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高迁移率族蛋白B1(high mobility group protein B1,HMGB1)是高迁移率族(high mobility group,HMG)蛋白家族成员之一,1973年英国科学家Goodwin在牛胸腺细胞中首次发现,因其在聚丙烯酰胺电泳中的高迁移率得名,它是一种含量丰富、分子量小、高度保守的染色质相关非组蛋白。HMGB1分布十分广泛,多种器官细胞(如淋巴组织、脑、肝、肺、心、脾、肾等)中均有表达,并位于大多数细胞的胞核和胞浆中。最初发现其作为核因子直接参与基因表达调控,近年陆续发现其具有丰富的生物学功能,包括参与脑的发育和神经细胞生长、纤维蛋白溶酶原的活化、肿瘤细胞转移、免疫细胞分化以及广泛参与全身的炎症反应和组织损伤等。
     脓毒症目前仍然是临床危重患者的重要死因之一,其死亡率高达30~70%。研究表明,HMGB1作为重要的炎症介质在全身炎症反应过程中起重要作用。致炎刺激脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)等激活的单核/巨噬细胞和内皮细胞经8~32 h延迟后释放HMGB1,同时坏死组织细胞崩解也释放出大量的HMGB1。释放到细胞外的HMGB1分子通过进一步激活单核或内皮等细胞,引起大量炎症因子和黏附分子的表达和释放,导致并参与了包括脑组织、肺、胃肠道、关节、心脏等多种脏器的炎症损伤以及广泛的全身性炎症反应甚至死亡。由此可见,HMGB1在炎症反应过程中起着重要的中枢作用。
     Lum等人克隆并分析了人HMGB1基因的的上游区域和第一个内含子,发现在乳癌(human breast adenocarcinoma cell line,MCF-7)细胞中人HMGB1基因的转录起始于第一个内含子—外显含子交界处上游57个核苷酸的位点。人HMGB1基因的表达受TATA框缺失的启动子的调控,这一启动子的活性比猴空泡病毒40(simian vacuolating virus 40,SV40)强18倍之多。其中的沉默子能抑制启动子的活性至原来的六分之一,基因中的第一个内含子包含有增强子,能使此启动子的活性增强2~3倍,因此我们设想HMGB1在此增强子的作用下其表达水平能够明显的提高,而我们在大多数细胞中观察到HMGB1的基础表达量可能是由于沉默子抑制作用。
     参与内毒素休克中HMGB1表达的信号调控通路也仅仅有一些初步的研究。Gardella研究发现脂多糖结合蛋白(lipopolysaccharide-binding protein,LBP)/白细胞分化抗原14(cluster of differentiation 14,CD14)作为LPS的结合受体,与HMGB1的基因表达密切相关,提示LPS可能通过LBP/CD14及其下游的信号激活单核/巨噬细胞,HMGB1从核内移至胞浆中的细胞器,然后通过溶酶体的自溶、胞吐作用将HMGB1释放出来。乙基丙酮酸通过抑制细胞外信号调控激酶1/2(extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2,ERK1/2)磷酸化和抑制巨噬细胞的活性也可以抑制HMGB1的释放。Wang等人发现通过抑制蛋白酪氨酸激酶(Janusprotein tyrosine kinase,JAK)/信号转导子和转录激活子(signal transducer andactivator of transcription,STATs)通路活化可明显下调肝脏组织HMGB1 mRNA表达,从而有助于减轻脓毒症大鼠的急性肝损伤。胥彩林等人则发现核因子κB(nuclear factor-kappaB,NF-κB)抑制剂能显著抑制内毒素休克动物组织(肝、肺、肾)HMGB1 mRNA的表达,使各脏器损伤和功能得到明显改善。由此可知上述信号分子所在信号通路可能参与了HMGB1的表达调控,但确切的机制目前仍不清楚。
     由此,我们以小鼠肝脏基因组DNA为模板,扩增小鼠HMGB1基因5'非编码区(noncoding region,NCR)1378 bp长的调控序列,将其插入pDsRed1-1红色荧光素酶报告基因载体上。应用脂质体介导基因共转染技术将质粒pDsRed1-1/HMGB1p导入NIH/3T3细胞,给予TNF-α持续刺激,观察红色荧光蛋白表达情况,证明所得到的启动子序列具有转录活性,为进一步研究HMGB1基因表达信号调控机制提供一个方便、可靠的工具。
     同时,从“组学”的角度和活体组织水平,根据DNA—蛋白质相互作用的原理,基于生物素—链亲和素系统、磁珠分离μMACS~(TM)系统,结合生物质谱技术筛选了内毒素休克小鼠的肝脏组织中与HMGB1启动子发生相互作用的结合蛋白。利用末端生物素(biotin)标记的HMGB1启动子区引物,PCR扩增制备带biotin标记的HMGB1启动子探针HMGB1p-biotin。制备BALB/c小鼠的内毒素休克模型,提取肝脏组织核蛋白,与扩增的HMGB1p-biotin探针行结合反应,再以标记有链亲和素(streptavidin)的磁珠分离HMGB1p-biotin—蛋白反应复合物,不同盐浓度缓冲液洗脱结合的蛋白,使用聚丙稀酰胺凝胶电泳分离洗脱的样品蛋白,并对凝胶行改良考染显色,比较内毒素休克组与正常对照组的差异条带(DNA pull-down assay)。结果表明,在肝脏组织胞核中,调出11个差异蛋白,这些蛋白可能直接或间接参与了内毒素休克小鼠肝脏中HMGB1的表达调控。其中有10个蛋白在LPS作用后与HMGB1启动子结合增加,提示这些蛋白可能参与了LPS作用后HMGB1的转录调控,多次重复均得到相同的结果。
     对结果中出现的11个差异条带进行质谱(mass spectrometry,MS)鉴定,根据得到的肽指纹图谱,利用Mascot查询软件搜索NCBI数据库,综合分析后得到7个与转录调控有关的蛋白分子,分别为组蛋白2A(histone 2A,H2A)、组蛋白2B(histone 2B,H2B)、组蛋白3(histone 3,H3)、组蛋白4(histone 4,H4)、S100A9蛋白(myeloid-related protein 14,MRP14)、双功能过氧化物酶(peroxisomalbifunctional enzyme,Ehhadh)、乙酰辅酶A酰基转移酶2(acetyl-Coenzyme Aacyltransferase 2,ACox2)。其中,H3作为染色体结构中高度保守的一类核心组蛋白,主要通过其乙酰化水平的调节控制基因转录的“开”和“关”;乙酰辅酶A酰基转移酶则参与氨基酸残基乙酰基化反应、MS鉴定得到的这些结果充分说明内毒素休克小鼠中HMGB1基因的表达调控可能受到了多种因素的影响,这些因素相互协调,共同作用从而影响HMGB1基因的表达调控。
High mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) is a member of high mobility group (HMG) protein family, which was first found in bovine thymus cells by British scientist Goodwin in 1973, and was named HMG for its high mobility rate in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. HMGB1 is a high abundance low molecular weight nonhistone protein with highly conserved sequence in cells. HMGB1 is widely expressed in various organ cells, including lymph tissue, brain, lung, liver, heart, spleen, kidney, etc., and it is commonly located in the nucleus and cytoplasm in most of cells. Recently, it was found that HMGB1 was a mutifunction protein, which can enhance neuronal growth, activate plasminogen, assist tumour invasion and metastasis, promote differentiation of immune cells, participate in the systemic inflammatory response and injury.
     Sepsis remains to be one of the chief causes of death in intensive care units at present, with the mortality is between 30~70%. Several therapeutic agents that target tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) have been tested in clinical trials of sepsis, and a significant survival advantage has not been observed. It is partly because of the rapid kinetics of the TNF and IL-1 response. It has been found that 8~32 h following stimulation with LPS, TNF or IL-1, HMGB1 is actively secreted from monocytes and macrophages. HMGB1 can also be passively released from necrotic cells. Once released, HMGB1 is able to activate many other cells including monocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells and epithelium to produce proinflammatory cytokine and adhesion molecules. HMGB1 causes inflammatory responses in various systems in vivo, including brain, lung, gastrointestinal tract and heart, leading to the systemic inflammatory response even death. This implicates HMGB1 plays a key role in inflammatory reactions.
     The expressions of HMGB1 in most of cells and tissues are controlled in a basal expression level, but HMGB1 is not a constructive expressed protein and is strictly regulated. In proliferative tissues and active dividing cells, the expression level could be doubled, the same in mammary cancer cells stimulated by estrogen. In cancer patients which are treated with platinum dichloro-diamine, the expression level of HMGB1 is increased which associated with enhancement of the anti-cancer effect of platinum dichloro-diamine. The regulation mechanism of HMGB1 is different in different cells, species and signal pathways.
     Lum et al cloned and analyzed the up-stream region and the first exon of human HMGB1 gene, and found in breast cancer cells MCF-7, the transcription of human HMGB1 gene was started at the -57 site of the first exon. The expression of human HMGB1 gene was regulated by a TATA box deletion promoter, and such promoter had 18 times activity than SV40. The silencer within the promoter could inhibit the promoter activity to 1/6, and the enhancer in the first intron of gene could enhance the promoter activity to 2 - 3 times, so we suspect that the expression level of HMGB1 could be greatly enhanced by such enhancer, and the basal expression level in most of the cells is mainly inhibited by the silencer.
     At present, the study of signal transduction pathway of HMGB1 in endotoxic shock is still at very early stage. Gardella et al found LBP/CD14, which worked as the binding receptor of LPS, had close relationship with the expression of HMGB1, suggested that LPS may activate mononuclear phagocyte through LBP/CD14 and its down-stream signals. HMGB1 first transfered from nucleus to cytoplasmic organelle and then released by cytolysosome autolysis and exocytosis. Ethyl pyruvate could inhibit the release of HMGB-1 by ERK1/2 phosphorylation inhibition and inhibiting the activity of macrophage. Wang et al found the inhibition of activation of JAK/ATAT pathway could significantly up-regulate the expression of HMGB1 mRNA in liver tissue, so as to alleviate the acute liver injury of sepsis mouse. Xu et al. found NF-kappa B inhibitor could notably inhibit the expression of HMGB1 mRNA in various tissues of endotoxic shock animals, and therefore ameliorated the injury of those organs. Those signal molecules may participate the regulation process of HMGB1 expression, but the certain mechanism is still unknown.
     Mice genomic DNA was used as template and the 5 flank noncoding region (NCR) of mice HMGB1 gene was amplified by PCR, which was consisted of 1378 bps. The amplication product was inserted into pDsRed1-1 red fluorescent protein (RFP) reporter gene vector to construct the RFP expression plasmid regulated by 5' NCR of HMGB1, and the new plasmid was named pDsRed1-1/HMGB1p. pDsRed1-1/HMGB1p was transfected into NIH/3T3 cells by liposome mediated gene cotransfect technology and give 50 ng/ml TNF stimulation after 24 hours of transfection. After 36 hours of stimulation, AxioVision system was used to observe the RFP signal intensity which provides us a reliable tool to further study the signal regulation mechanism of HMGB1.
     Meanwhile, from the "omic" aspect and on the living tissue level, based on DNA-protein interacting principle, biotin-streptavidin system, magnetic bead separating technology and biological mass- spectrum technology, we had screened the binding proteins which were interacting with HMGB1 promoter in liver tissue of endotoxic shock mice. We use terminal biotin labeled primers to amplify the HMGB1 promoter probe (named HMGB1p-biotin) by PCR. Preparing endotoxic shock model of BALB/c mice and extracted nuclear protein from liver tissue. The HMGB1p-biotin-protein complex was adhered to streptavidin magnetic beads after the nuclear protein binded the HMGB1p-biotin prober. Then used different concentration buffers elute the protein and employed polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) to isolate the target protein. A refined Coomassie brilliant blue staining method was used to identify the different bands between endotoxic group and control group. The result suggested that 11 proteins may participate the regulatory process of HMGB1 gene expression in endotoxic mice liver. 10 proteins' binding affinities to HMGB1 promoter were increased after LPS stimulation, suggested that these proteins may take part in the post LPS stimulation regulation. The result could be stably repeated in different experiments.
     These differentially expressed 11 proteins were identified by mass-spectrum and searched against the NCBI database using Mascot software. After bioinfomatic analysis, 7 proteins related to transcriptional regulation were obtained, they were histone H2A, H2B, H3, H4, S100A9, peroxisomal bifunctional enzyme and acetyl-coenzyme A acyltransferase 2 (ACAA2). Histone H3 was a highly conserved core histone in chromosome structure and controlled the on and off switch of gene transcription by regulating acetylate level, while ACAA2 could acetylate the amino residue. The result of MS clearly suggested that the regulation of HMGB1 gene expression in endotoxic mice were affected by various factors and these factors acted coordinately to affect the regulation of HMGB1 gene expression.
     Following conclusions can be drown through above research: 1, HMGB1 promoter was cloned successfully which activity has been proved. 2, We constructed the mice HMGB1 promoter RFP reporter plasmid vector pDsRed1-1-HMGB1p and proved its ability to activate the protein RFP expression by transfected this plasmid into NIH/3T3 cells ,which provide us a convenient method to research regulatory mechanism of HMGB1 gene expression. 3, Some transcriptional factors were screened out by using biotin-streptavitin and magnetic beads technology, which may participate the regulation of HMGB1 gene expression. There were at least 11 proteins took part in the regulatory process which include histone H2A, H2B, H3, H4, S100A9, Ehhadh and ACox2 etc. identified by MS technology.
     Based on the principle of DNA-protein interactions, our research created a new way for gene transcriptional regulation from the point of view of "transcriptomics ". In addition, the identified differential proteins illustrate that the expression of HMGB1 gene in endotoxic shock is a complex process, and these identified proteins could help us further understand the meaning of HMGB1 express regulation and also provide us new theoretical basis and possible therapy target of clinical trial of endoxic shock.
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