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The purpose of instrument flight procedure is to guarantee the safety and improve efficiency of airtraffic operations in terminal area, and flight procedure design is a scientific planning and reasonabledesign work for the arrival and departure air routes and the network consisted of them. Flight procedureis one of the most important airspace resources, and the basis of airspace planning, air traffic operationand airport constructions,etc. At the same time, procedure based operations become the direction oftechnology development in the future aviation transportation system. Evaluation of flight procedure’soperation include works about audit, evaluation and certification for flight procedure’s design schemesand it’s implementations, and then evacuation is a necessary step to ensure the rationality,feasibility forflight procedure.However, there is still lack of integrated, effective theory, models and methods for flightprocedure’s assessment.
     This thesis conducted in-depth analysis on the concept and connotation of flight procedure’s eval-uation problem, summarized the relevant aspects of the latest research achievements, advanced a newtheoretical system in four aspects including safety risk, economic efficiency, air traffic serviceabilityand environment impact, and constructed a dynamic trajectory model with the combination of flightdynamics and kinetics, and a complete flight procedure’s operation simulation and analysis softwareplatform was developed based on the theory,models,and methods purposed above.
     First of all, flight procedure’s operation safety and risk were researched systematically from multi-ple sides, multiple stages and multiple levels. Safety and risk includes mainly the risk of proximity ofterrains and air traffic conflict during flight. Proximity of terrains was consist of two stages. The firststage include departure procedures and the arrival,initial and inter-meditate segment of approach proce-dures. A cumulative risk model was established which calculated the probability of aircraft penetratingthe obstacle clearance altitude. Aiming at the Instrument Landing System approach process, the totalcollision probability was analyzed among aircraft and buildings with different position relationship inthe second stage.
     From macroscopic and microscopic levels, conflict risk phenomenon were researched respectively,aiming at the competition for spatiotemporal resources during multiple aircraft operations. From theperspective of prediction of the overall state of conflict,using the stochastic process method, the math-ematical expectation and variance of conflict frequency were calculated among crossing or convergingair traffic flows, then a macro conflict risk model was derived. A micro conflict risk model was ana-lyzed which was oriented conflict evolution process, and three measure models about conflict severity, conflict intensity and cumulative risk were proposed.Finally, several case studies were designed andimplemented, and the results of the experiments were analyzed.
     Economic analysis on flight procedure operation aimed at studying and revealing the potentialspace that enhanced economy by flight procedure’s optimization. Combined with aircraft dynamicmodels, flight cost index and fuel consumption models, the concept and the calculation models of flightprocedure operation cost were put forward innovative, and limited operation trajectory and referenceoperation trajectory were defined under specific airspace condition. According to a continuous descentapproach or continuous climb departure mode, the vertical profile of a direct horizontal route which wasdefined by the start point and the end point of a flight procedure,was optimized using four order Runge-Kutta method, with the objective of minimize the overall flight cost. Then, the optimized trajectorywas defined as a reference operation trajectory. Reference operation cost(ROC) and limited operationcost(LOC) were calculated respectively according to the models mentioned in this chapter. At last,economic efficiency was proposed by a function of ROC and LOC, and case study was carried out.
     In this thesis, air traffic control(ATC) serviceability of flight procedure is an entire innovative con-tent. Based on the characteristics analysis of of history trajectory data of flight procedure,a measure-ment method of trajectories similarity was established by the comparison of tracks which have the sametime series. Trajectories data of flight procedures operation were clustered through hierarchical cluster-ing method, and the mean flight trajectory was constructed according to each trajectory cluster. Thenthree ATC serviceability evaluation indicators and measurement methods were proposed, which includethe concept and algorithms for longitudinal deviation,lateral deviation and outlier’s ratio. At last, acase study of trajectory clustering was implemented and the analysis result certificates the availabilityof clustering methods and the conceptual models of ATC serviceability.
     The environmental impacts resulted by flight procedure operation include noise and exhaust gasemissions. Several noise impact evaluation models commonly used and their limit standards were ana-lyzed. Considering the shortages of airport noise assessment index system in China, a evaluation indexand its limit value which is applicable to noise impact analysis of flight procedure operations, was pro-posed. A segmented trajectory model according with the feature of flight phase was established whichcombined dynamics with kinematics, and a mathematical method describing trajectory using state ma-trix and control matrix was purposed. Several satisfaction evaluation functions about noise impact,flight cost and air navigation were established based on fuzzy theory. Three heuristic search rules anddynamic neighborhood search method were presented to improve simulated annealing algorithm, andcase study and analysis was finished. Considering the lack of the emission index model developed byInternational Civil Aviation Organization, a amended model which could calculated accurately the e- mission of HC,CO and NO was developed. A method similar to economy efficiency was used toanalyzed emission efficiency for flight procedure operation.
     Finally, the architecture of the flight procedure operation simulation and evaluation platform wasstudied and two subsystems include the flight operation simulation engine subsystem and the perfor-mance analysis subsystem were exposited on emphasis. A real terminal airspace was modeled as anexample to design and carried out several synthetic simulation experiments.
     The theories and methods for flight procedure operation’s elevation were researched comprehen-sively and systematically, the assessment indexes and it’s measurement models are sensible and practicalsolutions, and a helpful simulation and analyzed platform has been developed correspondingly. The re-search achievements of the thesis completes the theories of flight procedure evaluation, but also coverthe shortage of fundamental researches on simulation verification application platform in air traffic man-agement, and will provide a technological support on the further and deep researches in analysis on theperformance of air traffic system.
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