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With the development of Digital Earth transformed from a conceptual model into the practical applications, many assumptions from Digital Earth have become realities, and greatly facilitated the public life. Tourism is the field relying on the earth, then putting the idea of Digital Earth into tourism and building the digital tourism engineering, the digital process of tourism can be advanced constantly, which meets the needs of tourism digitalization among the society, groups and individuals.
     The implementation of digital tourism engineering needs the public spatial information service model support, while G/S (Geo-browser/Spatial Data Servers) model as a novel and public spatial information network service model, which takes the advantages owned by both B/S and C/S model as the references.One hand, Geo-browser has the powerful functions of Client in C/S model, and the characteristics of simplicity, universal and easy distribution of Web Browser in B/S model. On the other hand, special data servers have the rapidity of Server in C/S model, and functional diversity of Server in B/S model. Therefore, combining G/S model with digital tourism to build the digital tourism engineering based on G/S model, the theoretical basis and application model will be provided for exploring and constructing the spatial information service application platforms, which take services as the core in the era of Neogeography.
     The digital tourism engineering based on G/S model is the novel approach of implementing the digital tourism under the background of Neogeography, while its innovation and prospectivity coexist with its exploratory and uncertainty. Therefore, it is necessary to present the quantitative evaluation for it, by which we are able to determine the feasibility, effectiveness and superiority produced by adopting G/S model to build the digital tourism engineering. The results of evaluation should reflect the special evaluation of the digitalization degree, industrialization degree and development potential of the digital tourism engineering based on G/S model, which are performed by experts who are in the relevant professional fields of digital tourism engineering, such as tourism, informationization, industrialization and spatial information technology, etc. At the same time, the results of evaluation should also reflect the public evaluation for the satisfaction degree of the digital tourism engineering based on G/S model, which are performed by mass users, such as tourists, trade companies and management departments, etc. In addition, the evaluation of the digital tourism engineering based on G/S model has the reference value for the tourism informatization evaluation and the evaluation of other digital engineering, and provides the decision basis for reducing the repeated development and repeated construction of data in tourism information construction at present.
     Aiming at both the increasing development trend of the network, popular and real-time application demand of the spatial information, problems existed in research on digital tourism of our country, and deficiencies of the existing spatial information network service model which is the bottleneck in storage, computation and access of the abundant spatial data caused by its architecture system, are considered synthetically. In this paper, from the beginning of research on digital tourism engineering theoretical system, a more in-depth study on digital tourism engineering based on G/S model has been conducted, and the factors effected the evaluation of digital tourism engineering have been analyzed. The factor evaluation systems are constructed respectively for mass users and experts, and factors in each level are defined as numerical value. By computing the factor value and weight of every level using different method respectively, the digital tourism engineering based on G/S model can be evaluated quantitatively. Specially, the dissertation summarizes the main results achieved in the following aspects:
     1. It is clarified that Service Composition on Client is the working mechanism of G/S model. On the basis of the research on the existing spatial information network service model and its application, by analyzing the characteristics and structure system of information flow during the course of spatial information service, the idea of composition from grid computing and cloud computing is merged into G/S model. Meanwhile, it points out definitely the working mechanism of G/S model is the service composition on client built on the basis of Request- Composition-Server computing mode, laying the foundation for the deep research on the theoretical and technical system of G/S model.
     2. Digital tourism engineering theoretical system and technical architecture system have been preliminarily formed. From the view of framework of Digital Earth, the concept of digital tourism engineering covering both tourism information and tourism service is presented, and contents of digital tourism engineering such as the connotation, theoretical basis, framework system and space partition, etc. are reinterpreted. At the same time, applying G/S spatial information service model to digital tourism engineering, and from the view of information flow, it researches and analyzes the architecture system and working mechanism of digital tourism engineering based on G/S model, meanwhile, digital tourism engineering theoretical system and technical architecture system have been preliminarily formed. It will provide the theoretical basis and application model for constructing the spatial information service application platforms, which take services as the core in the era of Neogeography.
     3. A set of factor evaluation system and evaluation method of digital tourism engineering based on G/S model are presented. The effects on the digital tourism engineering based on G/S model caused by infrastructure construction, data support, technology system, application platforms, industry measure system, security system, planning and organizing, and etc, are considered synthetically. The hierarchy factor evaluation systems are constructed respectively for mass users and experts, while presenting the corresponding evaluation method for them. By computing the factor value and factor weight of each factor located in action level, criteria level and target level, the evaluation value of digital tourism engineering based on G/S model, which are evaluated by experts and mass users, is worked out through computing the factor value and weight located in each level, and eventually implementing the quantitative evaluation of digital tourism engineering based on G/S model. The evaluation results obtained are able to show more accurate value of evaluation gave by experts and mass users of digital tourism engineering based on G/S model, and lays theoretical foundation for improving the accuracy of evaluation.
     4. The network platform of digital tourism engineering evaluating system based on G/S model is constructed. The personnel involved in evaluation of digital tourism engineering based on G/S model include industry experts and mass users which is the characteristics of large number, large type and large data quantity. In order to facilitate the participants to evaluate and improve the evaluation efficiency, the application software is used in digital tourism engineering evaluation based on G/S model under the network environment. The system is based on B/S model, and the foreground is in charge of interaction with users by Web pages, as well as the background is in charge of database management. The system is able to finish the evaluation of experts and mass users rapidly according to evaluation methods presented in dissertation, and it has some reference value and popularization value to construct digital tourism engineering evaluating system and information platform in other fields.
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