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    界十分关注的重大问题。褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens stal)是亚洲地区一种远距离迁飞
    来的基于非线性理论的神经网络(ANN)、相空间重构(phase construction)和小波
    变换(wavelet transforms)预测法的建模原理及其在害虫预测中的应用进行了详细的
    了Kolmogorov $以及褐飞虱发生的可预报尺度,得到K。值为0.0126~0.0236,用定量
    114.0~253.2天,考虑相空问 e抬数膨胀因素后的平均可预报时间尺度约为 79.0~
    法,求出了介不同参数条件’卜的最人 l。y。pUDOV A;。从中发现,对每一纠参数,均得到
    0.7158、0.5212和 0.2816:(2)褐飞虱发生的分维值是表征一定标度区问发生程度差异
The problem of the influence of insect pest occurrence changes and anomalies on the
     development of economics and societies has drawn more and more attentions not only in
     the worldwide scientific circle but also in many governments. Brown Planthopper(BPH),
     Nilaparvuta Lugens(st鈒), is an important migration insect pest of rice corps both in tropical
     and temperate area in the East and South Asia. BPH has become an increasingly serious
     problem since the 1970s in China. Outbreaks have increased in frequency and the area
     regularly infested has extended into the Jiangsu province (between the Yangtse and l-luaihe
     Rivers) and north of the Huaihe River. On average, some tO?0 million hectares of the crop
     are likely to be affected, with an annual loss of some haifa million tones of grain. In 1991,
     the worst year on record, severe damage extended over the whole rice-growing region and
     17.3 million hectares of paddy fields were infested by Brown Planthopper. in spite of great
     efforts at prevention and control, more than 2 million tones in 1991, were still lost to these
     infestations. These greatly affect the long-term development of economics and societies in
     China. Despite the substantial manpower and material resources is invested to study the
     BPH occurrence laws and forecast, the long-term forecasting power is still lower in these
     days. So what about solving the dilemma problem of insect prediction, it has been turning
     into the concerned hotspot for entomologists. In this paper, based on Chaos Theory and
     Fractal Theory, we study the analysis method of chaotic diagnosis, and analyses the property
     and laws in Brown Planthopper occurrence system. We also study the varied methods of
     Brown Planthopper occurrence forecast by combining the statistics theory, the chaos theory
     and the neural networks theory of nonlinear science.
     Firstly, (1) Many researches on Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata Lugens(st醠) in
     biology, ecology, migration mechanism, migration rule and source of Brown Planthopper
     fields, are described briefly.
     (2) We present a brief review of some principal cOncepts in the theory of chaos
     and mention the chaotic activities of the systems in insects. Also we introduce some
     methods in the research on problems in insects by the theory of chaos.
     (3) we generalize and evaluate pest forecasting methods and its limitations.
     Probability and unsteady factors of long- term pest forecasting is discussed and
     suniznarized. Those factors are U) the difference between theoretic and practical pest
     occurrence systems; @) the precision and integrality of data in all subsystems; ?the
     method, condition and error of calculation; ?the inherent randomicity in nonlinear
     System of pest occurrence. We paiticularly expatiate the modeling principle and steps
     of forecasting methods of atificial neural networks (ANN), phase space reconstruction
     and wavelet transforms based on nonlinear theory developed in recent years and their
     application in pest forecasting, and foresee their development trend.
     Secondly, Properties of Brown Planthopper occurrence system based on methods of
     autoeorrelation function, power spectrwn figure, phase trajectory figure, Poincare section,
     and return map, are preliminary analyses. Even though the iifluence of random noises, it is
     distinguished that Brown Pl&ithopper occurrence system has chaotic property.
     Based on above-mentitmed conclusion, time series data from June to November on
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