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The corporate investment decision is the most important finance decision in corporate, and it is also a primary factor that effects the growth of a country economic. However, Compare with the most superior investment scale in some theoretical analyses, the corporate always invest insufficiency or excessively. And the traditional economic theory could only provide limited explanations. With the gradual development of behavior decision theory, the researchers in the field of behavior corporate finance try to relax the tradition hypothesis of the rational'economic man' and explain many abnormal investment phenomena in corporate decision-making with the consideration of the bounded rationality of both mangers and the participant in capital market. At the beginning of the development of this kind of study, the researchers paid lots of attention to the effect of overconfident on corporate investment decision because overconfidence is the primary psychological bias that impact the agent's decision-making process. However, existing studies paid few attentions to the process of overconfidence bias-decision-making process-corporate investment, thus could not reveal the precise mechanism of the effects of managerial overconfidence on the corporate investment behavior and efficiency clearly. To make up the insufficiency of previous studies, the paper try to study the impact of top managers'overconfidence bias on the corporate investment decision, and open the black box hides behind organization's decision-maker, by the way of both the behaviors and the results of investments. In order to provide theoretical instructions to make the corporate investment decisions in our country more reasonable, and to promote the corporate value as well as to obtain and maintain the competitive advantages.
     The paper take the top managers as the object of study, and conducts the questionnaire survey, the laboratory experiment and econometrics study method to explore the effect of top managerial overconfidence bias on the corporate real asset investment decisions to reveal the effect of overconfidence on the corporate investment decision both from the way of decision process and results.Then, the paper analyses the potential income and cost of the top manager' overconfidence that bring to the corporate investment decision according to the empirical study results, then propose two kinds of advices to make the investment decision in corporate more reasonable to advance the efficiency of corporate investment. One is to conduct individual cognition skill training to the top managers; the other is about the use institutions of behavior corporate governance. Through the above studies, this paper gets same results in exploring the effects of top managers'overconfidence on corporate investment decision in our country, the results are as following:
     (1) With the questionnaire investigation, the paper uses the first hand data to prove that the top managers in our country mostly conduct the investment to maximized the benefit of the corporate and the wealth of the shareholders, and they display some extent of bounded rationality in the process of investment decision. The top managers in our country have overconfidence tendency, and the degree of subjects'confidence are significant differents in different corporates as well as different individual characteristics.The larger of the corporate, the higher of the overconfidence levels of those subjects; the subjects who own shares in coroorates are more overconfidence than those who do not own the shares; the overconfidence is enhanced by the increasing experience and the promoting of the titles. And the overconfidence really impact the investment actions in corporate.
     (2) Profits the research results from the experimental psychology, the behavior economic and the experimental economic, two experiments are designed and conduct step by step to explore potential causal relationships between overconfidence and corporate investment decision process, to describe the black box of how the overconfidence impact the corporate investment, then explains the abnormal phenomena in corporate investment from the cognitive bias angle. The study finds out that overconfidence is a conditional compound concept with more than one dimensions, the overconfidence in investment conditions have significant effects on participant's investment project selection, the commitment of project decision, the evaluation of the project and the decision on the last stage of investment and so on.
     (3) The paper breaks through the limitation of traditional economic that regards the individuals as homogeneity one, and treat the top managers as the heterogenic team, then study the effects of overconfidence of boards, chairman and the manager on the efficiency of investment separately by means of the simultaneous equation model to expose the effects of top managerial overconfidence on corporate investment decision from the outcome of the decision. The compared research finds out that the relationship between the board of directors'confidence and the investment efficiency is not significant at all; the chairman's confidence have a stead significant negative effect on the investment efficiency,the more overconfidence of the chairman the lower of the investment efficiency; and the manager's confidence has significant but not so stead positive effects on corporate investment efficiency, the more overconfidence of the manager the higher of the investment efficiency.
     (4) The primary factors that impact the overconfidence of corporate top managers are demonstrated by the questionnaire survey both from the top managers'backgrounds and the organizational characteristics bases on the corporates in our country. The study finds out the top managers' overconfidences are endogenetic variables, the confidence of the board, chairman and manager have influences from each other. And the confidence levels in different types of top manager are affected by different kinds of individual and organizational characteristic factors, and the direction and degree of effects of these factors are quite different.
     (5) The potential cost and the income that the top managers' overconfidence brings to the corporate are analyze based on the theoretical and empirical study results. The study advocated that we should get benefits from overconfidence as well as adopt appropriate measures to control the corporate top managers' overconfidence. On the one hand, we could enhance the top managers' individual cognitive skill by the remedy strategies used to correct for overconfidence bias, to control the adverse effect of overconfidence in the decision-making process consciously; On the other hand, we could make full use of the positive role of behavior corporate governance in internal control systems to advance the corporate investment decision.
    ①转引自Doukas, J.A. & Petmezas,D.. Acquisitions, Overconfident Managers and Self-attribution Bias[J]. European Financial Management,2007,13(3):531-577.
    ②转引自van de Venter,G. & Michayluk,D.. An Insight into Overconfidence in the Forecasting Abilities of Financial Advisor[J].Australian Journal of Management,2008,32(3):545-557.
    ①转引自:Doukas, J.A. & Petmezas,D..Acquisitions, Overconfident Managers and Self-attribution Bias[J]. European Financial Management,2007,13(3):531-577.
    ①转引自:Menkhoff, L., Schmidt, U. & Brozynski,T..The impact of experience on risk taking,overconfidence, and herding of fund managers:Complementary survey evidence[J]. European Economic Review,2006,50:1753-1766.
    ②转引自Acker, D. & Duck, N.W..Cross-cultural overconfidence and biased self-attribution[J]. Journal of Socio-Economics,2008,37(5):1815-1824.
    ②详见van de Venter & Michayluk(2008)的相关研究综述。
    ②如Lee,Yates & Shinotsuka(1995)在研究中所采用的问题:“想象一个由100名和你同性别,并且和你同时入学的大学生组成的随机样本。假设你是这100名学生中的一个。假设将该样本中所有的100名学生按照他们找到工作的时间先后排序。你认为在该样本中,有多少人(0-99)会比你先找到工作?”Acker & Duck(2008)在跨文化的研究中用则股票市场博弈来测量参照型过度自信,即让参与者回答:“当我们根据本周的决策对所有参与者个人帐户价值变化排序时,你认为你将排在第几位?”。
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