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The Research of China's Automobile Components
    Industrial Organization
     The dissertation's logical system is based on the theory of industrial organization in Industrial Economics. The focus of the dissertation is to analyze the developmental environment, the market, the competition and the industrial groups in China's automobile components industry. Based on the analysis, the organizational model and the merge strategies for the purpose of strengthening the competitive force of China's automobile components industry are designed and there are corresponding suggestions concerning policies.
     Industrial organizational theory is a quite large theoretical system within which there are schools like Harvard industrial organizational system, Chicago industrial organizational system and competing market theory and Game Theory, after Marshall, a famous economist, first put forward the concept of organization in economics. Industrial organizational theories' focus is on entrepreneurs, the basic unit in modern industry. The great changes in the automobile industry brought by the deepening of globalization have the inevitable impact on the present system of the automobile components industry, and thus cause the entrepreneurs in the industry to take on new characteristics, such as conglomeration of organizations, systemization of supplies and globalization of operations.
     The analysis of China's automobile components industry is based on the framework of SCP in the theory of industrial organization concerning such three aspects as market structure, market conduct and market performance. For a long period of time, the barriers between different regions in the market of China's automobile components industry have led to many problems such as great in numbers but small in scale; repetition in construction, insufficiency in capital and low efficiency in the use of market resources, and as a result, there have been great waste of resources and low efficiency in the allocation of resources. Therefore, at present, most of the entrepreneurs in the automobile components industry in China have a long way to go to get to the economies of scale. In addition, the dissertation analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the automobile
    components industry of China, using SWOT to compare it with that of the automobile components industry overseas.
     The analysis of the conglomeration of automobile components industry begins with the cooperative relationships between the automobile components manufacturers and automotive manufacturers. After the comparison with the developmental model of the overseas automobile components industry, the strategy of conglomerating for development is put forward. The development of the automobile components industry cannot be separated from that of the automobile industry, especially, that of automotive industry. The key to the development of the automobile components industry is the relationships between system suppliers and parts suppliers, automotive manufacturers and system suppliers. Throughout the development of the industry in other countries in the world, we can find that there have been mainly two models: the traditional competitive model and the cooperative outsourcing model. Though there is a tendency of the combination of the two models, the best model for the development of China's automobile components industry will be the cooperative-supply model.
     The problems of low concentration and irrational structure in the automobile components industry have led to difficulties in the realization of economies of scale. In the world automobile components market, there has been an increase in the scale of manufacturers and a decrease in the number of them by merge and cooperation and in this way; great pressure has been inserted onto the primarily small and weak automobile components industry of China. Therefore, merge strategy and the integrity of China's automobile components industry has become a "must" for the development of China's automobile industry
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