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This thesis makes a study of the central signifier "the papers" in The Aspern Papers from structuralist and deconstructionists' perspective. On the basis of other critics' researches that are mainly concerned with the theme, characters and narrative perspective, my researches, focusing on "the papers", cover the plot, the characters and the metaphysical meaning of "the papers". The thesis is composed of three parts: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.
    The introduction is a survey of the past criticism of the novella and a brief account of the content of the thesis.
    The body is made up of three chapters. Chapter One analyzes three pairs of actants in the story, using Greimas hexagonal model. The development of the plot, centering on "the papers", is the result of interaction of these actants. The relations of the three protagonists form a triangle, which keeps its dynamic equilibrium. This chapter discusses the categorizations of novella and points out no matter which aspect we stress in this novella, "the papers" always plays a crucial part in our interpretation.
    Chapter Two deals mainly with the characters and the relation between the characters and "the papers". The thesis holds that the protagonists' attitudes to "the papers" directly influence readers' moral assessment of the characters. For the publisher and narrator, "the papers" represents historical truth. His tragedy originates from the conflict between man's aspiration and the original sin; hence, it bears a universal significance. His character develops from degeneration (pursuing) to light of redemption (giving up his pursuit) till final returning to the abyss of
    degeneration (continuing his pursuit). For Juliana, "the papers" is the only means for her personal interest. As an opposite existence of "the publisher" created by James, Juliana is also the only way to the historical truth, and her character is one-dimensional. She is a flat character in Foster's terminology. Tina's image may be given two versions of interpretations based on different presumptions: one is based on the assumption that "the papers" exists and her character undergoes a spiral progression; the other is that "the papers" does not exist, and then she is the accomplice of Juliana from the outset. Her character does not develop.
    Chapter Three discusses the metaphysical meaning of "the papers". The text suggests that the referent of the signifier "the papers" is in an ambiguous state, and thus the meaning of the signifier is on the sliding. Therefore, "the center" of the text "the papers" dismantles from within. This chapter then further analyzes the complex of the logocentrism of the author and the narrator. It maintains that though this novella conceives all the factors that the deconstructionists attempt to expose, James himself does not cast off the yoke of logocentrism.
    Finally, the conclusion makes a summary of the thesis and reiterates its main points.
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    亨利·詹姆斯,《小说的艺术》(朱雯 乔必 朱乃长等译),上海:上海译文出社,2001年。