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     1.在分析国际和国内电子信息产业主要发展模式的基础上,根据影响电子信息产业发展模式形成与变化的主要因素,对电子信息产业发展模式进行了分类:按产业结构分为全面推进和重点突破模式,按产业布局分为OEM(OriginalEquipment manufacture)、ODM(Original Design manufacture)和OBM(Origihal Brand manufacture)模式,按产业组织分为大企业与中小企业主导模式,按技术创新分为自主创新与引进消化吸收创新,按国际贸易方式可分为以出口为主和国内外市场并重模式、按产业调控方式可分为市场主导和政府主导型。通过分类比较分析,得出了启示与借鉴意义:电子信息产业发展模式是动态的,将随着产业发展状况及国内外经济环境的变化而不断调整和优化,优化和调整的基础必须立足现有资源,产业发展的拉动力来自市场,推动力来自技术创新,保障力来自政府支持,执行力来自人才。
The electronic information industry is the aggregation of equipment produce, hardware manufacture, system integration, software exploit and service etc, for the sake of realizing the function of facture, process, diffuse and incept the information based on the electron and information technology. The electronic information industry is the most rapid and biggest industry in the world, and it is the strategic, basic and the mainstay industry of the current economy. Many countries and regions spend much attention and passion on the development of the electronic information industry.
     The electronic information industry is the most important and biggest industry of China. Its developmental pattern attracts the much attention. The Chinese government has payed highest attention to its development, The report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the CPC points out that integrate IT application with industrialization, develop information industry. Each province stresses on the development of electronic information industry for Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development. But the imbalance of industry development and repetition of industry structure is still serious. Industry developmental pattern is a resource utilization mode reflected on the inside and outside of industry structure based on the exterior developmental condition and market orientation. The choice of the industry development influence the adaptability of the electronic information industry to the change of exterior environment and internal structure and its development. The electronic information industry of Jiangxi province is underdeveloped, We must face many problems such as, how to configure the resource, how to exert the predominance itself, choose what kind of developmental pattern, how to choose the developmental pattern, what is the effect factor of developmental pattern etc. All the problems are the realistic and theoretic, we must solve and research them.
     The form and change of the electronic information industry developmental pattern is related to the time, site and condition,and it is a dynamic complicated system, which was effected and restricted by one and more factors. Based on the information economics theory, industry economics theory and region economics theory, the dissertation analyzes the electronic information industry developmental pattern of Jiangxi province by use of system engineering methods and system dynamic models. The major research contents and results are as follow.
     1. Based on the analysis of the electronic information industry developmental patterns of the international and domestic areas , found on the primary factors of its formation and change , electronic information industry developmental patterns can be classified such kinds: all-sided pattern and emphases pattern according to industry structure; OEM pattern, ODM pattern and OBM pattern according to industry layout; big enterprise pattern and medium- small enterprise pattern according to industry organize; The independence innovation pattern and learn innovation e pattern according to industry technique innovation.; The export pattern and export-domestic market pattern according to industry international trade; The market dominant pattern and government dominant pattern according to industry regulation. And we can find the some reference. Because the electronic information industry developmental patterns is dynamic, it will optimize and modulate according to the change of industry developmental level and economic environment. The optimization and modulation must base on the current foundation, the draught power from the market demand, the promote power from the technology innovation, the ensure power from the assist of government, the execute power from human resource.
     2. Based on the system feedback archetype mode theory, the dissertation introduce the upper limit stepwise generation and elimination method of the system pullulate upper limit mode, construct the five upper limit archetype mode such as: market demand upper limit archetype mode, human resource upper limit archetype mode; fund upper limit archetype modes; technology innovation upper limit archetype mode; government support upper limit archetype mode ;By combining the five upper limit archetype mode ,we can attain a electronic information industry developmental pattern system upper limit archetype mode. This mode reflects the relation of fund, market demand, technology innovation, human resource and government support. Based on system analyse of the electronic information industry developmental patterns of Jiangxi Province and utilizing the system upper limit archetype mode, we bring forward some manage policy to clear up the upper limit and repressive factors ,and enhance the positive feedback, accelerate the development of the electronic information industry.
     The electronic information industry of Jiangxi Province should adopt the composite developmental patterns: emphases pattern on industry structure; The export-domestic market pattern on industry international trade; The market dominant and government dominant combine pattern on industry regulation; Based on the independence innovation ,learning innovation and upgrade from OEM/ODM to OBM pattern on industry technique innovation and industry layout.
     3. On the basis of above researches, a system dynamic model of electronic information industry developmental pattern comprises six rate variable fundamental in-tree is built through system analysis and the rate variable fundamental in-tree modeling. Based on the manage policy to clear up the upper limit and repressive factors, the dissertation designs a integrated modulation plan consisting of recursive plan and ideal plan, compare the system simulation result of recursive plan and ideal plan, provide the measurable support to decision-making.
     4. The dissertation calculates the amount of feedback loop in the electronic information industry developmental pattern system dynamic mode, analyzes the feedback loop, establishs the system archetype aggregate, generats and analyzes new system archetype,realizes the hierarchy analyze of dynamic complexity feedback. It is account that, electronic information industry developmental pattern system is a dynamic complexity system, the form of the pattern is the result of many factors, long time and dynamic effect; the manage policy are correlative , interactional and unisolated, the implement of manage policy must be all-sided include market, human resource,fund, technique innovation, government support; the reason of system dynamic variety is the effect of feedback loop; the manage lever solution exists in the complex network system.
     5. The above researches have been applied in promoting the development of Jiangxi electronic information industry. Many manage policies and system simulation result have been adopted by government department. For example, some manage policies have been accepted and embodied on "The Eleventh Five-Year Plan of Jiangxi economy and society IT application"etc.
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