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永磁风力发电系统由于其没有齿轮箱等优点,成为学者们和工业界研究的热点。本文主要针对永磁风力发电系统的机侧整流环节,运用哈密尔顿系统理论中的互联和阻尼配置的无源性控制方法进行了端口受控哈密尔顿(Port-Controlled Hamiltonian,PCH)控制器的设计。
Permanent-magnetic wind power system has drawn worldwide attention, due to its advantages such as no gear box. In this paper, we designed the Port-Controlled Hamiltonian(PCH) controller for the rectifier of permanent-magnetic wind power system, using the interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control method in the theory of Hamiltonian system.
     At first, we introduced some basic informations of Hamiltonian system. We analysised the system using the method of energy shaping from the stabilization. We have given the stability condition of the passivity system and the dissipation system. After contrasting the advantages and disadvantages of various rectifier topologies, the overall design of energy shaping method was derived.
     Secondly, basing on the viewpoint of energy shaping, the wind power system was divided into the mechanical subsystem and the electromagnetic subsystem. Energy transmission structure was description on the basis of the two subsystems. Based on the d-q model of the controlled system, we established the model of wind power system in the theory of the port-controlled Hamiltonian system.
     Thirdly, the equilibrium point was designed in order to achieve the maximum wind energy tracking strategy. And we solved the problems such as collocating the skew-symmetric matrix and the damping matrix and choosing the desired closed- loop energy function. After that, the PCH controller of the system can track the equilibrium point of the system so as to capture the maximum power from the wind. Finally, the model of permanent-magnetic wind power system was established via Matlab/Simulink simulation. The results confirmed the effect of the PCH controller.
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