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Tennis is the combat item of high antagonism and competition project,with highdemands on the athlete's speed of response and sensitivity. Among them, the return ofserve is a critical link in the entire game against the process, according to theopponent's body position and movement information, required fast and accuratelypredict the ball position and placement to make a precise motor response, these are thecoach ongoing efforts to target members and athletes. It has been related studies haveshown that forecasting speed and accuracy of the perception of high-level athletesservice placement in the netted class sports, to be significantly better than the novice,expert and certain behavioral characteristics of the tennis serve, but perception predictthe characteristics of the mechanism is still at the exploratory stage. In view of this,the study predicted the behavioral characteristics of high-level tennis playerperception and the corresponding neural mechanisms provide a theoretical evidencefor the prediction mechanism of movement in the field of perception.
     In this study, the acquired experience of the cognitive advantages of sportsexperts for the theoretical background, as the starting point of a specialized time andspace perception ability, the experimental subjects consists of three parts: tennisathletes in Jiangsu Province, Tennis special students and college students of ShanghaiUniversity of Sport, combined with time and spatial masking technique, the integrateduse of the recording technique of event-related potentials (ERP) and eye movementand other methods, the limit under the conditions of professional scenario forecastingprocess for high-level tennis players of the general time and space perception process,as well as time and space study, find the characteristics of the perception forecastadvantage of the high-level tennis player and possible neural mechanisms, the richperceptual prediction theory and expert theory, provide theoretical andmethodological guidance for the scientific selection and scientific training of tennisplayers.
     The results showed that:(1) in the general time perceptual judgment experimentwere induced CNV amplitude and latency of the level of tennis was significantlyassociated experts to induce maximum CNV amplitude and incubation period of thefirst, the novice group induced amplitude minimum and the incubation period at thelatest.(2) in the spatial orientation perceptual judgment experiment, the tennis experthas a clear speed advantage, evoked P1, N1and P300peak amplitude was significantly greater than the rest of the incubation period was also significantlyearlier than the rest of the subjects.(3) professional ball situations experimentalresults presented in accordance with the time series and found that the T3time pointcorresponding to the tee in the process of scratching the back action is a key action;experts were induced by the P3b peak amplitude was significantly greater than theexperience group and novice group P3b peak latency was significantly less than theexperience group and novice group, and the peak latency induced by T4timeminimum; experts try to shelter at four time points induced by PSW mean amplitudeshowed an increasing trend, and in the parietal lobe of the Pz the volatility of theelectrode point induced minimum in the amount of the polar regions, the groupinduced by the PSW peak latency was significantly earlier than the other groups.(4)in the conditions of space obscured perception of pre-sentence results in two differentsets of space obscured the perception of tennis experts forecast results are better thanthe rest of the subjects, the visual search strategies tend to integrity, induced byP2, N2and LPC composition of volatility there are significant group differences, anddifferent test-induced LPC amplitude of the cerebral cortex of a significantdistribution of regional effects, in the posterior region, the Expert Group and theexperience of group-induced LPC amplitude maximum.
     According above findings, we draw the following conclusions:(1) In thejudgment of time and space perception, the tennis expert has the advantage of theapparent reaction rate, the highest level of expectations of tasks to stimulate attentionactivated the earliest sensory information processing efficiency; perceptual judgmentsof spatial orientation, spatial attention of tennis experts and have years of trainingexperience tennis player advantage is reflected in the lower left spatial orientation.(2)Tennis expert perception on the time series context sensitive, able to grasp stimulatethe presentation of key technologies and key points in time, information processingusing top-down approach.(3) tennis experts formed by years of professional trainingin special visual spatial memory characteristics and details of their spatial memoryand spatial vision of positioning by the professional level of which, the integrity ofspatial information in cognitive matching and retrieval of memories process plays keyrole; space perceptual judgments of the tennis player, parietal and occipital lobes ofthe cerebral cortex involved in the process of information retrieval and processing.
     Combining these results, this study provides important assistance for efforts toimprove the ability of movement in the process of perception tennis player. First, Thestudy discussed the characteristics and neur-mechanisms of the predominance ofspecial perception abilities and movement cognitive process of high-class tennisathletes from the three levels of behavior and mechanisms, used the real materials thatimproved the ecological validity. Secondly, from the practical point of departure, ourresults prove time and space dimensions of the key processes and influencing factorsof the high-level tennis player expertise can effectively guide the training and development of novice athletes. There is no doubt that professional training isnecessary to achieve a superior level of movement, even the so-called "sports genius",acquired development requires a lot of time to carry out professional training andlearning. If the experts formed to some extent, the genetic and biological factors, thenthis part of the innate gene must be acquired environment interactions. Therefore, ourfindings to the coaches with clear guidance how to conduct effective perceptiontraining, when it is the most critical technology to determine the time, what action isto predict the impact key action for the scientific selection and training reliabletheoretical support.
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