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Virtual Surgery is the application of Virtual Reality technology in the field of modern medicine. The development and application of the Virtual Surgery system can not only provide the endoscopic surgery training platform for doctors, but also support real surgery. Its emergence promotes the popularity and application of endoscopic surgery greatly. Therefore, the Virtual Surgery is of great research value and prospect.
     Practical Virtual Surgery system must draw a realistic surgical scene. In order to show the rich texture details of surface skin, all kinds of soft tissues and bone surface, it is necessary to make comprehensive use of Texture Synthesis Technology. Because of the human organs' complexity of texture and geometrical features, a simple Texture Mapping system can not meet the need of Virtual Surgery system. Thus, the improvement and comprehensive application of the Texture Synthesis Technology is one of the key technologies of the research and development of Virtual Surgery system. This thesis focuses on the improvement of the texture synthesis in the perspective of speed and quality, and does some research on 2D texture synthesis and 3D texture synthesis technology. This research can be described as follows.
     In 2D texture synthesis technology, this thesis adopts a method based on the sample point by point, presents a best neighborhood algorithms and develops a practical software named "Dipper" which can process image and texture synthesis. The software "Dipper" realize fast and effective of synthesis the medical samples texture
     This thesis proposes a new method of 3D texture synthesis algorithm. Firstly, the triangle mesh is simplified and segmented. Then, a growth direction of the vector field is calculated on the triangle mesh. Base on the vector field, the texture is synthesized on the surface patch by patch. This algorithm not only avoids the phenomena of seaming and distortion in 3D surface texture synthesis, but also accelerates the process of texture synthesis.
     Finally, as shown in the example of "Virtual Arthroscopy Surgery System", we design the texture mapping framework and establishes the texture sample database. In the system development process, the use of the texture mapping framework can meet different scenes by choosing 2D texture mapping or 3D surface texture synthesis in rendering texture details for virtual objects. The proposed framework can provide more realistic and consistent virtual surgery scenes. Besides, it significantly speeds up the updating rate of the virtual scenes and therefore satisfies the demands of Virtual Surgery system.
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