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Interference inhibition is an important premise for powerful learning. The aim of this study is to develop a proper paradigm and uncover the characteristic of the inhibition of emotional interference in powerful learning. First, lots of researches in the fields of visual processing, bilingual Learning, implicit cognition, learning disable and attention training are reviewed to discuss the role of selective attention and inhibition to powerful learning and identify the influence factors of them in learning. The paper also provided some new clues for exploring the psychological mechanism of interference inhibition on powerful learning in the future. Then, using the advanced paradigm, we observed that the inhibition of emotional interference and the inhibition of non-emotional interference is two absolute processes, which means we need to distinguish the emotional identify and non-emotional identify in identity inhibition. This result shaped an important supplement for the theory on the identity inhibition and the location inhibition. Finally, in order to give a good coaching to the lifelong learner, we try to use the related results for developing some programs to facilitate psychological development and education.
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