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Hebei Province is one of the large apple-producing provinces of China, its cultivated area ranks the third of China and Yield less than Shandong, Shaanxi and Henan Province, ranks fourth in China. Apple industry has become an important agro-industry in Hebei Province. But in recent years, with the apple cultivation area and production of rapid expansion and rapid growth, apple's market from a seller into the buyer's market, apple Industry in Hebei Province has many obstacles have emerged. How to give full play to the advantage of Apple Industry in Hebei Province, how to develop modern apple industry in Hebei Province, for the development of modern agriculture in Hebei Province, how to promote the sustained and healthy development of Apple Industry in Hebei Province have great theoretical and practical significance.
     By review of Apple Industry Development of Hebei Province in recent years, research from apple production scale, planting apple varieties and regional distribution of high-quality apple production base construction, processing of apple products and apple export , analysis on the apple industry in the scientific of the problems and reach a conclusion that apple production scale grow slowly, apple producing area of the layout is not quite reasonable, single product structure, post-harvest handling, processing capacity low, Apple Professional Development Cooperation slow, weak export capacity are the main problems of the development of Hebei Province apple industry.
     Comprehensive use of economic theory, combine with quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis methods from the macro and micro aspects affecting apple industry development in Hebei Province to conduct a scientific analysis of the main factors. From production costs the perspective of apple, analyzes the costs of production constitute apple. Another comparative analysis by comparing apples and other crops growing cost of benefits, the opportunity cost of growing apples, as farmers provide the basis for production and management decision-making. Through the questionnaire survey on consumer behavior, analyze the consumer preferences and behavior of residents of fruit characteristics, by understanding the characteristics of consumer behavior provide a reference for the apple production and management. On the farmers will adopt new cultivation model empirical analysis, price and household income affect significantly to the whether farmers to adopt new cultivation methods. Cultivated by the new model to analyze the effect that the“Three excellent in one”cultivation mode, production costs drop dramatically, significantly increase the cost of benefits, should be vigorously promoted in Hebei Province "three excellent in one" new cultivation methods.Starting from the macro factors, changes in distribution system analysis, Apple industrial policy, the production of technical standards, dominant mode of industrialization and other factors impact on the apple industry, competitive industries through case studies of typical mode of Apple's positive role in industrial development. Finally, for Apple's industry development in Hebei Province actual needs, from technical support, industrial development, market demand-oriented proposed three levels of industry development in Hebei Province Apple feasible path and Policy.
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