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Graphene, which have been one of the new hot spot in the nanomaterial field because of its large surface area, simple preparation methods, unique physical and chemical properties, is a newly discovered carbon nanomaterial, and especially it has great potential in water treatment.
     The method of oxiding and reducing graphite is adopted to prepare graphene in this paper, and graphite oxide as the starting point of preparation of garaphene-metal (Graphene-Pt, Graphene-Cu) and graphene-metal oxides (Graphene-Fe_3O_4, Graphene-MnO_2) nanomaterials, and each of them as a catalyst on selected endocrine disrupting chemicals 2,4-dichlorophenol catalytic ozonation performance.
     According to different charasteristics of precursors, the graphene with different metals and metal oxides load as graphene-platinum, graphene-copper, graphene-Fe_3O_4, graphene-MnO_2 were prepared by taking graphite oxide as the foundation. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thermal gravimetric analysis, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and other modern test instruments and methods were characterized on the structure and the appearance attribute to the sample. Catalytic degradation experiment suggest that the abilities of the catalytic ozonation of 6.4wt% graphene-Pt and graphene-Fe_3O_4 catalytic material performance stronger and higher than the capacity of graphene, showing synergy in
     catalytic decomposition of ozone after the combination of Fe_3O_4 or platinum. Degradati- on performance tests show that under the same conditions, different initial concentrations have the different degradation rates, the lower the faster the removal. Different pH conditions also affect the removal, removal under neutral conditions the best. Graphene after load of copper as a catalyst on the 2, 4–dichlorophenol removal behave the same as graphene. The Capability of catalytic ozonation of graphene– porous MnO_2 material is worse than graphene.
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