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Industry cluster is a very important economic organization, the ideology of evolution and inequilibrium is the basic character of the development, and the micro behavior of individuals is the foundation of the macro economy. At present, the highly abstracted research paradigms based on static equilibrium explains the real world in some degree, but with the development of study, the problems of this kind of research paradigms
     On the theory of evolution economics, which is the main theory of this paper, and the individual behavior, this paper studied the development course of industry cluster from micro to macro, built a framework of the individual learning, as the mechanism of evolution of industry cluster, made up the math models of individual learning and the evolution of the scope of industry cluster, and tested related study results with the field study.
     This paper gained the following content:
     First, based on evolution economics, a framework is built to analysis the organization of industry cluster. The dynamic evolution of the development of industry cluster was clearly explained, the appearance of industry cluster was the result of history and random. But after this, the mechanism of individual learning played an important role to the evolution of industry cluster; therefore, the history of the development of industry clusters was the history of individual learning. Also, in this course, all the factors of social environment locating the industry cluster, including the historic and random, influenced individual learning, so that to influence the evolution of industry cluster in certain area.
     Second, on the mechanism of individual learning, and the knowledge set, including private knowledge set and common knowledge set, a research paradigms of the development of industry cluster, was built, different from the SCP, etc. This paradigm could explain the related phenomenon in the developing course of industry clusters, including the collection of location, the highly related division system, and the social capital and its network in industry clusters.
     Third, on the cognitive learning theory, individual learning models were built, and also the model of the scope of industry cluster was also built, followed by the test of the ability of explaining the reality by field work.
     Forth, on the theory of social economics, social capital and its network influencing the individual learning in industry clusters were analyzed, and with the statistic analysis, related factors in certain industry cluster cases were studied too.
     Fifth, the cognitive path dependence of individual learning was pointed to be the region of the path dependence of the development of industry cluster, and the individual learning path dependence had double influence, to promote the development and to obstacle it.
     Sixth, individual learning as the evolution mechanism, could be the intermeddle course between the micro individual behavior and the macro development of industry cluster, which promoted the exiting theories of industry cluster.
     And the main innovations in this paper include:
     First, built a framwork of industry cluster analysis on evolution theory;
     Second, proved that individual learning was the micro-mechanism of the evolution of industy clusters, and discussed this mechanism; then provided a paradigm on the knowledge set;
     Third, studied the relations between the development of industry cluster and individual learning, including the edage of scope, progress of division, and the construction of social capital in it;
     Forth, proved the cognitive path dependence of individual learning was the micro-mechanism of the path dependence of the development of industy cluster, analyzed the double functions of path dependence of individual learning, discussed the influence factors and the path ceation, emphasized the importance of enterprenurs in path creation, and made case studies.
     Fifth, on the individual expections, congnitive charactors, and the acomulation of knowledge, math models were built,and also computer simulations were processed to study the; then on the individual learning models, referenced the study of psychology of investment, the model of the scope of industry cluster was built.
     Sixth, the content of this paper was tested by field study and quantity analysis, and the results supported the conclustions of the paper.
     Besides, the innovations also included the applications of niche theory, the Logistic model, etc.
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