,16January1852, Woodruff Papers, LDS Church Archives from Lester E.Bush,“Mormonism’sNegro Doctrine: An Historical Overview”, Dialogue Vol.8No.1(Spring1973), pp.11-68
    ④Minutes of the Council of Twelve,4June1879, Bennion Papers from Excerpts From Minutes of the Council of theTwelve and of the First Presidency June8,1978from http://user.xmission.com/~research/central/chorg2.htm2013-1-27
    ①Council Meeting Minutes,22Aug1895, Bennion Papers. from Excerpts From Minutes of the Council of the Twelve and ofthe First Presidency June8,1978from http://user.xmission.com/~research/central/chorg2.htm2013-1-27from Excerpts From Minutes of the Council of the Twelve and of the First Presidency June8,1978fromhttp://user.xmission.com/~research/central/chorg2.htm2013-1-27
    ②Council minutes,18Aug.1900, Bennion Papers.
    ③Council Meeting Minutes,16Dec.1897, Bennion papers.
    ④Council Minutes,2Jan.1902, Bennion papers.
    ⑤Council Minutes,26Aug.1908, Bennion papers.
    ①Lester E. Bush Jr. and Armand L. Mauss, Neither White Nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in a
    ②UInbiidv epr.1sa08l Church, Signature Books: Midvale Utah,1984, pp.106-108.
    ③Ibid p.156-.157
    ④Ibid p.157-158.
    ⑤约瑟夫·菲尔丁·史密斯是约瑟夫·F·.史密斯的儿子,是海勒姆·史密斯(Hyrum Smith)的孙子,而Hyrum Smith是先知约瑟夫·史密斯的哥哥。由于其显赫的家庭背景和在摩门教会的资深职位,他的思想对教会在20世纪20年代至60年代这40年间产生深远影响。From Newell G. Bringhurst Saints, Slaves, and Blacks: The ChangingPlace of Black People Within Mormonism, Greenwood Press, Westport,1981, pp.170-171.
    ⑥Joseph Fielding Smith, The Way to Perfection, Deseret Book Co,1984, p.43.
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    ②“South African Mission Plan”, Dec.1951, pp.45-46, LDS church archives from Lester E. Bush “Mormonism’s NegroDoctrine: An Historical Overview” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought Vol.8No.1(Spring1973) pp.11-68.
    ③Patrick Q. Mason, The Prohibition of Interracial Marriage in Utah,1888-1963.From http://history.utah.gov/historical_society/membership/documents/Spring%202008%20article.pdf,2011-11-08.
    1. Claudia L. Bushman Contemporary Mormonism Latter-day Saints in Modern America, Westport, Praeger Publisher,2006
    3. Council Meeting Minutes,22Aug.1895, Bennion papers
    4. Council Meeting Minutes,16Dec.1897, Bennion papers
    5. Council Minutes,2Jan.1902, Bennion papers
    6.Council Minutes,26Aug.1908, Bennion papers
    7. Lester E. Bush Jr. and Armand L. Mauss Neither White Nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in aUniversal Church, Signature Books: Midvale Utah,1984
    8. Deseret News Salt Lake City,9June1978.
    9. Darron T. Smith “Unpacking Whiteness in Zion: Some Personal Reflections and General Observations” from Black andMormon ed. by Newell G. Bringhurst and Darron T. Smith Urban and Chicago: University of Illinois Press,2004,PP.148-163
    10. Council Meeting Minutes,4June1879, Bennion papers
    11.“Gen. Smith’s Views on the Government and Policy of the U.S.”from Times and Seasons,5:528-533
    12. Newell G. Bringhurst Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People Within Mormonism Westport,Greenwood Press,1981, pp.84-86
    13. Matthias Cowley, Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, The Deseret News Press,1909, p.351
    14. Stephen G. Taggart, Mormonism’s Negro Policy: Social and Historical Origins Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press,1970, pp.13-26
    15. Doctrine and Covenants1835edition section102
    ③Newell G. Bringhurst, Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People Within Mormonism, GreenwoodPress, Westport,1981, p.228.
    ①Mary Lucile Bankhead Oral History,11, interviewed by Alan Cherry,1985, LDS Afro-American Oral History Project,Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University from Jessie L. Embry BlackSaints in a White Church---Contemporary African-American Mormons, Signature Books Inc.,1994, pp.56-58.
    ②Margaret Judy Maag,“Discrimination Against the Negro in Utah and Institutional Efforts to Eliminate It”, M.S. thesis,University of Utah,1971, pp.26-28.
    ③Mark E. Peterson,“Race Problems—As They Affect the Church”, Address at the Convention of Teachers of Religion Onthe College Level, delivered at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, August27,1954, on file at BYU Library, SpecialCollections. From www.mormonism.net/mep1954/00.html2013-1-27
    ①Church First Presidency Letter to President Ezra T. Benson,23June1942, Bennion Papers.
    ②Frank S. Loescher, The Protestant Church and the Negro, Philadelphia,1948, PP.28-50
    ①Noah Feldman,“What is it about Mormonism”, New York Times Magazine, Jan.6,2008, pp.34-38.
    ②Leonard J. Arrington and Davis Bitton, The Mormon Experience: The History of the Latter-day Saints, Urbana andChicago:University of Illinois Press,,1992, pp.169-175.
    ①Claudia L. Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism Latter-day Saints in Modern America, Praeger Publisher, Westport,2006,p.309.
    ②Journal of Discourses, Vol.10, P110.
    ③Patrick Q. Mason,“The Prohibition of Interracial Marriage in Utah,1888-1963”, fromhttp://history.utah.gov/historical-society/membership/documents/spring%202008%20article.pdf2012-5-7.
    ④Connell O’ Donovan,“I Would Confine Them to Their Own Species”, LDS Historical Rhetoric&Praxis RegardingMarriage Between Whites and Blacks from http://www.connellodonovan.com/black_white_marriage.html2013-4-15.
    ⑤Jerald and Sandra Tanner, The Changing World of Mormonism, from www.utlm.org/onlinebooks/changecontents.htm,p.2912012-3-12.
    ⑥Newell G. Bringhurst, Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People Within Mormonism, GreenwoodPress Westport,1981, pp.229-235.
    ①Mark E Petersen,“Race Problems-As They Affect The Church”, a speech delivered at Brigham Young University, Aug.27,1954from www.utlm.org/onlinebooks/changecontents.htm2012-3-12.
    ③“Mormon Church Faces Picketing by the NAACP”, St. Petersburg Times, Saturday, October5,19632-A, fromhttp://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=888&dat=19631005&id=DtAlAAAAIBAJ&sjid=4HwDAAAAIBAJ&pg=4848,19573162013-4-9.
    ④Sterling M. McMurrin,“A Note on the1963Civil Rights Statement”, Dialogue Ⅻ:2(Summer1979), pp.60-63.
    ①上述材料经笔者整理来源于Brian Walton,“AUniversity’s Dilemma: B.Y. U. and Blacks”, Dialogue: A Journal ofMormon Thought,(Spring1971),Vol.6No.1, PP.31-36.
    ③“Singing Saints”, Time,26July1963,66from Dale Pelo, Mormonism in National Periodicals,1961-1970, Master Thesis,Brigham Young University,1973, pp.62-63.
    ①Wynetta M. Clark, I am a Negro Mormon, Utah: Ogden,1970, p5.
    ②Alan Gerald Cherry, It’s You and Me, Lord!, Provo, Utah: Trilogy Arts Publication,1970, BYU Today, February,1971.
    ③William F. Reed,“The other side of The Y”, Sports Illustrated, January26,1970, pp.38-39.
    ④BYU Today, August1971; Deseret News, March13,1976, P28A from Armand L. Mauss,“The Fading of the Pharaohs’Curse: The Decline and Fall of the Priesthood Ban Against Blacks in the Mormon Church” fromhttp://dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/dialogue_V14No_3_12.pdf.
    ①“LDS Church First Presidency Statement Affirming the Right of the Priesthood to Black Mormon Males, June8,1978”, Deseret News, Salt Lake City,9June1978.
    ①Jessie L. Embry, Black Saints in a White Church Contemporary African-American Mormons, Signature Books Inc.,1994,pp.30-50.
    ②Harold B. Lee,“Growth of Church,” Conference Reports,6April,1973(Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints,1973), p.7.
    ③Lowell C.“Ben” Bennion and Lawrence A. Young “The Uncertain Dynamics of LDS Expansion,1950-2020” fromhttp://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/DialogueV29No114.pdf2012-3-1.
    ①以上材料经笔者整理源于Armand L. Mauss,“Casting off the‘Curse of Cain’: The Extent and Limits of Progress Since1978” paper from Black and Mormon ed. by Newell G. Bringhurst and Darron T. Smith University of Illinois Press, Urbanand Chicago,2004, pp.84-98.
    ①Gregory Prince, David O. Mckay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism, Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press,2005,pp.5-8.
    ②Llewelyn R. McKay, Home Memories of President David O. McKay, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book,1956, pp.226-231.
    ③“Minutes of a Special Meeting by President David O. McKay,17January,1954”, in DOMOJ,19January1954fromGregory Prince, David O. Mckay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism, Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press,2005,p.158
    ①Gregory A. Prince “David O. McKay and Blacks: Building the Foundation for the1978Revelation” fromhttp://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Dialogue_V35N01_157.pdf2013-4-21p.147.
    ②Ibid, pp.148-153.
    ①Armand L. Mauss “Mormonism and the Negro: Faith, Folklore, and Civil Rights” fromwww.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V02N04_21.pdf2012-3-1.
    ②Gregory Prince, David O. Mckay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism, The University of Utah Press,2005pp.5-8.
    ③“Policy Statement of Presidency”, Church News, on January10,1970
    ①Gregory A. Prince “David O. McKay and Blacks: Building the Foundation for the1978Revelation” fromhttp://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Dialogue_V35N01_157.pdf2013-4-21p.153.
    ②Jessie L. Embry, Black Saints in a White Church Contemporary African-American Mormons, Signature Books Inc.,1994,p.39.
    ①James B. Allan “On Becoming A Universal Church: Some Historical Perspective” fromhttp://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/dialogue V25No115.pdf2012-3-1.
    ②Lynn T. Smith, Brazil: People and Institutions, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,1963, pp.68-126
    ③Marvin Harris, Pattern of Race in the Americas, New York: W. W. Norton and Company,1964, pp.54-64.
    ④Mark L. Grover “Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy: Mormon Priesthood and Black Brazilians”Mormon History Association Annual Meeting,8May1983, Omaha Nebraska, p.30.
    ①Farrell Ray Mason, History of the South African Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:1853-1970,M.A. thesis, Brigham Young University,1960, pp.42-46.
    ②Mark L. Grover “Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy: Mormon Priesthood and Black Brazilians”Mormon History Association Annual Meeting,8May1983, Omaha Nebraska, pp.31-34.
    ③Deseret News,1975Church Almanac, A-7;1980Church Almanac, p.296fromhttp://dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/dailogue_V14N03_12.pdf2012-3-14.
    ④Jan Shipps,“The Mormons: Looking forward and outward”, Christian CenturyXCV:26(August16-23,1978), pp.761-766.
    ①Maxine Hanks and William Kinney Williams, Mormon Faith in American, Facts on File, Inc.,2003, PP.90-91
    ②Theodore H. White, The Making of the President,1968, Reissue: Perennial,2010, p.37.
    ③Whitey Sawyer,“120,000Stage Peaceful Walk Against Bias”,Argus-Press, Owosso Michigan: Associated Press, p.1.
    ①“Delbert L. Stapley Letter to Governor George W. Romney”, The Boston Globe, January23,1964, fromhttp://www.google.com.hk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=delbert%20stapley%20and%20governer%20george%20romney&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2eboston%2ecom%2fnews%2fdaily%2f24%2fdelbert_stapley%2epdf&ei=go2ZUpmYMKXqiAeru4CwCA&usg=AFQjCNGYQJ8wElq48owP6JiZPJC-j4InxQ&bvm=bv.57155469,d.aGc&cad=rjt2013-1-27
    ②Dennis L. Lythgoe “The Changing Image of Mormonism” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol.3No.4(Winter1968), p.48.
    ③Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp “The LDS difference: A Mormon President?”, The Christian Century: Aug.21,2007, p.21.
    ④Dennis L. Lythgoe “The Changing Image of Mormonism” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol.3No.4(Winter1968) pp.47-48.
    ①Ernest L. Wilkinson Diary,1May1968, in Ernest L. Wilkinson Personal Papers, UA1000, box102, folder5, L. Tom PerrySpecial Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. From John Ben Haws “The MormonImage in the American Mind: Shaping Public Perception of Latter-day Saints,1968-2008” a dissertation submitted toDepart of History University of Utah, August2010. p.145
    ①以上材料经笔者整理源自John Ben Haws “The Mormon Image in the American Mind: Shaping Public Perception ofLatter-day Saints,1968-2008” a dissertation submitted to Depart of History University of Utah, August2010. pp.112-168.
    ②Doctrine and Covenant50:26-27.
    ④Doctrine and Covenant64:29.
    ③Armand L. Mauss,“The Mormon Struggle With Assimilation and Identity: Trends and Developments Since Midcentury”,Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol.27No.1pp.143-144.
    ①Leonard J. Arrington and Davis Bitton, The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-day Saints, Urbana andChicago: University of Illinois Press,1992, pp.292-293.O. Kendall White, Jr. and Daryl White,“Integrating Religious and Racial Identities: An Analysis of LDS African AmericanExplanations of the Priesthood Ban”, Review of Religious Research, Vol.36,No.3(March1995), pp.295-311.
    ②《圣职的职责与祝福》,耶稣基督后世圣徒教会台北发行中心,1997年, pp.83-251.
    ①U.S. Religious Landscape Survey: Religious Affiliation Diverse and Dynamic February2008, The Pew Forumon Religious&Public Life, pp.40-43.
    ②Michael O. Emerson and George Yancey,“African Americans in Interracial Congregations an Analysis of Demographics,Social Networks, and Social Attitudes”, Review of Religious Research, Vol.49, No.3(March,2008), pp.301-302.
    ①Renold G. Coleman,“Black in Utah History: An Unkown Legacy”, fromhttp://historytogo.utah.gov/people/ethnic_cultures/the_peoples_of_utah/blacksinutahhistory.html2013-4-5.
    ②Donald Jackson and Mary Lee Spence, The Expeditions of John Charles Fremont, Chicago,1970, pp.383-427.
    ①Kate B. Carter, The Negro Pioneer, Salt Lake City,1965, pp.9-13.
    ②Ronald G. Coleman,“African Americas in Utah”, from www.uen.org/utah-history-encyclopedia/a/African-Americans. html2013-7-20.
    ③Renold G. Coleman,“Blacks in Utah History: An Unkown Legacy”, fromhttp://historytogo.utah.gov/people/ethnic_cultures/the_peoples_of_utah/blacksinutahhistory.html2013-4-5.
    ①Ronald G. Coleman,“African American Community and Politics,1890-1910”, fromhttp://historytogo.utah.gov/utah_chapters/statehood_and_the_progressive_era/africanamericancommunityandpolitics1890-1910.html/index.html2013-7-26.
    ③Dion M. Harris,“Proud Past, Uncertain Future For the Trinity AME Church” fromhttp://www.deseretnews.com/article/490349/PROUD-PAST-UNCERTAIN-FUTURE-FOR-THE-TRINITY-AME-CHURCH.html?pg=all2013-4-25.
    ①Wade C. Roof and William McKinney, American Mainline Religion: Its Changing Shape and Future, New Jersey: RutgersUniversity Press,1987, p.90
    ②Mathew Brown,“Revival: Calvary Baptist Church celebrates120years of worship and reaching out” fromhttp://www.deseretnews.com/article/865566485/Revival-Calvary-Baptist-Church-celebrates-120-years-of-worship-and-reaching-out.html?pg=all2013-7-25
    ③C. Eric Lincoln and Lawrence H.Mamiya, The Black Church in the African American Exerience, Durham and London:Duke University Press,1990, p.159.
    ①Jessie L. Embry, Black Saints in a White Church: Contemporary African-American Mormons, Signature Books Inc.,1994,PP.105-107.
    ②Thirteen Articles of LDS church from http://mission.net/taiwan/taichung/page.php?pg_id=14122013-5-28.
    ③Jerald and Sanda Tanner, Mormons and Negroes, Salt Lake City, Utah, Modern Microfilm co.,1970, PP.12-16.
    ④Lester E. Bush Jr. and Armand L. Mauss, Neither White Nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in aUniversal Church, Signature Books: Midvale Utah,1984, pp.178-179.
    ①Jessie L. Embry, Black Saints in a White Church: Contemporary African-American Mormons, Signature Books Inc.,1994,p191.
    ②Spencer W. Kimball“Marriage and Divorce”, in1976Devotional Speeches of the Year Provo: Brigham Young UniversityPress,1977, p.144.
    ①Newell G. Bringhurst and Darron T. Smith, Black and Mormon, University of Illinois Press Urbana and Chicago,2004, pp.50-54.
    ①Jack Beller,“Negro Slaves in Utah”, Utah Historical Quarterly, Vol.2, No.4.1929, pp.124-126
    ①Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury by Dr. Colenso, Bishop of Natal, Millennnial Star,28September1861from NewellG. Bringhurst, Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People Greenwood Press, Westport1981, p.203
    ②以上论点经笔者整理源自:Armand Mauss,“The Fading of the Pgaraohs’Curse: The Decline and Fall of the PriesthoodBan Against Blacks in the Mormon Cjurch”, Dialogue vol.14, No.3, Autumn1981, pp.10-24; Newell G. Bringhurst,“TheImage of Blacks Within Mormonism as Presented in the Church News(1978-1988)”, American Periodicals, Vol.2, Fall1992, pp.113-123.
    ①William Mulder, Homeward to Zion: The Mormon Migration from Scandinavia, Minneapolis: University of MinnesotaPress,1957, pp.252-253.
    ①Jessie L. Embry, Black Saints in a White Church: Contemporary African-American Mormons, Signature Books Inc.,1994,pp.224-230.
    ②Ibid P228.
    ③John A. Adams, Jr., The Black Pulpit Revolution in the United Methodist Church and Other Denominations,Chicago: Strugglers’ Community Press,1985, p.1.
    ①Newell G.Bringhurst,“The Image of Blacks Within Mormonism as Presented in the Church News(1978-1988)”, AmericanPeriodicals, Vol.2(Fall1992), pp.113-123.
    ①在拉美国家针对摩门教会的暴力袭击事件主要有,1989年5月,玻利维亚的两名摩门教会传教士被杀,7月智力的摩门教会教徒被当成人质,同时,玻利维亚的圣克鲁兹教堂遭炸弹袭击,这些均为反对美国的恐怖主义分子所为。本材料源自Jame B. Allen,“On Becoming a Universal Church: Some Historical Perspectives”, pp.28-29
    ②Armand Mauss,“Mormonism in the Twenty-first Century: Marketing for Miracles”, p.242fromhttp://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/DialogueV29N01242.pdf2012-3-1.
    ①Ibid p.243
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