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With the development of China’s economy, there is being enhanced in the complementarity of regional resource, the interaction of industry, and the linkage of industrial regional distribution. Therefore, the interactive development of linked regional industry has come into notice of both academia and commercial interests. The interactive development between the western energy industries and correlative regional industries, and how the western region, where is rich in energy resource but poor in economic development, transforms its resource advantage into economic advantage through industry linkage, have been the focus of researches. But all present researches still steadied in the stage of just using the Industry Interaction or Industry Linkage term, where is blank of the system theory. So there is lack of theoretical basis on making related national policy and investment decision.
     To meeting actual needs and filling blanks in researches, based on thorough study on related theory, this paper firstly construct theoretical system of industry linkage, which include the definition of Industry Linkage, the elements and its influence factors of industry linkage system, the linkage mechanism and the effects of the system.
     Based on the study of industry linkage theory, this paper secondly introduces the research thought and method of Complex Networks and applies it to construct the Industry Linkage Network. Making use of mathematical modeling and computer simulating, the stochastic and optimal evolvement models of the industry linkage network are constructed. The computer simulations show that the optimal evolvement model can reflect the real industry linkage system more accurately and reliably and can be used in the forecast research. The optimal evolvement model provides a feasible quantitative research method on the research of industry linkage network.
     Based on the study of evolvement models, in order to promote the application of the industry linkage network, this paper thirdly constructs the analysis frame on the industry linkage network, which divides into four parts. The first part put forewords the method which extract the sequential industry linkage sub graph and the spatial region linkage sub graph form the industry linkage network. The second part constructs the analysis indexes of the extracted sub graphs. Through analyzing the indexes, the industries and regions which could interactively develop based on their linkages can be determined. The third part presents a search method of optimal linkage path to a certain regional industry. Lastly, the evaluation method of linkage efficiency is proposed basically on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Acted as a bridge from theory to practice, the analysis frame is helpful to get valuable information from the complex industry linkage network.
     Based on the above researches, this paper lastly empirically study on the linkage of energy industries, especially on the western energy industries. Through the analysis of sequential industry linkage network, the main industries which could interactively develop with energy industries based on their linkages are determined. Through the analysis of spatial region linkage network, the main regions which could interactively develop with each other based on the energy are also determined. Through the efficiency evaluation of the core energy industry linkage network, the conclusion which the technical efficiency and region segmentation is the key factors that lead to efficiency loss of the core energy industry linkage network is made. Because the technical efficiency mainly lies in the western region and the region segmentation is the lake of industry linkage, the solution is to promote the western energy industry linkage. Therefore, on the basis of analyzing on the actual conditions in the western region, this paper obtains the leading energy industry group and its key linkage path suitable for the western region. This research achievement provides the theoretical basis for making associated policies and investment decisions.
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