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     试验选用21日龄断奶未成熟(KM)小鼠,随机分为3组,试验组Ⅰ自由饮用啤酒(含体积分数为2.8%的乙醇),试验组Ⅱ饮用稀释的白酒(含体积分数为5%的乙醇),对照组饮用自来水。试验期间定期测量体重;试验5周后对体重、脏器重等指标进行称量;同时对肝脏、脾脏和胸腺的组织学形态进行观察。(雄性)对附睾中精子密度、精子畸形率等进行检测,对睾丸的组织学形态进行观察。(雌性)试验期间检查阴道开张日龄;每组分别取4只(KM)小鼠用乙醚麻醉后测定体重、卵巢、子宫等指标;同时观察卵巢和肝脏的组织学形态;剩余12只小鼠用孕马血清促性腺激素(ecG)处理,48 h后进行麻醉、称重和组织学观察。
China is a big country of alcohol production and consumption. Ethanol is the active ingredient in alcoholic drinks. Studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption has health benefits for some people, on the other hand, medium and high consumption of alcohol harm for health, associating to many diseases such as heart attack and pancreatic canner, especially in west countries. In those countries, the death rate of chronic alcoholism ranks third, only after angiocardiopathy and cancer.
     Many reports indicated that chronic ethanol is closely related to many systems diseases; include reproductive system and immune system. Lots studies indicated that the toxicity of alcohol in gonad interfere oogenesis and estrus cycle in female, and damage ovary which lead parasecretion of ovarian hormone which induce anovulation and amenorrhea. Kawase discovered that on account of the direct damage of alcohol, its metabolites and lipid peroxide to spermatogenic cell, seminiferous tubule gradually become degeneration, degradation, calcification, and then reduce spermatogenesis, sperm malformation, motile sperm decreased. There is also some studies show that chronic alcoholism destroys the immune system directly, cause low immunity and autoimmune diseases.
     The actual mechanism of chronic ethanol intake on reproductive functions is worthy to be discussed further. Furthermore there is not report about the response of alcohol to equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG). Meanwhile there are little researches about effects of chronic ethanol intake on the immunological function in animal.
     Therefore, immature (KM) mice was choosed as animal model to discuss the effect of chronic ethanol on gonads and the development of immune organs of (KM)mice, which is also the primary purpose of the experiment.
     Immature (KM) mice of 21 day-old were randomly allotted into three groups. GroupⅠwere fed with beer (2.8%) and GroupⅡwith diluted alcohol (5%); while the third group with fresh water was used as control. Body weight was examined periodically during the experiment.5 weeks latter, weigh the body weight and viscera weight each animal. At one time, perform histological examination of liver, spleen, thymus and testicle. What's more, sperm density and sperm abnormal rate in the epididymis were examined as well as testis histology after 5 weeks experimental treatment. The female vaginal opening age was noted during the experimental period. Four (KM) mice from each group were anatomized. Body weight, ovary, uterus and liver of each animal were measured after anesthesia with aether as well as the ovary and liver histology. Furthermore, other 12 (KM) mice were treated with ECG, and then anatomized, weighed and examined histological 48 hr later.
     The results indicated that body weight of GroupⅠincreased significantly; spleen and thymus weight were affected in different degrees. There were some different degree pathological changes in the spleen histology, but no changes in thymus. The observation of liver weight and histology also suggested pathological changes in groupⅠandⅡ. In GroupⅡ, sperm concentrations in epididymis decreased significantly and sperm abnormal rates increased significantly. The intra-testis interstice in GroupⅠincreased with leydig cells hyperplasia, while the intra-testis interstice in GroupⅡincreased with leydig cells hyperplasia more than that presented in GroupⅠ. Furthermore, in GroupⅡ, the arrangement of spermatogenic cells in somniferous tubules displayed disorganized, interstice appeared among spermatogenic cells, some spermatogenic cells even became denaturalization, necrotic and fallen off. And the wall of somniferous tubules became thinner. The results indicated that the day of vaginal opening was delayed significantly in GroupⅠandⅡ. The weight of ovary and uterus in GroupⅠandⅡwere heavier than those in Control before eCG treatment. After eCG treatment, ovarian weight in Control and GroupⅠsignificantly increased, while ovarian weights in GroupⅡkept unchanged and were significantly lighter than that in Control and GroupⅠ. The observation of liver histology indicated also pathological changes in GroupⅠandⅡ.
     Together, implying the directly toxic effects of chronic ethanol on the immune functions and liver functions in the mice. Chronic ethanol intake has toxic effects on mammalian development and testis functions. Chronic ethanol intake represses ovarian functions and testis functions in the mice, and depresses the response of eCG, implying the directly toxic effects of chronic ethanol on gonads and liver.
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