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随着磁存储硬盘技术的不断发展,超薄类金刚石薄膜(DLC)的研究越来越成为材料领域的研究热点。本文分别采用Electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition (ECR-CVD电子回旋共振增强化学气相沉积)、Ion beam deposition optimization (IBO离子束辅助沉积技术)、Filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA过滤阴极真空电弧技术)方法制备出Diamond-like carbon (DLC类金刚石)薄膜,主要以Vis(514nm) & UV(244nm) Raman对薄膜的结构分析为主线,从而反映薄膜的性能,具体见下。
     在ECR-CVD方法中,采用CH4和N2混合气体制备a-C:H:N薄膜。研究表明,N的掺入,将使得薄膜的sp~3含量降低,以至硬度和密度降低。这是由于在a-C:H:N薄膜中,并没有形成大量的比金刚石结构更硬的C_3N_4 (C≡N)相,主要形成了C-N键。因此,氮掺杂并不能使a-C:H薄膜满足硬盘要求。
     最后,为有效评估DLC在纳米级Lead区域结合力建立了超声震荡加化学腐蚀的方法。发现薄膜在AuCu上的结合力强于Au。从而对于可能由于DLC/ Lead间弱的结合力而引起的磁阻材料氧化问题,本实验结果提供了一种方法,从Wafer设计层面上,通过AuCu取代Au作为lead材料加以研究解决。
With the development of magnetic disk drive technology, ultra-thin diamond-like carbon (DLC) films have attracted considerable interest as a protective overcoat. In this thesis, firstly, DLC films are deposited using electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) chemical vapor deposition、ion beam deposition optimization (IBO) and filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) techniques, respectively. Then we consider in detail the use of a combined study of Raman spectra taken at two wavelengths (514 and 244 nm) to study the structure of films that can reflect its properties, and this is highlight part of the thesis. In addition, we propose a method for ultra-thin DLC films adherence evaluation on the nano-scale lead area of magnetic recording slider. The details are as following:
     Firstly DLC films of different thickness from 10? to 100? are prepared by ECR-CVD、IBO and FCVA techniques, respectively. Through Raman spectroscopy study, the growth model for three kinds of films was discussed. For a-C:H films by ECR-CVD and IBO, its formation process mainly includes two stages. When film thickness is less than 50?, the carbon ions will form multiple nucleation centers like island, and when thickness is over 50?, the films developed with layer model and its structure became stable. But for ta-C films by FCVA, its growth process includes three stages. At the first stage, the thickness is less than 15? and it developed with island-like model. At the second stage, the thickness is from 15? to 50?, it developed with layer-like model and it already became stable. For the third stage, the thickness is over 50?, in mass area it could be described by layer model, while in local area it is with island model to form a little more tetrahedral structure. Thus, ta-C films of thickness over 15 ? already became dense and continuous and it will be the best choice for application of films in magnetic recording slider.
     By ECR-CVD with a mixed gas of CH4 and N_2, the structure and mechanical properties of the a-C:H:N films are studied. The results show that a-C:H:N films with higher N content will contain less sp~3 sites. Hardness test of films confirmed that more N content corresponds to lower hardness. It also indicates that hard C≡N bond with high energy state is difficult to be formed by plasma doping, and additional N can not improve mechanical properties for a-C:H.
     The tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) films by FCVA have been studied as a function of oblique angles of substrates varied from 0 to 60o, while keeping the energy of incident particles stable. The films contain less sp~3 sites and more ordered sp2 clustering as the substrate tilting for thicker films of 70 nm, and also a decrease of sp~3 content of ultra-thin films of 2 nm. Also it was found that the tilting can dramatically lower internal stress with less influence on hardness because hardness is related to sp~3 content, while internal stress is not only related to sp~3 content but also related to the order of sp2 cluster.
     Additionally, substrate bias effect on ta-C film is studied. We found that the sp~3 content of 70 nm films increases with higher bias, while sp~3 content of 2 nm ultra-thin films falls almost linearly with bias. This is because substrate bias enhances mixing between the carbon films and substrate, and these mixing bonds are longer than C-C bonds. But for thicker films, the effect of mixing layer can be negligible compared to bias with higher carbon ion energy.
     The sliders are composed of multi-layers which are mainly Fe-Co (Fe: 67%at, Co: 33%at) alloy, Fe-Ni (Fe: 18%at, Ni: 82%at) alloy, Au and Al_2O_3-TiC (Al_2O_3: 64%at, TiC: 36%at). The spectra show that the films deposited on Al_2O_3-TiC contains the highest sp~3 content, less sp~3 content on Fe-Co and Fe-Ni alloy, and the lowest of sp~3 content on Au substrate. It also indicates that the sequence of the anti-wear performance of ta-C film on different substrates is Al_2O_3-TiC > Fe-Co and Fe-Ni alloy > Au.
     Finally, we propose a method with ultra-sonic plus chemical etching test, for ultra-thin Si/DLC films adherence evaluation on the nano-scale lead area of magnetic recording slider. The adherences of films on both Au and Au-Cu (Au: 93%at, Cu: 7%at) based lead are compared, and the results show Au-Cu lead exhibits better adhesion to Si/DLC than that with Au as confirmed by nano-scratch tests from the wafer level.
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