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Making analysis of text depends on text users' knowledge functioning. Knowledge helps analyze different dimensions of text. That is, it helps investigate the internal settings, the situational context and sociocultural context where the text is formed. Knowledge also penetrates the process of text analysis, from the reference of words, information coherence to the consideration of sociocultural context and the meaning endowed by genre. Therefore, we contend that we should establish a text analysis system based on knowledge. Text users make use of this system to make an in-depth analysis of knowledge structure, the way in which their knowledge is created and involved and the way in which the text reflects the reality. Knowledge structure is not embodied in the text itself, but adopted by text users to comprehend texts. Knowledge structure can be considered from two aspects: first is the general cognitive structure; second is the multidimentional knowledge of the real world possessed by text users.
     Our undertaking in this dissertation is fourfold. Firstly, in Chapter Two, we made the definition of knowledge for this study as a token system of meaning by mind, text users' background information, cognitive structure of other relevant information and the shared knowledge between text makers and users. Through the classification of knowledge and the discussion of relation between knowledge and text, we try to identify the analytical system of knowledge adopted by text users in understanding and analyzing text, which involves various knowledge structures and the way knowledge functions in text.
     In terms of approaches used in text analysis, there are five categories. They are structural, cognitive, sociocultural, critical and integrated approaches to text analysis (Gee, 2000) . This study adopts the integrated approach to analysis. In view of the multidimentionally and multilayerly penetrating nature of knowledge, we integrate several approaches for analysis according to our theoretical basis and research purposes, such as cognitive and sociocultural analysis, to look into text integratively.
     Secondly, mainly in Chapter Three, we make a survey of relevant linguistic theories reflecting different approaches for analysis, such as systemic functional grammar, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. Systemic functional grammar is the most widely used research tool for critical discourse analysis. Pragmatics develops with text analysis and we can hardly draw a clear line of demarcation between these two areas. Cognitive linguistics concerns how the information is formed, memorized and transformed, which is relevant to text comprehension. On the basis of these theories, we put forward the theoretical background of the model for analysis with knowledge as core concept. The feasibility and significance of such a model are listed.
     Thirdly, we tend to establish the model of analytical system of knowledge for analyzing texts with the help of integrated analysis approach. The model involves three layers: text description, interpretation and explanation (O'Halloran, 2003:10). Description and interpretation fall into the category of text practice, while explanation mostly takes part in social and cultural practices though it is based on text practice. Text practice refers to the activity of text reading and coherent comprehension in accordance with context. Discourse practice includes semantic, pragmatic and cognitive analysis as far as text analysis is concerned. The stage of description mainly concerns the semantic and pragmatic analysis. Interpretation stage emphasizes the relation between text users' text practice and the text used. This is a process analysis, which leads to the involvement of text users' cognitive process. Social and cultural practices refer to the way in which knowledge is organized, talked about and acted upon in different institutions. Therefore, the stage of explanation specially reveals different approaches to manipulating text users by the text. In this study, the following measurements are used for detailed analysis at different levels. We use intertextuality, depth anaphor, topic accessibility and presupposition accessibility to describe the text. We interpret the text through testing the truth of text by mental space and mental model. In order to explain how the text manipulates and influences the social structure and cultural change, we focus on the role analytical system for knowledge plays in criticizing and even finding solution to the social problems. At this stage, shared knowledge or common ground and genre-based knowledge are the tools for analysis.
     Fourthly, we apply this integrated model to analyze different genres of public texts. From Chapter Five to Chapter Seven, we analyze journalistic text, political text and forensic text. Because of limited space, only the subgenres are discussed here. And particularly, we deal with interpretative journalistic text, political speech text and forensic closing argument text respectively. In Chapter Five, we analyze and make comparison of three interpretative reports, one of which is from an Indian web-based media and two of which are from an American newspaper and an American periodical. In Chapter Six, two speeches made by American President George W. Bush are examined. The speech on September 11~(th) attack in 2001 and the speech on successful defeat of Iraq display his different stands on being attacked and attacking. Chapter Seven makes a survey of the Simpson case. The text for analysis is the closing argument by both the counsel for the defence and the prosecutor before the final adjudication.
     This study suggests some insights into teaching of English reading and writing, especially in helping establishing critical discourse awareness and audience awareness on the part of the learners.
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