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With the development of science and technology, nonlinear science has developed rapidly. In the course of studying nonlinear science, we would encounter all kinds of nonlinear equations inevitably. Therefore how to solve these nonlinear equations not only becomes the key to scientific research, but also becomes the difficulty points. However, in general, it is still difficult to obtain exact solutions of the nonlinear equations. So the study of numerical solutions for nonlinear equations becomes very significant. Adomian decomposition method and homotopy analysis method are two important methods to solve nonlinear equations which can obtain numerical solutions.
     In this paper, based on symbolic computation software Maple, we make use of Adomian decomposition method and homotopy analysis method to investigate some important differential-difference equations, then obtain the useful numerical solutions and give out figure anlysis.
     It is organized as follows:
     Chapter 1 briefly reviews the history and the progress of soliton theory. Adomian decomposition method and homotopy analysis method are introduced. The end of the chapter shows the significance of studying the nonlinear differential-difference equations. The corresponding figures anlysis is given.
     Chapter 2 detailedly introduces the Adomian decomposition method. We combine Adomian decomposition method and Padéapproximants to solve the relativistic Toda lattice equation and the modified Volterra lattice equation. The practical significance of numerical solution is obtained.
     Chapter 3 concretely explains Homotopy analysis method. We apply this method to Blaszak-Marciniak three-field lattice equations and obtain the approximate solutions. At last, we give the figures to simulate the approximate solutions.
     Chapter 4 is the summary and outlook of the dissertation.
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