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The economic globalization including trade liberalization as main part makes important influence on countries' economic growth and social development. The economic globalization developing, area economic cooperation deepening and knowledge economy advancing have enormous influence on world economy. The variation of international trade, investment and production reflect world economy development. Taking a panoramic view of the world economy, any government to achieve self-development and increase national wealth is trying to use trade to develop their economies. Trade strategy and policy become important supplement to domestic strategy and policy, which can promote economy growth and country competitiveness. After Keynes broke the hypothesis of full employment in macroeconomics, trade theoretical field's analysis on developed countries' "Demand-Reverse" and Industrial Inanition in the 1980s and on the Latin American countries' trade-income paradox in the 1990s, makes the study about trade's influence on labor market becoming one of rising topics in international economics subject. Since then the research of international trade's effect to employment and income distribution becomes advancing and hot issue in current trade theoretical field. Also it has realistic meaning to trade policy exercise.
     China as a developing great population nation, under economics rapid development, has showed two points: the first one, urban unemployment rate rose from 5.415 million in 1980 to 8 million in 2007, about 0.2 billion of rural unskilled labor in job-waiting. Chinese Gini coefficient rose from 0.23 in 1980 to 0.48 in 2007. The Other point, the total amount of Chinese import and export trade rose from USD dollar 38.14 billion in 1980 to 176.069 billion in 2007, with average increase of 27% per year. China had become the third big trading nation in the world. Is it the main reason of Chinese employment and income distribution variation that trade development? What influence of trade on Chinese labor market? This article gives the answers from the view of international trade effecting employment, salary and labor demand elasticity.
     The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 is preamble, introducing research background, purpose, approach and innovation; Chapter 1 presents literature overview, in this section I unscramble the relevant papers about trade effecting labor market from both theoretical and empirical aspects. I collate the literature according to international trade development track in the theory part and according to the three different ways of international trade effecting labor market in the empirical part. Chapter 2 to 6 of the article are empirical analysis. The starting point is to estimate the influence of domestic demand and trade on employment from GDP accounting view, which presents in Chapter 2 as an expatiation in order to get intuitive understanding about domestic demand and overseas market demand influence on employment creation effect. In chapter 3,4 and 5, employing the Chinese industry panel data during 1997-2006 and fixed-effect model, the paper aims to study the impact of international trade on the wage distribution, employment and labor demand elasticity, based on which I measure the effect of international trade on employment and wage differential. Chapter 6 as extended empirical model, I study the influence of trade on industry total factors productivity and wage from intermediate goods trade view. Conclusions and directions for further research are given in chapter 7.
     Based on the above study, the paper gets several conclusions:
     First, trade especially the employment multiplier effect of export is the major impetus to improve employment at the present stage. Additionally, domestic demand especially demand for non-trade commodities is a potential source of job enlargement.
     Second, trade raises the wage of labor with elementary education level, decreases the salary of labor with secondary education level and raises the salary of labor with higher education level in high technology, medium-high technology and medium technology industries.
     Third, besides closely related to labor cost, employment is also affected by many macroeconomic factors. Trade and trade-protection policy have significant difference in employment distribution on industrial sector with different technical levels, especially on the employment in higher technology industry.
     Forth, trade and exchange rate indicators shed a profound impact on the labour demand elasticity, and the causality is primarily taken through the substitution effect between labour and alternative production factors, while the scale effect of changing product demand elasticity is only secondary. Import liberalization will make labor demand curve more elastic, nevertheless when considering additional openness variables such as exports and real effective exchange rate, the negative impact of imports on the labor market will be offset, and ultimately the net effect of openness destines to reduce employment risk in the Chinese industry.
     Fifth, outsourcing and foreign direct investment have significantly promoted industry total factors productivity and raise the average wage. Nevertheless, outsourcing and foreign direct investment expanded the wage gap between skilled labor and unskilled labor.
     The contributions of this article include:
     First, in accordance with the trade theory development stage, I unscramble the theory framework about connection research of international trade with labor market, and summarize the trade effects labor market in three ways. Then it is clear that the topic's position in international trade, acquired results, research hot and controversial issues; Second, according to level of industrial technology and labor length of education enjoyed, I subdivide industry segments and labor. Based on the database, we make empirical tests about international trade effecting employment, income distribution and labor elasticity; Third, the article not only concerns the influence of trade on employment and salary in traditional sense, but also emphasizes the impact of trade on concealed question about employment and income risk. The paper deeply measures trade's influence on labor demand elasticity from industry, educational and regional perspectives to study above questions; Forth, by using industry panel date, from the view of intermediate input trade the article study the impact of outsourcing and related FDI on the change of total factors productivity, average wage and factor income distribution.
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