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Since the economic crisis broke, the state has invested a large-scale infrastructure construction, making the development of water conservancy and hydropower projects usher in a new round of development peaks. As the basis of building a digital and visualization design of hydropower project, construction process management and monitoring, modeling and analysis of three-dimensional geological and its applications are very important. This thesis uses the combination of grid-based three-dimensional geological block modeling and reconstruction techniques, visual technology, GIS technology and intelligent data analysis techniques to discuss three-dimensional geological modeling of information systems in detail, and develop a large-scale three-dimensional geological model based on three-dimensional survey and design information management and monitoring of data management, information visualization systems, and conduct a preliminary engineering application. The main research contents and research achievements are summarized as follows:
     1. Studies grid-based reconstruction of the rapid geological modeling in-depth. For three-dimensional modeling, based on the distribution characteristics of engineering survey data, proposes block modeling method for important region, and excavation algorithm for the sub-blocks of the data is also present. For the grid rapid reconstruction, analyzes existing survey information and data, and proposes fast modeling and reconstruction methods based on survey data.
     2. Studies three-dimensional modeling methods for building structures, and builds model for dams, underground power houses and three-dimensional monitoring instruments, etc. In three-dimensional modeling and analysis, proposes the designing of three-dimensional illustration standards of monitoring instrumentation. According to the design information of instruments, a fast three-dimensional modeling method of monitoring instruments is present. By associating graphics and databases, it's possible for monitoring data to directly conduct operations such as query with models.
     3. Based on the establishment of three-dimensional geological model and the monitoring instruments location information, three-dimensional geological distribution, monitoring data and other information, improves Shepherd (Shepherd) algorithm, and uses it for fast simulation deformation of or deformation of the distribution during the process of excavation of underground powerhouse.
     4. Using GPRS as communication way, quickly integrates data collected by automated monitoring instruments into the system monitoring database. Uses conventional time series forecasting model to forecast and analyze these data.
     5. Integrating GIS technology, three-dimensional geological modeling technology, three-dimensional modeling techniques of building structures, visualization technology, security monitoring technology and water conservancy and hydropower projects, discusses the overall design and implementation of integrated systems, using VC++ and DirectX as development tools, based on dynamic link libraries and components programming, develops three-dimensional geological modeling management information system with completely independent ground floor and independent copyright.
     6. Taking Nuozhadu Hydropower Station Monitoring system engineering and three-dimensional visualization system engineering of Xiangjiaba hydropower as examples, on the development of an integrated analysis system for practical engineering application, verifies the system's theoretical research significance and practical value for engineering application.
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