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     研究分别建立了二硝基苯胺类、苯氧羧酸类、磺酰脲类、三嗪类、酰胺类等多类常用除草剂残留检测方法,以适用于不同的检测目的。二硝基苯按类除草剂属于脂溶性化学物质,易溶于有机溶剂,另外分子中带有电负性原子,因此选择气相色谱/电子铺获检测器建立检测方法,方法灵敏度高、选择性好,同时建立了气相色谱/质谱确证检测参数。苯氧羧酸类除草剂由于是有机酸类除草剂,水溶性好,应用三氟化硼-乙醚/甲醇溶液衍生化的方式,使得苯氧羧酸类除草剂形成甲酯化产物,应用气相色谱/质谱建立了定性定量检测方法,方法的灵敏度达到了0.005 mg/kg。磺酰脲类除草剂在磷酸缓冲溶液/乙腈梯度洗脱下,完成分离和液相色谱定量检测。三嗪类除草剂经过方法学实验,以乙腈/水梯度洗脱,在228 nm波长下液相色谱/二极管矩阵检测器检测,各组分均获得良好的分离。根据酰胺类除草剂的性质,在优化提取分离条件下,以乙腈/水为流动相,在210nm波长下测定,获得很好的检测下限和分离度。
The study was based on the 10th five-year plan Food Safety Key Project "Establishment of systematic determination and rapid screening methods of pesticides and veterinary drugs residues"(2001BA804All) and "Study on pesticides residues determination technology" (2001BA804A17).The study was aimed at filling the blank of herbicides residues determination technology and meeting the international requirement of more and more stringent MRLs.
     Our paper summarized the development and application history,trend in recent years and generalization of 18 kinds widely used pesticides.The physical and chemical properties and toxicological research were also introduced.This chapter also reviewed the change of pesticides MRLs values,especially the huge change in recent years.For example,the MRLs of the pesticides used in soybeans involved in Japan "positive list" were reviewed.The influence of the MRLs change and lack of determination technology on the soybean consumption and export was also analyzed.The chapter emphasized on the situation of analytical methods of pesticides residues in soybean in China and abroad.
     In addition,the prohibited pesticides regulated in developed countries and some limitation standards on soybean in our country were also analyzed in the chapter.The toxicology and analytical methods of pesticides metabolites arisen recently in foreign countries were also reviewed.The establishment of systematic determination technology was put forward to meet the requirement of pesticides MRLs.
     According to the pesticides classification,the determination methods of dinitroaniline, phenoxycarboxylic acids,sulfonyluerea,amides,triazines residues were demonstrated to meet the different requirements.Dinitroaniline herbicides were soluble in organic solvent and there were electronegative atoms in molecules,therefore,GC/ECD method which showed great sensitivity and selectivity was chosen and the parameters of GC-MS for confirmative determination was established.Phenoxycarboxylic acids herbicides belong to organic acid herbicides and were easily dissolved in water.To get the formate products,boron trifluoride-ether-methanol was used for derivation.Then the GC-MS method was established for both qualitative and quantitative analysis and the sensitivity of method was up to 0.005 mg/kg.The baseline separation and HPLC quantitative determination of sulfonyluerea herbicides were achieved using phosphate buffer/acetonitrile gradient elution and the method was reliable.In this part,the satisfactory detection limits and resolution were obtained under the optimal extraction conditions.Acetonitrile/ water were used as mobile phase and the wavelength was set at 210 nm.The mixture of triazine herbicides were well separated using HPLC/DAD method,the experimental conditions were acetonitrile/water gradient elution and 228 nm.
     The ultra performance analytical method based on 1.7μm particles was established. Compared with HPLC,UPLC~(TM) has higher column efficiency and the separation could be achieved under higher flow rate and back pressure.UPLC/MS/MS method was used for the determination of 14 different kinds herbicides commonly used in agriculture,totally 111 compounds were extracted,purified and separated,the excellent results were obtained.The sensitivity of the method was up to 0.1 mg/kg.
     HPLC-TOF-MS method was used for the screening and determination of unknown herbicides residues in soybean for the first time.TOF-MS could provide the accurate molecular weight for the suspicious herbicide residues,therefore,the screening and confirmation of the unknown targeted herbicide residues could be achieved.The establishment of the method solved the key problem of the screening technology of totally unknown samples and provided the technical support for the national farm produce residues monitoring and spot test.
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